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Afghanistan will never recognise the Durand Line: Hamid Karzai

i never saw efforts regarding asking current afghan govt to accept durand line(Accepted multiple times by other govt in the past)
full pressure should be excreted instead we see nothing, this is the best times, even boss "USA" will not bother and would rather ask them to accept durand line. this should have been the first thing mushi should have asked post 9/11.
instead we find out our selves in a position to close boarders and make problems, which hurting our economy more

You realise it doesn't even matter right? Afghanistan is banana republic in true sense, even if someone accept it today tomorrow someone else will reject it. They signed off durrand line to British half dozen times in return of money.
he and his likes have done more damage then good to Afghanistan..
Very good idea, this will surely win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people.:)

It's better for Pakistan if it has friendly relations with the people of Afghanistan.

So do we, but as you can see the Afghans will never be satisfied until they have control of Khyber and FATA areas.

Imagine if Bangladesh one day claimed all of Eastern India up to Hyderabad, and worked with Pakistan to fund terrorists all over India. Do you think you would ever be able to secure peace? Imagine if you built them infrastructure, schools, hospitals, and offered trade deals only for them to remain hostile; How would you feel about them?
You realise it doesn't even matter right? Afghanistan is banana republic in true sense, even if someone accept it today tomorrow someone else will reject it. They signed off durrand line to British half dozen times in return of money.

LOL the Afghan government cannot control Kabul. Let alone Afghanistan. Undoubtedly Afghanistan is the most animalistic country on the planet. No rule of law.

Pakistan doesn't give a fvck about a jungle known as Afghanistan. I'm glad we have closed the border. I'm enjoying how Afghans are begging for the border to be reopened. We are not going to open the border. Time for Afghans to make use of Chabahar. Now we need to repatriate Afghans from Pakistan.
Very good idea, this will surely win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people.:)

It's better for Pakistan if it has friendly relations with the people of Afghanistan.

Seemed to work when India annexed hyderabad...
You realise it doesn't even matter right? Afghanistan is banana republic in true sense, even if someone accept it today tomorrow someone else will reject it. They signed off durrand line to British half dozen times in return of money.
well thats our problem, we think these small but important things dont matter
these things matters alot, it matters if afghan-pak relations are not good, it matters if india cries about Baluchistan
it matters if people think we are undermining current afghan govt

well we need to milk Afghanistan for our purpose especially economically, which will help eliminate poverty both in pakistan and afghan, instead we have created a diplomatic night mare in our backyard
we have gold mines, a market of 3 crore people which we will ultimately hand over to india, iran and central asian countries. if we continue our current behavior, remember Afghanistan is not geographically land locked, its only economically land locked. if we continue our current behavior, we will loose this market and this what india is counting on

we have failed miserably diplomatically due to our own stupidity
Isn't it frustrating that Pakistani government, media and establishment missing out stating A critical fact - "neither Ashraf Ghani nor Hamid Karzai represent Afghan people". Their opinion of Afghan position as a nation and actions are invalid".

Once Pakistan emphasize this critical fact, taking action against illegal indian stooges in Kabul become more easy.
Pakistan is not going to take care of any one in Kabul, but if they interfere the way they do, Pakistan will use all the options it has including blockage of goods and services.
Corrupt attention seeking politician whose brother and son got caught red handed in embezzling millions of dollars. Am from Peshawar and its belongs to Pakistan. We can have a vote in Afghanistan Pushton areas and see which areas want to join Pakistan. What Afghanistan have done for the Pushtons on the other side of the border deprived them of their rights and constant instability. What Afghanistan have offered to them Indian consulates lol. Mayor of Kabul can talk who could only rule Green zone only. Pakistan Zindabad. :pakistan:
Its sad to see our neighbor stuck before the years of 1893. The Durand line agreement was signed by Abdur Rehman Khan. Why not take up the issue with that Afghan ruler who sacrificed Peshawar for Kandahar and Kabul. This was their committment to pashtun unity. Now when Pashtuns of Pakistan are fully integrated, love Pakistan and are more educated and richer than Afghans they want them back. Sounds like hypocrisy. Afghanistan has always been stuck in that year. That is the situation as a result of their nation.
The karzai snake statement is only making things worse for Afghanistan, Border should stay closed for the foreseeable future, this gives Pakistan excuse to go deep inside Afghanistan and capture the areas as a buffer zone to keep the terrorists out.
I see this as an open invitation to Pakistan Army to occupy Wakhan Corridor (which was given to Afghanistan as a buffer between British and Russian Empire)
Then Pakistan will be connected directly to Central Asia, no need of China or Afghanistan
I also don't agree with the Durand line. My people, the ancestors of Awans are the indigenous people of North West Pakistan and South East Afghanistan. I will also never accept the Duran line until we have taken back our land!!
I see this as an open invitation to Pakistan Army to occupy Wakhan Corridor (which was given to Afghanistan as a buffer between British and Russian Empire)
Then Pakistan will be connected directly to Central Asia, no need of China or Afghanistan

Encourage Tajikistan to take that strip ... they can hold the afghans back while pakistan get the benefit of bordering central Asian countries directly.

I also don't agree with the Durand line. My people, the ancestors of Awans are the indigenous people of North West Pakistan and South East Afghanistan. I will also never accept the Duran line until we have taken back our land!!

Don't think that region should ever go to the northern alliance hazars and the mess called Afghanistan. Ultimately, i hope the establishment in Afghanistan figures out their future depends on friendly relations with pakistan is to their benefit. Unfortunately, the afghans have been infamous at shooting themselves in the foot because they are unable to see beyond their tribalism.
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