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Afghanistan wants reopening of border with Pakistan: envoy


Nov 26, 2016
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United Kingdom
Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan Omar Zakhilwal on Thursday called for reopening of the border that Pakistan closed a week ago due to a series of terrorist attacks that killed over 100 people in Pakistan.

Pakistan says that it has closed the border over "security concerns" as those who claimed last week attacks were "from the Afghan side of the border." However, Afghanistan denies the statements.

"As part of the quick de-escalation of the prevailing tension between Afghanistan and Pakistan, as agreed in our talks with the relevant Pak authorities a couple of days ago, Torkharm, Spin Boldak and other crossing points should have reopened by now, but unfortunately still remain shut," Zakhilwal said in a statement.

"In fact, formal trade and transit crossing points between our two countries, under no circumstances, should have been closed in the first place, both as per Afghanistan-Pakistan Trade and Transit Agreement and also Afghanistan's land-locked country transit right as per international rules," the Afghan envoy said in the statement which was posted on his official Twitter and Facebook pages.

Meanwhile, Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokesman Nafees Zakaria has said that a decision regarding opening of Pak-Afghan border will be taken in due course of time.

"Pakistan has continued to maintain and emphasize that effective border management is vital for preventing cross border movement of terrorists. Pakistan is ready to work with Afghanistan on those issues in a spirit of mutual respect, trust and cooperation," the spokesman said at his weekly briefing in Islamabad on Thursday.

The spokesman said issues between Pakistan and Afghanistan need to be addressed through constructive and positive engagements. Endit

We can't do trade at the expense of our citizen's blood. Shut the border forever.
"In fact, formal trade and transit crossing points between our two countries, under no circumstances, should have been closed in the first place, both as per Afghanistan-Pakistan Trade and Transit Agreement and also Afghanistan's land-locked country transit right as per international rules," the Afghan envoy said in the statement which was posted on his official Twitter and Facebook pages.

This is our border and we reserve rights to close it for the sake of our security...
WTF''''K if you are landlocked country.. Go to Iran route then..
Keep the border closed till the border towns in Afghanistan realise doing terrorism in Pakistan will mean they will starve.

Really need to push hard and stay disciplined. We will break these monkeys in soon enough.
Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan Omar Zakhilwal on Thursday called for reopening of the border that Pakistan closed a week ago due to a series of terrorist attacks that killed over 100 people in Pakistan.

Pakistan says that it has closed the border over "security concerns" as those who claimed last week attacks were "from the Afghan side of the border." However, Afghanistan denies the statements.

"As part of the quick de-escalation of the prevailing tension between Afghanistan and Pakistan, as agreed in our talks with the relevant Pak authorities a couple of days ago, Torkharm, Spin Boldak and other crossing points should have reopened by now, but unfortunately still remain shut," Zakhilwal said in a statement.

"In fact, formal trade and transit crossing points between our two countries, under no circumstances, should have been closed in the first place, both as per Afghanistan-Pakistan Trade and Transit Agreement and also Afghanistan's land-locked country transit right as per international rules," the Afghan envoy said in the statement which was posted on his official Twitter and Facebook pages.

Meanwhile, Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokesman Nafees Zakaria has said that a decision regarding opening of Pak-Afghan border will be taken in due course of time.

"Pakistan has continued to maintain and emphasize that effective border management is vital for preventing cross border movement of terrorists. Pakistan is ready to work with Afghanistan on those issues in a spirit of mutual respect, trust and cooperation," the spokesman said at his weekly briefing in Islamabad on Thursday.

The spokesman said issues between Pakistan and Afghanistan need

Well first of all thanks to Mr Nawaz Sharif who stiched us up with this transit trade. any business benifiting india means that you are giving india to buy bullets to shoot us and our brothers in kashmir. Afghan noraml people love pakistan however the ones which has anything to do with Government are like snakes filled with venom fed by indians.
border should be opened but with tight security chek every one coming
sorry we don't want Indian proxy war in Pakistan by crossing the Afghanistan border. Afghanistan should take the bold step and say to Indian agencies that "bye bye" from Afghanistan
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If the Torkham gates open the absolute hell awaits us, apart from the Afghan, Indian terrorists waiting to strike us. There are these 5th century barbarians whose airspace belongs to Americans and capital to their cronies, but they live in a make believe sick pride, that Pakistan should be punished. There are locals in Paktia province as well as neighbour provinces burning Pakistan flag and asking Afghan govt. to help them teach 'Punjabis' a lesson. They were sheltering terrorists Ahraar like groups. This namak haraam afghan community does'nt remember how Pakistan protected them or else half of them would've been exterminated. Kabul with help of india has diverted every blame towards Pakistan for the suffering they and americans inflicted.

This border should be permanently closed and walled, and the refugees repatriated alongwith this ghani crony ambassador zakhilwal.ANP ghaddars should also be loaded with them on the trucks to Afghanistan will shed some garbage from this country. There are Afghan fb posts in hate language which are asking fdor dismembering of Pakistan. Its necessary as to make Pakistanis understand there is an enemy nation waiting to kill us who believe that Afghanistan border is uptil Attock [all West Pakistan] and they would take it in future. Afghans still hold view that KPK, FATA, north Balochistan should be Pashtunistan separated from Pakistan.

The 'peaceloving' Afghan traders torching Pak flag near Torkham border


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