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Afghanistan’s relations with Pakistan

Im not which world you live in, but it's us in the combat field Americans barely provides us intelligence and training support. We don't need bailout as our economy is steady and our currency competitive in the region..

So the Americans tell you who to kill, where to go, and how to do it. Thats 90% of the job, you just admitted in your own words that you heavily depend on them to run your country

...and yeah competitive currency LOL, what region is that? West Kabul to East Kabul?:lol:
Afghanistan will bow down to Pakistan and you will eventually listen to our demands. Otherwise, Kabul will continue to burn for another century and the cycle will continue until you bark to our tune. Nobody is interested to listen and accept Afghanistan stance on the Durand Line. You're an insignificant nation, the American's have realized that, so like a used condom you'll be thrown in the bin. The truth hurts, but accept your reality. The hashish army of Kabul are dying like flies and you're losing territory. India can't do jackshit, they can't even handle the Kashmiri's. You belong in our playground, so we dictate the rules.

Ok buddy, we rather burn for centuries than bowing to a broke failed state of fundamental fanatics. We'll see what's the outcome of the stalled talks.
Ok buddy, we rather burn for centuries than bowing to a broke failed state of fundamental fanatics. We'll see what's the outcome of the stalled talks.
you always betrays us, we help you every time but you always spitting venom against Pakistan, keep blabbering senselessly @TheUndertaker :blah::blah::blah:
Taliban had have make Afghanistan more safer and drug free state than currently your trash country are @TheUndertaker

That's up to us to decide, we know how and who makes our country better. Trash? You mean not having drinking water, people dying of heat? Living in gutter conditions. That kind of trash lolll. Beggars can't be choosers.
That's up to us to decide, we know how and who makes our country better. Trash? You mean not having drinking water, people dying of heat? Living in gutter conditions. That kind of trash lolll. Beggars can't be choosers.
and you're puppet of India/USA, and Pakistan lot better country than your trash country @TheUndertaker
Pakistan gave nationality to afghan migrants gave shelter/food etc and still afghans are hating pakistanis. Why is that? Every country have their ups and downs no need to remind other countries of their problems look at ur own problems 1st.

India will show their true colors to u too someday. Beware.
Ok buddy, we rather burn for centuries than bowing to a broke failed state of fundamental fanatics. We'll see what's the outcome of the stalled talks.

No problem, but you're living in Canada, and the people of Afghanistan don't have the appetite. 2018 was the worse year for civilian deaths and quite frankly the ANA is dropping like flies. The Chinese have invested billions of dollars, the Saudi have done the same so on what grounds is Pakistan a broken state? When the hashish regime has no army and its territory is confined to Kabul then we shall see how much bravado you have left. We fed, clothed and sheltered the Afghans, so you have no dignity.
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