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I am not anti-Israel at all.

I am laughing at you, who pretends to be Chinese yet attacks other Chinese members in order to defend Israel. 真的不要脸。 :lol:

We both know that the Chinese Government is the largest source of revenue for Iran, and we sell them missile technology too. Even though they everyone knows that Israel will be the biggest target of any Iranian nukes. It's not about sides but about our own interests, which you will never understand.

So if every Chinese has difference meanings, idealist against what you thought are traitors?
What is wrong with being Chinese and defending Israel??? Our central government does the same:

Israel, the Land of Milk and Honey, the birthplace of the Jewish People and the spiritual center of three religions, presents a unique combination of ancient history and a vibrant modern society, exotic scenery and rich culture.

This 12-episode documentary series, produced by CCTV - Chinese Central Television in cooperation with the Embassy of Israel in Beijing, introduces the Jewish People and the story of the State of Israel and its development in a historical, comprehensive and systematic manner to Chinese audiences.

Here is the first episode:
The series is narrated in Chinese with English subtitles

The Road to Jewish Civilization, Part 1: The Road of Abraham - YouTube

BTW, our CCTV (Chinese Central Television, mouthpiece of Chinese Government) has produced a real good quality documentary program about Israel. I hope punks like you call CCTV to show your displeasure as being chinese and anti-semitism. I would be glad to know whether CCTV gives punks like you any ....

On the contrary, don't you feel that you are the one who really 不要脸 by defending terrorists and those brutal practices associated with them???

I am not anti-Israel at all.

I am laughing at you, who pretends to be Chinese yet attacks other Chinese members in order to defend Israel. 真的不要脸。 :lol:

We both know that the Chinese Government is the largest source of revenue for Iran, and we sell them missile technology too. Even though they everyone knows that Israel will be the biggest target of any Iranian nukes. It's not about sides but about our own interests, which you will never understand.
So if every Chinese has difference meanings, idealist against what you thought are traitors?

Not traitors, but he is clearly not Chinese. No Chinese person would attack other Chinese people to defend a country called Israel.

I doubt many people in China could even point to Israel on a map. :no:

What is wrong with being Chinese and defending Israel??? Our central government does the same:

Nothing wrong with defending this tiny country that no one can point to on a map. But the problem is that you attacked all the other Chinese members here such as myself, Cardsharp, below_freezing, ChineseTiger etc. in order to do so.

You say you are Chinese, yet you repeatedly attack other Chinese in order to defend a tiny country halfway across the world. You have proven that your loyalty lies elsewhere.
I have no problem calling certain chinese members "dick-men" when those chinese members started using "dick-men" against me first.

When I was attacked, I surely will fight back.

As for Israel, I have zero connection with Israel or Jewish religion throughout my family line. However, just like I have zero connection to that poor Afghanistan woman, I still want to speak for her and show my displeasure about the injustice she has suffered. The same applies to Israel as well.

As for whether I support Israel unconditionally, I do not think so either. If you do not believe me, why don't you check my past posts???

I am against Israel's settlement building and am favor two-state solutions with 1967 border as the main negotiation line. At the same time, I support the division Jerusalem between the two states.

That is just my opinion and some of the extremists in Jewish religion also consider that opinion to be not friendly to Jews. However, I am not anti-antisemitism either.

If you cannot read, learn to read first. About my priority, well, just get China stronger and stronger. Before that, do not get China into any shxtholes/wars, let alone a possible WWIII.

Oh yeah, you have no problems attacking all the other Chinese members here by calling them "dick-men". :lol:

But when your precious Israel gets attacked, suddenly you are upset! :rofl:

This post above clearly shows your priorities, Israeli.
China will keep growing stronger and stronger, but that has nothing to do with you. :lol:

And we will continue to be the largest customer of Iranian oil, and continue to sell them missile technology. As well as this:

China announces support for Palestinian UN statehood bid - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

From your own media. :P As China grows stronger, we will be able to support Iran more and more.

