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Afghanistan Presidential Elections: Aftermath

You have to shake your head a little bit to understand that or you never had a girlfriend in your life to understand what I told you, you might have spent all of your life serving some londaybaz :lol: from the time I started replying you feel like you have real urges, don't you? :lol:

Right the gilamjan pimp (murdagav) is gonna tell me about girls now. I will tell this one more time I am not interested in your merchandise and I didn't sent you any texts. How many times do I have to tell you this to convince you, I am not interested.
Shh.. keep your idiocy a bit low here every thing I told is available to everyone here, don't make yourself a laughing stock.

Yeah right coming from the guy who is telling me that ANP (that is not even US or ISAF or even the midget ANA but ANP) is killing 92 Taliban per day.
From some bachaz in your country .. :P

I know Pakistani bachaz play alot with gilamjans like yourself. I now see why you have so much hatred for Pakistan. It's the innocence that you lost in Peshawar, isn't it.

Yes and only people could give them that by participating in democratic processes.

You couldn't absorbed this thread you must need this: :D


Afghans receive international praise for peaceful elections

World leaders have come out left and right to praise Afghans following Saturday’s vote, which marked the beginning of Afghanistan’s first democratic transition of power in modern history. Although insurgents had threatened to derail the elections, they were carried out peacefully and saw a turnout that surpassed expectations.

The Independent Election Commission (IEC) estimated in a press conference Saturday night that over 7,000,000 Afghans participated in the presidential and provincial council elections, which would mean twice as many as did in 2009.


US President Barack Obama on Sunday congratulated Afghanistan on the election and said it was “critical” to securing the country’s democratic prospects and continued international aid. The US-led NATO coalition is prepared to withdraw from the country by the end of this year, and the person elected to succeed President Hamid Karzai will likely play a key role in shaping the future of relations between Kabul and Washington.

“The ballots represent another important milestone in Afghans taking full responsibility for their country as the United States and our partners draw down our forces,” Obama said in a statement. “These elections are critical to securing Afghanistan’s democratic future, as well as continued international support.”

The US has been trying to settle a Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the Karzai administration that would allow some foreign troops to stay in Afghanistan after 2014 to help advise the Afghan security forces, conduct counterterrorism operations and oversee the use of aid money. Over four billion dollars in military supported funding is tied to the deal. With Karzai refusing to sign on, however, the last hope for the pact seems to fall on whoever is elected to replace him.

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) also welcomed the Afghan elections as a historic event, and urged all candidates to respect the electoral institutions and their processes. It is likely the vote counting process will not be complete for several weeks.

“The members of the council reiterate the importance of these historic elections to Afghanistan’s transition and democratic development,” the UNSC said in a statement, adding that the members commend the participation and courage of the Afghan people to cast their ballot despite the threat and intimidation by the Taliban and other extremist and terrorist groups.

The high turnout, from both male and female voters, was celebrated by most as the major success of the day, regardless of the elections’ outcome.


“It is a great achievement for the Afghan people that so many voters, men and women, young and old, have turned out in such large numbers, despite threats of violence, to have their say in the country’s future,” British Foreign Secretary William Hague said in a statement.


NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen also chimed-in, calling the elections “a historic moment for Afghanistan”.

“This will be a historic moment, if we get this democratic transition right,” European Union (EU) Foreign Policy chief Catherine Ashton said.


The Indian government also commended Afghans on their participation in Saturday’s elections.

“We salute the people of Afghanistan who turned out in such great numbers to exercise their right to vote despite the threat of violence and intimidation from terrorists and those who do not wish to see a strong, democratic and sovereign Afghanistan,” an External Affairs Ministry spokesman said on Saturday.


International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) officials also congratulated the people of Afghanistan saying: “Today’s success clearly demonstrates that the Afghan people have chosen their future of progress and opportunity”.

Heading into Saturday’s vote, many Afghans and non-Afghans alike were concerned about insurgent violence and possible fraud. Militants had led a surge of violence in the weeks leading up to the vote. But Saturday came and went with a few scattered attacks that had no large effect on the national process, and fraud, for the moment, appears to have been more subdued than in past years. This election, was the first of its kind as it was the first time, since the US-led coalition invaded the country, that an election was managed entirely by Afghans.
Right the gilamjan pimp (murdagav) is gonna tell me about girls now. I will tell this one more time I am not interested in your merchandise and I didn't sent you any texts. How many times do I have to tell you this to convince you, I am not interested.

Yeah right coming from the guy who is telling me that ANP (that is not even US or ISAF of even the midget ANA but ANP) is killing 92 Taliban per day.

