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Afghanistan wants reopening of border with Pakistan: envoy

Image how many fake CNICs have been issued by corrupt passport officers over the decades, how many have sneaked in through the border. How many Afghans are fake Pakistanis living in the country who suddenly become suicide bombers or terrorists.

Absolute morons. Sometimes Pakistan infuriates me with their stupid mistakes.

This should have been a warning sign a wave of terrorism would be coming from Afghanistan. These people are truly conditioned. 27 countries invade Afghanistan but they burn and hate Pakistan. Bizarre bizarre people. Keep the border closed.

I did a case study on how NADRA is one of the most successful institutions in a country like Pakistan where you do have weak institutions and institutional framework (its available online, though I wont divulge). Boy do I feel like a fucking idiot - esp. having learned how a few corrupt NADRA officials doled out CNICs to people who are in this country ILLEGALLY. Whether you are some border jumper or even that poster girl green eyed Afghan lady (who disrespected our laws) -- you dont deserve to be in Pakistan unless you are documented....PERIOD!

You are not alone with your infuriation let me assure you that. Oh let me assure you!

They are their own worst enemy......the past 3 decades is proof of that. Time to "Drain the swamp" as Donald Trump put it so well.

Soft power is NOTHING in the South Asian sub-continent. We need to speak the language our enemies understand. AFGHANISTAN is NOT our enemy. But there are elements within that are inimical to our cause. They need to be (and will be) destroyed - God willing. At least with the indians - we know what we get. They ARE our enemy.

Image how many fake CNICs have been issued by corrupt passport officers over the decades, how many have sneaked in through the border. How many Afghans are fake Pakistanis living in the country who suddenly become suicide bombers or terrorists.

Absolute morons. Sometimes Pakistan infuriates me with their stupid mistakes.

This should have been a warning sign a wave of terrorism would be coming from Afghanistan. These people are truly conditioned. 27 countries invade Afghanistan but they burn and hate Pakistan. Bizarre bizarre people. Keep the border closed.

I also ask you to take down the video of those RATS burning our national flag.

I think border should be closed for next 6 months until Mullah Radio is handed over or PA is allowed to celar out TTP scums..If the border is re-open without any concrete gain then we will again face the same situation...Afghans think it is there right to cross the border and trade..Some sense needs to be put in there head that this border is not for free..How Iran and other neighbor deals with them should set an example for us

6 months???? How about double that.
Not my fault your knowledge is poor.

Mate, I'm Afghan okay. And you don't call us "Afghani". Afghani is the name of our currency just as Rupees is for you Indians and Pakistanis both respectively. Now one more thing, us Afghans are unlucky to have a rubbish leader such as Ashraf Ghani. He is a hater and he hates Pakistan and is a good friend to India. Now India does not want Pakistan to succeed (obviously) (- I have good knowledge and history of the relations of India and Pakistan). India is paying and building in Afghanistan in order to put there feet in Afghanistan because Pakistan is good to Afghanistan and lets people travel easy between the two countries (Torkham and Chaman). India is getting that benefit and sendig terrorist to Pakistan through those ways. Kulbhushan Yadav also confirmed this and the reasons too, and every body knows that too. Ashraf Ghani doesn't care, he loves money so he goes for the money. He licks India's back. Believe me a lot of us Afghans hate him. Pakistan helped us for more than 30 years, gave us food from there plate, and now many uneducated idiotic Afghans are forgetting that. I feel sorry for pur future. Wallah I do. May Allah help us Muslim brothers and Sisters and unite us and save us from the kufars that use money to create problems between Muslims.
Mate, I'm Afghan okay. And you don't call us "Afghani". Afghani is the name of our currency just as Rupees is for you Indians and Pakistanis both respectively. Now one more thing, us Afghans are unlucky to have a rubbish leader such as Ashraf Ghani. He is a hater and he hates Pakistan and is a good friend to India. Now India does not want Pakistan to succeed (obviously) (- I have good knowledge and history of the relations of India and Pakistan). India is paying and building in Afghanistan in order to put there feet in Afghanistan because Pakistan is good to Afghanistan and lets people travel easy between the two countries (Torkham and Chaman). India is getting that benefit and sendig terrorist to Pakistan through those ways. Kulbhushan Yadav also confirmed this and the reasons too, and every body knows that too. Ashraf Ghani doesn't care, he loves money so he goes for the money. He licks India's back. Believe me a lot of us Afghans hate him. Pakistan helped us for more than 30 years, gave us food from there plate, and now many uneducated idiotic Afghans are forgetting that. I feel sorry for pur future. Wallah I do. May Allah help us Muslim brothers and Sisters and unite us and save us from the kufars that use money to create problems between Muslims.

