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Afghanistan assures Pakistan of full support in NWA operation

daring dude

Jul 22, 2013
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* Afghan envoy visits GHQ, meets army chief to discuss anti-Taliban operation, security along Pak-Afghan border

ISLAMABAD: A top Afghan envoy is said to have assured Chief of Army Staff Gen Raheel Sharif “full cooperation” from the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) in ensuring effective border surveillance in the backdrop of the Pakistan Army’s ongoing military operation against the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in North Waziristan Agency.

In a rare visit to the General Headquarters (GHQ), Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan Janan Mosazai met COAS General Raheel Sharif on Wednesday to discuss the relevant Pak-Afghan border issues involving Zarb-e-Azb operation. “The ongoing operation in North Waziristan Agency and matters of mutual interest, including measures to improve security along Pakistan – Afghanistan border, were discussed,” a brief statement from Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

The meeting was held hours after two US drone strikes in NWA targeted at least six militants in Dargah Mandi. Pakistan’s Foreign Office condemned the drone hits. The number of drone strikes in the NWA in a week has now risen to four. Last Wednesday, the first two US drone strikes in the ongoing year had taken out at least 16 terror suspects in the NWA. On Wednesday, up to 16 militants were killed in the security forces action in Dandadarpakhel area of NWA, sources claimed.

The curfew hours in Mir Ali and Miranshah subdivisions of NWA were relaxed to allow maximum civilian displacement from NWA in three days – from June 18-20. The security forces’ siege around the two areas continues, officials said. Moreover, in the Wednesday meeting, according to military sources, the Afghan envoy was conveyed that Pakistan held serious reservations regarding the role of ANSF in the context of the ongoing operation Zarb-a-Azb.

Reportedly, the Afghan diplomat was informed that while there were adequate assurances from the NATO-led ISAF to assist Pakistan Army by means of taking on the TTP sanctuaries on the other side of the border, such kind of support and cooperation on part of the Afghan authorities, the officials believed, was lacking. Mosazai, the sources claimed, was also told that Pakistan Army had formally requested the Afghan authorities to cooperate for foolproof surveillance at Pak-Afghan border to block the way of runaway militants and to take on TTP sanctuaries in Khost, Nuristan and Kunar provinces.

In response, the Afghan envoy is said to have assured on part of the Afghan government that Kabul would extend “every possible assistance” to Pakistan to defeat the TTP militants in the ongoing offensive. Afghan Embassy spokesman Shams Zardasht, when called, was not available to comment on the issue. Meanwhile, the United Nations on Wednesday said the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of NWA needed shelter, access to health facilities and food.

Source: Afghanistan assures Pakistan of full support in NWA operation
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Its happened after the denial mode of Hamid Karzai to sealing the Afghan border and giving any orders to Afghan Forces and 2 Governors of Afghan States of Kunar and Nooristan for not to take any action against #TTP , because it is not against #Afghanistan and directly link it to #Pakistan's Action against #Haqqani network...
So suddenly after Mr Ambasador met #Coas Gen. Raheel Shareef, why this Narrative have been changed... ?
Its happened after the denial mode of Hamid Karzai to sealing the Afghan border and giving any orders to Afghan Forces and 2 Governors of Afghan States of Kunar and Nooristan for not to take any action against #TTP , because it is not against #Afghanistan and directly link it to #Pakistan's Action against #Haqqani network...
So suddenly after Mr Ambasador met #Coas Gen. Raheel Shareef, why this Narrative have been changed... ?

It maybe because General Raheel does not seem to be a man with a lot of patience and he may have made it clear that either you support us, or get ready for some fire works.
It is idiocy on the part Pakistani leadership to assume that Afghans(with their hosts of internal problems plus the ongoing elections) will be able do something, Pakistanis themselves are unable/unwilling to do. i.e seal Af-Pak border.

Why couldn't the Pakistani army have carried out a pincer movement around North Waziristan ..seal of the borders, before moving in with the main force to attacks militant strongholds..Yes such a strategy would require more troop deployments but would ensure these militants have no where to escape.