Why? Because they can offer us resources, which Israel cannot. Israel is firmly in the American camp anyway, and they have no resources to sell us.
Not traitors, but he is clearly not Chinese. No Chinese person would attack other Chinese people to defend a country called Israel.

I doubt many people in China could even point to Israel on a map. :no:

Nothing wrong with defending this tiny country that no one can point to on a map. But the problem is that you attacked all the other Chinese members here such as myself, Cardsharp, below_freezing, ChineseTiger etc. in order to do so.

You say you are Chinese, yet you repeatedly attack other Chinese in order to defend a tiny country halfway across the world. You have proven that your loyalty lies elsewhere.

You seem to forget those names who attacked me first. Otherwise, I have no interest involving in such a waste of time. As for Chinese knowledge about Israel, even for those who cannot point out Israel from the map, they probably know Albert Einstain, Karl Marx and a lot of other Jewish scientists from their textbooks, as well as the knowledge that a great number of Nobel laureates are Jewish as well.
China's support over Palestinians in the past was much more during Mao's era. We even invited Arafat to China and gave him a lot money. During that era, we supported a lot revolutions, did not we???

Nowadays, China has established normal relationship with Israel and has started a great range of co-operation with people of Israel.

At the same time, China has withdrawn a lot for support over palestinians, far less than the level in the past. We support Palestinian authority but I do not think we support hamas at all. Of course, certain lip service has to be done since we have to have normal relationship with those muslim countries as well. Did not Iceland go even further by recognizing palestine??? What name will you give to Iceland then by doing that???

By your tactics, it seems that you want to have a direct confrontation with U.S. and NATO. Well, I hope our central government will not be as stupid as you are. By directly and openly supporting an major enemy of U.S. and NATO, it seems that you make up your mind to have a major war brewing. The only person I can put trust upon by being so ostentatious about war is Chairman Mao. If he were alive, I can put my trust on him. Well, I can also consider Deng Xiaoping as well and put my trust on him since both are great leaders and good at strategies and military warfare.

As for you being so, well, it is just another 张召忠.

China will keep growing stronger and stronger, but that has nothing to do with you. :lol:

And we will continue to be the largest customer of Iranian oil, and continue to sell them missile technology. As well as this:

China announces support for Palestinian UN statehood bid - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

From your own media. :P As China grows stronger, we will be able to support Iran more and more.

Why? Because they can offer us resources, which Israel cannot. Israel is firmly in the American camp anyway, they have no resources to sell us, and they refuse to sell us military technology.
China's support over Palestinians in the past was much more during Mao's era. We even invited Arafat to China and gave him a lot money. During that era, we supported a lot revolutions, did not we???

Nowadays, China has established normal relationship with Israel and has started a great range of co-operation with people of Israel.

At the same time, China has withdrawn a lot for support over palestinians, far less than the level in the past. We support Palestinian authority but I do not think we support hamas at all. Of course, certain lip service has to be done since we have to have normal relationship with those muslim countries as well. Did not Iceland go even further by recognizing palestine??? What name will you give to Iceland then by doing that???

By your tactics, it seems that you want to have a direct confrontation with U.S. and NATO. Well, I hope our central government will not be as stupid as you are. By directly and openly supporting an major enemy of U.S. and NATO, it seems that you make up your mind to have a major war brewing. The only person I can put trust upon by being so ostentatious about war is Chairman Mao. If he were alive, I can put my trust on him. Well, I can also consider Deng Xiaoping as well and put my trust on him since both are great leaders and good at strategies and military warfare.

As for you being so, well, it is just another 张召忠.

Israel isn't in NATO buddy. Are you trying to make Israelis look bad? Congrats you've succeeded.

We have normal political relationships with Sudan, the Congo, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ghana and Uganda too. I'm glad that we can add Israel in. We also appreciate the cooperation with Israeli people, just as we appreciate cooperation with Sudanese, Congonese, Somalians, Zimbabweans, Tanzanians, Nigerians, Ghanans and Ugandans.