I can't believe what I'm reading here literally never heard a good word from the people of Afghanistan. Neither in Pakistan nor in the Uk they just want to tell us that we live on their land and it's their generosity that they are allowing us to live on their land .
A little arm twisting is good buts lets not prolong syffering of ordinary people across the border
Every educated Afghan knows the true face of Indians...it's just the dumb ones that think yo India fcuk yeahhhh moneyyy. Also they know they can piss Pakistan off by sticking to India so I guess its going to be like this until this president is gone. But rn...Afghanistan needs to focus on itself which is deteriorating rather than troubling its neighbors. We're Muslims, we're stupid too, we chase money than anything else. But because India, we will get fcuked by Pakistan. I say rn we don't deserve the border to be opened. Keep it closed keep the entire border line sealed for a year or two...stop all sorts of relation with this Afghan administration. And things will get better trust me. In Sha Allah. May Allah bless us all and unite us Muslims.
Every educated Afghan knows the true face of Indians...it's just the dumb ones that think yo India fcuk yeahhhh moneyyy. Also they know they can piss Pakistan off by sticking to India so I guess its going to be like this until this president is gone. But rn...Afghanistan needs to focus on itself which is deteriorating rather than troubling its neighbors. We're Muslims, we're stupid too, we chase money than anything else. But because India, we will get fcuked by Pakistan. I say rn we don't deserve the border to be opened. Keep it closed keep the entire border line sealed for a year or two...stop all sorts of relation with this Afghan administration. And things will get better trust me. In Sha Allah. May Allah bless us all and unite us Muslims.
I am glad to see an Afghan say what you have said.
However it seems there are a lot more uneducated Afghans than educated ones. Plus I have met a few educated Afghans in the UK who still despise Pakistan, "Daal Khor" and "Punjabi ghulaam" for "occupying" their land. It seems education has not removed arrogance and hatred from their hearts and I suspect that no amount of education will cause those Afghans to accept Pakistan.
Also many Afghans who are in the puppet government are educated as well.
I am glad to see an Afghan say what you have said.
However it seems there are a lot more uneducated Afghans than educated ones. Plus I have met a few educated Afghans in the UK who still despise Pakistan, "Daal Khor" and "Punjabi ghulaam" for "occupying" their land. It seems education has not removed arrogance and hatred from their hearts and I suspect that no amount of education will cause those Afghans to accept Pakistan.
Also many Afghans who are in the puppet government are educated as well.

Some times the arrogance and education problems stays in the head. However I do understand them because a lot of times many non pakhtuns calls us naswar khors and terrorists and all sorts of names in Pakistan and profiling us which is unfair really but thats not a big issue. If we fight over these little things then how are we gonna have a fight with other things. So lets not be acting like kids. Good and bad are everywhere neither Pakistan is perfect nor is Afghanistan. And we're almost exactly the same people. So I say lets go through it peacefully react peacefully rather than aggressively and positive change will come. Right now this Afghan-Pak trouble is just a minor one and will be over in some time soon, so lets not create hate and lets spread peace, we're Muslims and one Ummah. All this none sense trouble is created by India. Wallah us Muslims get fooled easily.
what is Afghani? and the above link say nothing about how much Afghans are in India?
this is the page of the link..

Wait Karachi in Afghanistan? :lol:
Oh! thank God, they left my city..
Some times the arrogance and education problems stays in the head. However I do understand them because a lot of times many non pakhtuns calls us naswar khors and terrorists and all sorts of names in Pakistan and profiling us which is unfair really but thats not a big issue. If we fight over these little things then how are we gonna have a fight with other things. So lets not be acting like kids. Good and bad are everywhere neither Pakistan is perfect nor is Afghanistan. And we're almost exactly the same people. So I say lets go through it peacefully react peacefully rather than aggressively and positive change will come. Right now this Afghan-Pak trouble is just a minor one and will be over in some time soon, so lets not create hate and lets spread peace, we're Muslims and one Ummah. All this none sense trouble is created by India. Wallah us Muslims get fooled easily.
This trouble has been utilized by Bharat to her advantage. It was not created by her. Did Bharat tell Afghanistan to not accept Pakistan back in 1947? Did Bharat tell Afghanistan to stir up trouble in NW Pakistan back then?

