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Afghanistan situation is volatile, out of Pakistan's control: Moeed Yusuf

'Out of Pakistan's Control' --- Nice joke by Moeed Yusuf.
Prime Minister Khan is in Uzbekistan as we speak with a massive business delegation finalizing a PTA.

The fact is that Pakistan has better relations with almost every single other country dominated by the smaller ethnic groups in Afghanistan (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan etc) than it does with Afghanistan, which has a Pashtun plurality that is half the size of the Pashtun population in Pakistan.

But you are correct in a very indirect way - Afghanistan needs to come to terms with the fact that as a State that is utterly destroyed, humiliated and wracked by civil war and ethnic & sectarian strife and at the bottom of every possible human development indicator, it has absolutely ZERO chance of changing its destiny without coming to terms with the fact that the Durand Line is the international border and that it needs to grovel and plead for forgiveness from Pakistan and rebuild the relationship with Pakistan that it has destroyed over decades of foolish and utterly imbecilic delusions of past grandeur.

Unlike Taliban, Uzbeks/Tajiks/ Uyghurs terrorists are foreign funded.

They are not only inimical to Afghanistan-Pakistan but also to their countries of origin like Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China.

When the Pakistan & Taliban eliminate these vermin, China and Central Asian Republics will Thank us.
This is the type of ethno-centric propaganda that hostile intel agencies use. Sure there are legitimate cases of racism, but please do not get that conflated with foreign-funded terrorism, the erosion of their funding and infrastructure is paramount. This is and has been a battle of intel and there's a very long way to go, but the tide has seemingly turned for Pakistan rather than against.

The tide has surely turned in favor of Pakistan with the Taliban taking control of Afghanistan.

Happy days are here again.
Why Tajiks, Uzbeks and other groups from CARs are a threat to Pakistan? Can you make your non-sense something sensible by justifying it?

Uzbeks, Tajiks and other Northern Alliance vermin are being funded and supported by Iran & Indian.

They are not friends of Pakistan like Taliban.
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A very balanced and calculated statement....... Afghan govt should understand the message!
He was just being diplomatic.

Everyone knows that Pakistan is Taliban and Taliban is Pakistan but we need to get support from key powers before publicly announcing and officially recognizing Taliban as the only legitimate government of Afghanistan. It may take couple of months but it will surely happen.

Russia, China, Turkiye and Pakistan are all on the same page to support and recognize Taliban.

US will recognize Taliban as the legitimate government once full US withdrawal is complete by end of August-2021.
Stop trolling and throwing around offensive and incorrect accusations.

This may have been true the first time the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan but long ago ceased to be accurate.

Last warning.

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