The Taliban is universally recognized as one of the most barbaric regimes on earth in the recent past. You brought the NA into the picture here not me. I was talking about Taliban on it's own merits. I am no NA supporter. If they were as bad or worse than Taliban, so be it.
You are no Northern Alliance supporter, just as I am no Taliban supporter "on it's own merits". However, everything is relative, and relatively the Taliban were more capable at bringing peace and laws (some justice is better than no justice) than the Northern Alliance.
Their giving support to OBL only brings out their true colours. They were terrorists or their supporters anyway. Remember their welcoming of the Kandhar hijackers who subsequently eased back into Pakistan and formed terrorist outfits openly.
As far as I can recollect, the Air India hostage drama was handled quite well by the Taliban who threatened to storm the plane if any hostage was killed. It was the Indian government that caved in and released the militants.
The support to OBL was to be expected given their traditions.
The Afghans were between the rock and a hard place but this does not justify Taliban's actions in any way. The world is better off without them and definitely Pakistanis are better off without them else you may have a much larger problem in NWFP than it is now.
The Afghan Taliban have nothing to do with the Pakistani Taliban. Pakistani Taliban are generally just a bunch of low level criminals wanting to make a name for themselves. Pakistan is much better off without Al Q and Arabs/Uzbeks though.
This clearly tells me you are their apologist. So, come out openly with that and stop comparing them to other bandits to say that they were better bandits.
I've said it before, I'll say it again since you have difficulty reading. The Taliban were a backward government compared to the Western governments, the Chinese, the Pakistanis, the Indians, the Russians and so on. However, compared to the Northern Alliance, there's not much to choose between the two. Both are pretty backward, it's just the NA are weak, anti Pak. Both NA and Taliban are as dumb and radical as each other though. Need a mention Dostum and his method of killing prisoners by running them over with the tank tracks.
I remember people dancing on the streets when the Taliban fled away from Kabul like the dogs they were, without a fight. You know how many Americans it took on the ground to make the Taliban run? Not even a thousand AFAIK. They could only cane women and murder innocents. When it came time to show their real mettle, they were found lacking.
What did you expect them to do? Stand and fight against an army with sophisticated equipment? That truly would be dumb. They are guerillas, they don't fight conventionally.
The people dancing was just some Northern Alliance supporters or ordinary folk who feared for their lives if they didn't show appreciation for the new government. People were dancing in the street too when the Taliban entered Kabul in 1996.
As told earlier, I give a damn to NA. You think Taliban are fighters! Amazing!!! All they can do is blow up girl's schools, send suicide bombers in crowded markets, kill barbers for shaving beards and other such brave acts. Never heard of them standing like men and fighting. They are nothing but COWARDS like some others you may know of, who send men to die on suicide missions promising them other worldly pleasures and then marry their widows to enjoy life in this world for themselves.
However much I disagree with some of the Taliban policies, one thing they're not, is cowardly. Whereas Indians would generate a lot of excrement tricking down their legs at the thought of a US bombing, the Taliban are prepared to take casualties. One can accuse them of being short sighted, ill educated, and barbaric to an extent, but definitely not cowardly.