Now they are just repeating, what they have done in last seven ops carried out in these areas..hoping Afghanistan will do their job for them.
@IceCold i think little also same but addition to that i think Pakistan have some Evidence against Afghan Gov. or Establishment, as like hukum ka ikka.. like they just give a green signal to Afghan Taliban then Afghanistan will takes only weeks to be in hands of Taliban again, and also other evidence and documentaries of their involvement with Indian Agency and weapons to the world...
@ares Pak Force is not dependent on Afghanistan to do their work for Pakistan...its also in their benefit, and secondly i think you dint heard of the news that their were clashes between hundreds of insurgents tried to cross the border with Pak forces,, as before we dint hear such news as Tribals were the one to safe guard that border for Pakistan...so they have done their home work before entering into, and also they sealed from Pakistan side, where ever is possible, and we know that it is a porous border having many unknown and hard crossing areas that can only be covered mutually... other wise they can be gathered on bordering areas and when the operation will finish they will starts their attacks...
It is idiocy on the part Pakistani leadership to assume that Afghans(with their hosts of internal problems plus the ongoing elections) will be able do something, Pakistanis themselves are unable/unwilling to do. i.e seal Af-Pak border.

Why couldn't the Pakistani army have carried out a pincer movement around North Waziristan ..seal of the borders, before moving in with the main force to attacks militant strongholds..Yes such a strategy would require more troop deployments but would ensure these militants have no where to escape.

Now they are just repeating, what they have done in last seven ops carried out in these areas..hoping Afghanistan will do their job for them.

PA has done exactly this. Border is sealed in NW.
It is idiocy on the part Pakistani leadership to assume that Afghans(with their hosts of internal problems plus the ongoing elections) will be able do something, Pakistanis themselves are unable/unwilling to do. i.e seal Af-Pak border.

Why couldn't the Pakistani army have carried out a pincer movement around North Waziristan ..seal of the borders, before moving in with the main force to attacks militant strongholds..Yes such a strategy would require more troop deployments but would ensure these militants have no where to escape.

Now they are just repeating, what they have done in last seven ops carried out in these areas..hoping Afghanistan will do their job for them.

What do you mean by doing their job for them? Are you that blinded by your hate that you dont see how a border is made secured. Dude for your information Pak-Afghan border is porous and this by the way for your poor information also goes to Afghanistan as they are ones opposing sealing this border. Pakistan has long being advocate of sealing this border but afghanistan opposes. Pakistan alone cannot seal of the border from both sides, we can only do it from our side to some extent. A border is suppose to be secured from both sides so that when terrorists try to run across, they are taken out by the other side. Afghanistan is known to shelter anti Pakistan elements. For your information just google where did Mulana Fazul-ullah ran to after Swat operation and where is he pop up from after mehsud was taken out?

@IceCold i think little also same but addition to that i think Pakistan have some Evidence against Afghan Gov. or Establishment, as like hukum ka ikka.. like they just give a green signal to Afghan Taliban then Afghanistan will takes only weeks to be in hands of Taliban again, and also other evidence and documentaries of their involvement with Indian Agency and weapons to the world...

Pakistan had evidence long ago and so did the US, but US was not willing to budge because of the obvious reasons. We are all well aware of who's payroll Karazi is and why he spews venom against Pakistan. Problem is we had a weak government than and we have an incompetent leadership now(apologies if you are a N league supporter). Our attitude towards Afghanistan had always been of a pussy. This is not how a nuclear powered nation reacts when their most wanted man is being given shelter in a country like Afghanistan which is not even a county with a leader like Karzai. This is pathetic
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What do you mean by doing their job for them? Are you that blinded by your hate that you dont see how a border is made secured. Dude for your information Pak-Afghan border is porous and this by the way for your poor information also goes to Afghanistan as they are ones opposing sealing this border. Pakistan has long being advocate of sealing this border but afghanistan opposes. Pakistan alone cannot seal of the border from both sides, we can only do it from our side to some extent. A border is suppose to be secured from both sides so that when terrorists try to run across, they are taken out by the other side. Afghanistan is known to shelter anti Pakistan elements. For your information just google where did Mulana Fazul-ullah ran to after Swat operation and where is he pop up from after mehsud was taken out?