Afghanistan needs to accept Pakistan fully. No negotiations on this. Afghanistan needs to take out Bharati and NATO assests in her territory. Then we can spread peace.
This anti-Afghan rhetoric by Pakistan is not unprovoked. It is in response to the snake like behaviour of Afghanistan as a NATION (I am not talking about individuals) towards Pakistan.

See https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/paki...nd-line-taliban-official.480408/#post-9250734
Lol anyways I don't see that Indian here anymore lol...they only like it when we are aggressive at each other...they are like shaitan...when we are praying and reading Quran and staying from bad path, shaitan stays away from us...but when we become bad...shaitan comes to make us worse.
I did a case study on how NADRA is one of the most successful institutions in a country like Pakistan where you do have weak institutions and institutional framework (its available online, though I wont divulge). Boy do I feel like a fucking idiot - esp. having learned how a few corrupt NADRA officials doled out CNICs to people who are in this country ILLEGALLY. Whether you are some border jumper or even that poster girl green eyed Afghan lady (who disrespected our laws) -- you dont deserve to be in Pakistan unless you are documented....PERIOD!

You are not alone with your infuriation let me assure you that. Oh let me assure you!

They are their own worst enemy......the past 3 decades is proof of that. Time to "Drain the swamp" as Donald Trump put it so well.

Soft power is NOTHING in the South Asian sub-continent. We need to speak the language our enemies understand. AFGHANISTAN is NOT our enemy. But there are elements within that are inimical to our cause. They need to be (and will be) destroyed - God willing. At least with the indians - we know what we get. They ARE our enemy.

I also ask you to take down the video of those RATS burning our national flag.

6 months???? How about double that.
We should...But i doubt it would go on for a month even
Not to mention the fact that in Iran, Afghans CANNOT marry Iranian girls. Even Pakistanis in Iran are not subjected to this treatment or restrictions. I completely agree with you in that the Iranians understand Afghan people FAR better than we do. Us Pakistanis are far too soft and kind-hearted. Perhaps it's about time us Pakistanis should learn from the Iranians and start defending our nation ruthlessly and start treating the Afghans the same way the Iranians do.
I am not sure whether it is kind heartedness or total foolishness or complete disregard for Pakistan's interest on part of the rulers while knowing they have always been staunchly anti Pakistan and pro India and could foment lots of trouble for Pakistan.
Mate, I'm Afghan okay. And you don't call us "Afghani". Afghani is the name of our currency just as Rupees is for you Indians and Pakistanis both respectively. Now one more thing, us Afghans are unlucky to have a rubbish leader such as Ashraf Ghani. He is a hater and he hates Pakistan and is a good friend to India. Now India does not want Pakistan to succeed (obviously) (- I have good knowledge and history of the relations of India and Pakistan). India is paying and building in Afghanistan in order to put there feet in Afghanistan because Pakistan is good to Afghanistan and lets people travel easy between the two countries (Torkham and Chaman). India is getting that benefit and sendig terrorist to Pakistan through those ways. Kulbhushan Yadav also confirmed this and the reasons too, and every body knows that too. Ashraf Ghani doesn't care, he loves money so he goes for the money. He licks India's back. Believe me a lot of us Afghans hate him. Pakistan helped us for more than 30 years, gave us food from there plate, and now many uneducated idiotic Afghans are forgetting that. I feel sorry for pur future. Wallah I do. May Allah help us Muslim brothers and Sisters and unite us and save us from the kufars that use money to create problems between Muslims.
Thank you for accepting reality and truth we are not against Afghan people but Afghanistan govt

India put its hand in hornet's nest
Lol anyways I don't see that Indian here anymore lol...they only like it when we are aggressive at each other...they are like shaitan...when we are praying and reading Quran and staying from bad path, shaitan stays away from us...but when we become bad...shaitan comes to make us worse.

Afghans were totally against Pakistan. strange thing the nation they have such hatred for is the sole reason they can survive.

Yes great idea I am all for it let them access chabahar port and completely seal the border with afghanistan. Lets see how much afgan crap the Iranians put up with.

Afghans are tribal people and only understand force war is part of their history and culture- Iranians have been deporting afghans from the start -they are nationalists and proud of their ancient culture and they are much smarter and educated than pakistanis and do what it takes to keep their country secure and they are not afraid of anyone and not afraid to show force if needed unlike pakistan and they have always kept afghans at bay they nearly went to war with afghanistan when their diplomats were executed by the taliban-Pakistan would never have the balls to do something like that.

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