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Afghanistan Asks Pakistan For Security Help With Vote


Jul 22, 2012
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By RFE/RL's Radio Free Afghanistan
May 19, 2014

By RFE/RL's Radio Free Afghanistan

Afghan officials have asked neighboring Pakistan to help provide security during the second round of the country's presidential election in June.

Security cooperation was on the agenda of a trilateral meeting in Kabul between the Afghan Army Chief of Staff Sher Muhammad Karimi and his Pakistani counterpart, Raheel Sharif, as well as representatives from the NATO-led international forces.

During the meeting on May 19, Afghan officials urged Pakistan to cooperate in strengthening security in border areas between the two countries.

Afghanistan also asked Islamabad to stop firing missiles from Pakistani soil onto Afghan territory.

Kabul has long accused Pakistan of backing militants who launch attacks inside Afghanistan. Pakistan denies the claim.

Afghanistan Asks Pakistan For Security Help With Vote

Yea ask for security after accusing us :what:

Afghanistan and India accused for destabilizing Pakistan
By GHANIZADA - Mon May 19 2014, 2:58 pm

The Pakistani officials accused Afghan intelligence – National Directorate of Security (NDS) for setting up insurgent camps to destabilize Balochistan province.

Mir Sarfaraz Bugti, Balochistan’s Home Minister also accused India for trying to carry out terrorist activities to weaken Pakistan.

Bugti quoted by Pakistan’s Dawn News claimed that the Afghan intelligence agencies had set up at least 34 insurgents to destabilize Pakistan.

The remarks by Balochistan’s HOme Minister followed after Pakistani security forces confiscated a truck laden with weapons, ammunition and explsoives in Balochistan near the Pak-Afghan border region.

According to Pakistani security officials, the explosives and arms cache included 70 sacks of explosive materials, 45 prepared bombs, 200 detonators, 100 AK-47 rifles, nine Kalakov rifles, three G-3 rifles and 135 handguns.

The officials further added that the weapons and explosives seized from Gulistan area were being smuggled from Afghanistan to Balochistan.

Afghanistan and India accused for destabilizing Pakistan - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency
Asked India we are busy with TTP and also stop sending Weapons funded by India to Pakistan. Period.
Actually we can help them by mining and building a large fence on the border.
We should help Afghanistan in any way possible... a friendly,stable afghanistan is in interest of Pakistan... a unstable,hostile neighbour isnt...
We should help Afghanistan in any way possible... a friendly,stable afghanistan is in interest of Pakistan... a unstable,hostile neighbour isnt...
why Dont THey Just GO to Hell And let others Live in peace

they are just bunch of terrorist
Sorry !!!

Our boys are not mercenaries and we will definitely not endanger their lives for keeping a corrupt government in power.

Plz contact G4S or Academi or some other security company.

Or maybe your dear friend India can help !!!
Afghanistan does not recognize Durand Line: Senate

AT News Report
KABUL: Meshrano Jirga of the Parliament on Sunday said it does recognize the de facto Durand Line as an official borderline between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The robust standpoint was proclaimed in reaction to Pakistan’s sporadic border incursions and attacks on eastern and southern Afghanistan.
Senators strongly slammed the recent attacks of Pakistani border police on Afghanistan’s soil and the ensuing border clashes between Afghan and Pakistani border police. They accused neighboring countries, Pakistan in particular, of sabotaging Afghanistan’s impending run-off elections.
Senator Belqais Roshan said Pakistan waged attacks on Afghan borders since many years, while the Afghan government is silent. “Afghanistan must initiate diplomatic efforts to intercept Pakistan’s military border incursions,” she said. Concerning relations with Iran, Roshan said that a recent strategic agreement with Iran did not yield positive, saying the Afghan administration should utilize diplomatic means to persuade to have Iran stop recruiting Afghans in its war engagements.
Condemning recent attacks of the Pak military on Afghan borders, Bismillah Afghanmal, a senator from Kandahar, said such incursions, supported either by Pakistan or any other government, are utterly intolerable for Afghans.
Senator Shafiqa Nawrozkhel from Ghazni complained that the Taliban have stepped up their terrorist activities in that province in order to sabotage the run-off elections.
A member of the Senate’s defense committee, Ali Akbar Jamshidi, said the enemies with the support of Pakistan are trying to quell the election process through terrorist activities. “Therefore the Afghan government must try to stop Pakistan’s border attacks through diplomatic efforts,” said Jamshidi.
Another senator Bahram Samkani said that Pakistan and Iran wanted to make Afghanistan insecure and sabotage the coming second round of elections.
“We cannot tolerate intrusion and incursions of Pakistan, and Afghans do not recognize the Durand Line as official,” said Speaker of the Meshrano Jirga Fazulhadi Muslimyar, who called the de facto line as a contentious border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. “The Durand Line is an infamous line that caused misery and misfortune for Afghans,” he said, while stressing that the government must stop the continuous interference of the neighboring countries.
“A stable Afghanistan is for the interest of Pakistan, therefore the Upper House along with all Afghan citizens won’t allow any interference in internal affairs of Afghanistan,” he said. The Senate speaker urged the foreign ministry to clarify the issue of Iran’s recruitment of Afghan refugees for its wars overseas.
In the meantime, Jawed Kohestani, a political and military expert, said the Afghan government has no official evidence to get back the Durand Line from Pakistan as an agreement was signed between late Afghan king and Britain more than 100 years ago.
:astagh: stay away from them. They maybe cooking something, who knows trying to stage some drama.
why Dont THey Just GO to Hell And let others Live in peace

they are just bunch of terrorist

we can change our neighbour.. we can seal the border permanently... but we can help the afghani govt.. lets home abdullah doesnt turn out to be another kharzoi.
These idiots start screaming when Pakistan try to build wall or install barbed wire which is in favor of both countries and than every know and than brag about cross border movements.

Anyway - Sure Pakistan should help them provided they help Pakistan to eliminate TTP & BLA/BRA
we can change our neighbour.. we can seal the border permanently... but we can help the afghani govt.. lets home abdullah doesnt turn out to be another kharzoi.
why should we involve in their domestic conflict?
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