There is no hate here, just common freakin sense...on one hand you accuse Afghans of deliberately sheltering TTP on the other hand you are hoping they will abandon the own WOT against Afghan Taliban(which btw have been sheltered in Pakistan) and election duties and come out help you in your operation...why??

As far as question of Pakistan alone not being able to seal the border', these are but petty excuses to not wanting to commit enough forces to properly seal border.
For eg.

Are Indians asking/depending on Pakistan to seal its borders against Kashmiri/Punjabi militants, before launching operation in those areas? We understand, we can not depend on Pakistanis, they would rather help the militants than us..and we work around it.

Since you mentioned Mullah radio..would you like me to remind you where Mullaha Omar, Sirajuddin Haqqani, Ayman Al Zwhari or most of Afghan Taliban leadership hiding and not to mention Osma Bin Laden.

Do you also know it was Nawaz Sharif himself, who recently halted the execution of Mulana Fazul-ullah by US drones??
There is no hate here, just common freakin sense...on one hand you accuse Afghans of deliberately sheltering TTP on the other hand you are hoping they will abandon the own WOT against Afghan Taliban(which btw have been sheltered in Pakistan) and election duties and come out help you in your operation...why??

As far as question of Pakistan alone not being able to seal the border', these are but petty excuses to not wanting to commit enough forces to properly seal border.
For eg.

Are Indians asking/depending on Pakistan to seal its borders against Kashmiri/Punjabi militants, before launching operation in those areas? We understand, we can not depend on Pakistanis, they would rather help the militants than us..and we work around it.

Since you mentioned Mullah radio..would you like me to remind you where Mullaha Omar, Sirajuddin Haqqani, Ayman Al Zwhari or most of Afghan Taliban leadership hiding and not to mention Osma Bin Laden.

Do you also know it was Nawaz Sharif himself, who recently halted the execution of Mulana Fazul-ullah by US drones??

We are not asking for their help, we are asking them to secure their damn side of the fucking border. Is this so hard for you to understand. And its not like Afghanistan is going to do it alone, we know how capable they really are, its the US and NATO that really needs to act. Your logic of comparing Pakistan and India situation with that of Pakistan and Afghanistan is so absurd that i dont know where to start. Pakistan has already cordon of the area however to make sure that they dont find a safe place we have asked Afghanistan to secure their part as well, although i think that just symbolic, Nawaz calling Karazi, because after all we are well aware how pulls the strings in afghanistan and who really matters. And for your information that has already started implementing.

US, Pakistan forces maintaining coordination, says Pentagon


US hikes surveillance on Pak-Afghan border

And instead of coming with counter questions, i suggest you answer mine because it was you who started accusing Pakistan of expecting others to do their job for us.

And your last line is a mere rant. No Nawaz asked US to halt drone strike not because of his love for Mullah radio but because first there was a dialogue going on between the government and ttp and second Pakistan has been saying for ages that drone strikes are counter productive. A drone strike on fazal would had played right in TTP's hand that they were right all along and Pakistan government and armed forces are fighting US war. Nawaz maybe stupid but not that stupid.

You Indians can come up with only one thing Osama, thats your playing card, no thanks you can save it for yourself. I can answer you on that but than i dont see the point. You are clinching on straw man argument. I asked you a question and that too since you were the one who accused Pakistan of expecting others to their job, i said how exactly is this by asking Afghanistan to secure its border. I am well aware why you chose not to touch the part of securing the border where Pakistan has been the forefront advocate of securing the durand line.