I know Pakistani bachaz play alot with gilamjans like yourself. I now see why you have so much hatred for Pakistan. It's the innocence that you lost in Peshawar, isn't it.

Bachaz? Lol Yes you guys have good bachaz and we have good Kakoz for them :lol: you are insulting yourself.

I have been replying to a chutiya and btw learn it first that's 'gilamjam' those evil gilamjams who screwed thousands of your punjabi brothers in containers in dashte laili, don't you have any pride to name them again?

You have totally lost it, if you have anything regarding the elections post it the off-topics will be ignored.
Bachaz? Lol Yes you guys have good bachaz and we have good Kakoz for them :lol: you are insulting yourself.

I have been replying to a chutiya and btw learn it first that's 'gilamjam' those evil gilamjams who screwed thousands of your punjabi brothers in containers in dashte laili, don't you have any pride to name them again?

You have totally lost it, if you have anything regarding the elections post it the off-topics will be ignored.

Ofcourse your gilamjans have to take it on some one for all the things happening to them in Pakistan in general and Peshawar in particular. They lost their women folk to the Peshawaris so they killed some unarmed prisoners of war. Well done you. :disagree:

You have posted complete BS here and still haven't answered that one single question.

How long can this current Afghan setup last without US guns and dollars?

If you or any wanna be Afghan think you have a legitimate government, then you shouldn't be dependent on foreign might.
Either you can stand on your own two feet or you gonna get crushed by someone, be that Pakistan, Iran, Russia or any one else.
Well done Afghanistan. When is the final count and reveal of the big winner?
Ofcourse your gilamjans have to take it on some one for all the things happening to them in Pakistan in general and Peshawar in particular. They lost their women folk to the Peshawaris so they killed some unarmed prisoners of war. Well done you. :disagree:

You have posted complete BS here and still haven't answered that one single question.

How long can this current Afghan setup last without US guns and dollars?

If you or any wanna be Afghan think you have a legitimate government, then you shouldn't be dependent on foreign might.
Either you can stand on your own two feet or you gonna get crushed by someone, be that Pakistan, Iran, Russia or any one else.
Looks like the turn out made your arse burn quite abit eh? Afghans don't have to prove to it to cockroaches like yourself on whether it was successful or not. We showed the middle finger to the Talibuffons and their threats supported by 400K ANSF deployed on elections day. Even the initial estimates have put the turn out to be higher than the 2013 elections in Pakistan. So stop trolling you freaking moron.

P.S: I reported your faggot ***.
Well done Afghanistan. When is the final count and reveal of the big winner?

Dr Ashraf Ghani the great is a clear winner from the intial counts

quoting from his page on fb


Looks like the turn out made your arse burn quite abit eh? Afghans don't have to prove to it to cockroaches like yourself on whether it was successful or not. We showed the middle finger to the Talibuffons and their threats supported by 400K ANSF deployed on elections day. Even the initial estimates have put the turn out to be higher than the 2013 elections in Pakistan. So stop trolling you freaking moron.

P.S: I reported your faggot ***.

Quieten one moron and then another Bitch starts whingeing.
I don't have time for this BS, remind me again when you gain your independence.
Till then don't bother quoting me.
I neither said Pakistan is a lulu state but at those years Pakistan was at it's weakest days so my point was if we didn't sided with India and went on brotherhood policy with Pakistani people when your country was the weakest at that point so why would we side with India when you have now nuclear weapons? That little tiny interference of Afghanistan that might be happening in Pakistan which you guys claim is for defence of our country and that could also drawback if both countries decide not to harm each other.

Helping Baloch rebels from 2005 and Maulvi Faqeer of Bajaur TTP from 2006 and TTP as a whole from 2009 is a little tiny interference from your side?
We congratulate the nation of Afghanistan on its historic democratic elections. This moment was made possible after more than a decade of sacrifice and struggle. The high turnout of voters proves that the people of Afghanistan were eagerly waiting to exercise their democratic right to choose the next President and provincial council members. The leaders from across the world, including: the U.S. and Pakistan congratulated the nation.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said:

“Participation in the democratic process by the Afghan people would play a significant role in bringing peace and stability in the region. This election would prove as a historic moment for the Afghan people in their democratic journey. We wish the Afghan electoral institutions well as they take the next key steps in ensuring the successful completion of the electoral process. Like always, the people of Pakistan stand in strong solidarity with the Afghan nation at this historic moment, and as it moves forward in its peaceful democratic transition.”

Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, U.S. Central Command commander, said:

“I want to commend the Afghan people on the successful conduct of elections this past weekend. These democratic elections represent a significant milestone in their pursuit of a stable, secure and sovereign Afghanistan. Importantly, the Afghan people were undeterred by the Taliban’s attempts to intimidate them and disrupt the process, and this was reflected in the high level of turnout at polling stations throughout the country.

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
We congratulate the nation of Afghanistan on its historic democratic elections. This moment was made possible after more than a decade of sacrifice and struggle. The high turnout of voters proves that the people of Afghanistan were eagerly waiting to exercise their democratic right to choose the next President and provincial council members. The leaders from across the world, including: the U.S. and Pakistan congratulated the nation.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said:

“Participation in the democratic process by the Afghan people would play a significant role in bringing peace and stability in the region. This election would prove as a historic moment for the Afghan people in their democratic journey. We wish the Afghan electoral institutions well as they take the next key steps in ensuring the successful completion of the electoral process. Like always, the people of Pakistan stand in strong solidarity with the Afghan nation at this historic moment, and as it moves forward in its peaceful democratic transition.”

Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, U.S. Central Command commander, said:

“I want to commend the Afghan people on the successful conduct of elections this past weekend. These democratic elections represent a significant milestone in their pursuit of a stable, secure and sovereign Afghanistan. Importantly, the Afghan people were undeterred by the Taliban’s attempts to intimidate them and disrupt the process, and this was reflected in the high level of turnout at polling stations throughout the country.

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM

Men i wish i had job like you, posting on forums for money. Keep it up bro
7 Million Vote in Afghanistan Elections

Seven million Afghan citizens headed to the polls on Saturday to vote in what will mark the first successful transition of power from one elected leader to another. The voting took place amid much anxiety about the possibility of violence, which was a feature at previous elections in the country. Voter turnout in the Afghan elections was higher than expected; 60 percent of the 12 million-some Afghans eligible voted in the presidential and provincial elections.

Initial reports suggest that, as expected, Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani are the frontrunners so far. Incumbent Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s preferred candidate Zulmai Rassoul appears to have been largely sidelined. At this point, it appears that a run-off vote is likely and could extend the period of time required before Afghanistan can formally name a new president.

Both Abdullah, the opposition leader, and Ghani, an economist and former World Bank executive, would represent a major departure from Hamid Karzai, whose influence will likely be limited following the leadership transition. Both candidates indicated that they would conclude the long-stalled Bilateral Security Agreement with the United States, which would allow for a limited American troop presence in Afghanistan following the general withdrawal at the end of this year. The remaining troops would participate in limited counter-terrorism operations and train the Afghan National Security Forces.

Afghanistan Pajhwok news agency predicts an outcome of 42.1 percent for Ghani and 40.7 percent for Abdullah. According to the Afghan constitution, a run-off vote is necessary should no candidate succeed in securing an absolute majority.

The fairness of this election compared to 2009 was much better according to observers, but there were still reports of fraud and ballot-stuffing. In 2009, over one million votes had to be disqualified.

Afghanistan’s Independent Election Commission will announce results in the coming weeks while allegations of fraud and ballot-stuffing are investigated.

7 Million Vote in Afghanistan Elections | The Diplomat

Fabius praises Afghans for turning out for elections

PARIS, April 7 (KUNA) -- French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius on Monday issued a strong statement praising the "courage and determination" of Afghan voters who turned out en masse for the first round of presidential elections and for provincial voting last Saturday. "Despite attempts at intimidation and sometimes violence, a great number of voters went to the polls," Fabius said in a statement.

"France praises the courage and determination of the Afghans who thus showed their willingness to take their future in hand and see their country advance on the road of democracy and peace," the minister added.

Fabius also praised the "remarkable work" of the Afghan security forces in ensuring the safety of voters and he lauded all those who had contributed to helping organise the voting and the election.

France''''s Chief Diplomat encouraged all involved to settled disputes within the institutional framework set up to deal with the electoral process.

The results of voting will not be known for a week or so. (end) jk.rk

KUNA : Fabius praises Afghans for turning out for elections - Politics - 07/04/2014
How Afghans participated in the elections shows commitment of afghans to move forward towards a democratically driven, peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan. I salute the resolve of common Afghans that they came out to vote despite taliban threats. May this election pave the way for peace and development in Afghanistan, Amin!

So why are we discussing personal matters in this thread instead of the Afghanistan election outcome?
Some Pakistani and afghan members obligate to bash out at everything. Instead of discussing the more relevant things, they are just busy in web-wars.
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