Karl Marx was a German. Nothing to do with Israel. Israeli is not an ethnicity but a nationality. Not all Jews are Israeli and not all Israelis are Jews. You cannot seem to separate the concept of a nation-state from an ethnicity. That's a very 19th century attitude to have.
The Communist government in Afghanistan had near total support in Kabul. While they didn't have as much support in the rural areas, there wouldn't have been much of a problem if the Americans hadn't sent weapons to all the feudal fundamentalists who hated progress.

Americans and British have a knack at always arming the most backward elements in society. Then when these thugs come to power, the West starts talking about "backward third world countries".

When the uneducated and superstitious are unarmed, the central government can persuade people to listen to science and reason. However, when the uneducated and suprestitious are heavily armed, they will percieve any slight contradiction of their views as a mortal insult, and try to kill you. Look at a certain poster here, for example :lol:

Afghanistan had the unfortunate problem of being a communist startup in a feudal land of 8 children per woman fertility and 40 year lifespans. Even with the Communist Party of Afghanistan's helicopter gunships, tanks and missiles, you just can't kill the feudals, since they reproduce fast. On its own, it wouldn't be a problem, but then they get armed by outside forces, and you're doomed.
Read my comments carefully before offering such ignorant replies.

First, where did I say Israel is in NATO??? But one thing for sure, attacking Israel will get U.S. and NATO's retaliation against you for sure.

Second, Where did I say Karl Marx is related to Israel??? I simply say he is Jewish as well, like Albert Einstein, and those many Nobel Laureates, many of them got their nobel prize way before the founding of Israel.

Third, I did not discuss anything about Israel' citizens' ethnic groups and I have no idea what your comment is for. Of course Israel has Arabs and other minorities there. Those living in east Jerusalem are mostly non-Jewish population.

For the last, though Israel is a country, when people discuss Jews-Muslim relations, they always equal Israel to Jews, that is the attitude until now.

Israel isn't in NATO buddy. Are you trying to make Israelis look bad? Congrats you've succeeded.

We have normal political relationships with Sudan, the Congo, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ghana and Uganda too. I'm glad that we can add Israel in. We also appreciate the cooperation with Israeli people, just as we appreciate cooperation with Sudanese, Congonese, Somalians, Zimbabweans, Tanzanians, Nigerians, Ghanans and Ugandans.

Karl Marx was a German. Nothing to do with Israel. Israeli is not an ethnicity but a nationality. Not all Jews are Israeli and not all Israelis are Jews. You cannot seem to separate the concept of a nation-state from an ethnicity. That's a very 19th century attitude to have.
It is islamic justice, not unique to pathans. Pathans are just a tribe.

Adultery = lashes,rapists = death... thts islamic justice.

Pathans are not a tribe its an ethnicity... which several dozen tribes or quoms... i.e, bangash,turi,afridi,kakar,yusufzai,wazir,mehsud etc.
Read my comments carefully before offering such ignorant replies.

First, where did I say Israel is in NATO??? But one thing for sure, attacking Israel will get U.S. and NATO's retaliation against you for sure.

Second, Where did I say Karl Marx is related to Israel??? I simply say he is Jewish as well, like Albert Einstein, and those many Nobel Laureates, many of them got their nobel prize way before the founding of Israel.

Third, I did not discuss anything about Israel' citizens' ethnic groups and I have no idea what your comment is for. Of course Israel has Arabs and other minorities there. Those living in east Jerusalem are mostly non-Jewish population.

For the last, though Israel is a country, when people discuss Jews-Muslim relations, they always equal Israel to Jews, that is the attitude until now.

Equating Jews to Israel is anti-Semitic. A Jewish Canadian has nothing to do with Israel and it would be wrong to either prosecute or protect that person on account of being Jewish for anything related to Israel. Linking Jews and Israel is a common tactic used by neo-Nazis.
You seem to forget those names who attacked me first. Otherwise, I have no interest involving in such a waste of time. As for Chinese knowledge about Israel, even for those who cannot point out Israel from the map, they probably know Albert Einstain, Karl Marx and a lot of other Jewish scientists from their textbooks, as well as the knowledge that a great number of Nobel laureates are Jewish as well.

These Jewish people were leftists who would have opposed Israel's government...
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