You need to read more and open your mouth less specially on mattes you dont know squat and on top of that does not concern Indian or Indians in any matter what so ever.
We are not asking for their help, we are asking them to secure their damn side of the fucking border. Is this so hard for you to understand. And its not like Afghanistan is going to do it alone, we know how capable they really are, its the US and NATO that really needs to act. Your logic of comparing Pakistan and India situation with that of Pakistan and Afghanistan is so absurd that i dont know where to start. Pakistan has already cordon of the area however to make sure that they dont find a safe place we have asked Afghanistan to secure their part as well, although i think that just symbolic, Nawaz calling Karazi, because after all we are well aware how pulls the strings in afghanistan and who really matters. And for your information that has already started implementing.

US, Pakistan forces maintaining coordination, says Pentagon


US hikes surveillance on Pak-Afghan border

And instead of coming with counter questions, i suggest you answer mine because it was you who started accusing Pakistan of expecting others to do their job for us.

And your last line is a mere rant. No Nawaz asked US to halt drone strike not because of his love for Mullah radio but because first there was a dialogue going on between the government and ttp and second Pakistan has been saying for ages that drone strikes are counter productive. A drone strike on fazal would had played right in TTP's hand that they were right all along and Pakistan government and armed forces are fighting US war. Nawaz maybe stupid but not that stupid.

You Indians can come up with only one thing Osama, thats your playing card, no thanks you can save it for yourself. I can answer you on that but than i dont see the point. You are clinching on straw man argument. I asked you a question and that too since you were the one who accused Pakistan of expecting others to their job, i said how exactly is this by asking Afghanistan to secure its border. I am well aware why you chose not to touch the part of securing the border where Pakistan has been the forefront advocate of securing the durand line.

You need to read more and open your mouth less specially on mattes you dont know squat and on top of that does not concern Indian or Indians in any matter what so ever.

I see your arrogance on the matter bears from your assumption that you know something, I don't...

I ll carry out detailed deconstruction of reply in when I get time.

But for now..the answer to your question is a question itself.

You want Afghans to secure..Afghan side of the border..so that Pakistani militants get trapped with in Pakistan.

My question is, why should they bother(especially when they already have election duties too perform and AT to hunt down), it is not like you ever helped them stop the escape of Afghan militants into Pakistan, when they were carrying out the operations on their side...such that almost entire leadership of Afghan Taliban along with half the worlds terrorist now now resides in you country??!!
I see your arrogance on the matter bears from your assumption that you know something, I don't...

While i never claim to know everything, i always choose not to indulge myself in debates which i know nothing of or has nothing to do with Pakistan. Yet Indians on the other hand, claim to be expert in every matter specially when it comes to Pakistan. The arrogance here is displayed by you and Indians in general, not us, not me. The subject is related to Pakistan, its effecting my country directly, i do know a thing or two about it. There is no arrogance about it.

I ll carry out detailed deconstruction of reply in when I get time.

I look forward to that.

But for now..the answer to your question is a question itself.

You want Afghans to secure..Afghan side of the border..so that Pakistani militants get trapped with in Pakistan.

My question is, why should they bother(especially when they already have election duties too perform and AT to hunt down), it is not like you ever helped them stop the escape of Afghan militants into Pakistan, when they were carrying out the operations on their side...such that almost entire leadership of Afghan Taliban along with half the worlds terrorist now now resides in you country??!!

You cant expect me to answer your question when you choose not too yourself but i will say this your whole argument becomes moot why because those who do matter and have a say in Afghanistan have already started acting on our call. You can see the link in my previous post. So there is no longer a why left in it.
@ares a country can re route #IPL for security concerns over Elections, but cant re route or shifts it's responsibility of securing it' People or it's Borders. coz your all forces are not into your elections, and Army and border forces are only for Borders , not to act as Civil forces... i hope you understand, and will not ask any childish Questions again...
and second things, if matter is serious and sensitive, then all the parties or if their are only 2 then they should have to take the actions and decision mutually, not unilaterally... so if Afghan want to succeed after its presidential elections, and want to increase their authority out of their Kabul's Palace , then they should have to cooperate with Pakistan, other wise they will might be complete their tenure as Karzai did on support of USA or Nato forces... Afghanistan should have to be sovereign and have to take decision matters for her existence on their own.. not under western influence...
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