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Afghanistan asked to eliminate TTP ‘safe havens’

Trust me, when our F16s go around post 14, afghans wont have anything to send

I fail to understand, what is topping our ***** foreign office, to aggressively impeach this terror venture in Afghanistan.
If our army forgive NA than, i will be very disappointed.
There palaces shall be leveled by our drones!

ISLAMABAD: Governmental institutions facing Lal Masjid’s investigative commission, have said that Lal Masjid administration had strong relationship with Al-Qaeeda and other terrorist

Send some f 16s here also...
Our border forces fired mortars on enemy positions in Kunar about 4 or 5 days back. I have friends serving in the theater now (in Mohmand and Khyber) and they tell me tat exchanges take place rather regularly

I'd love to see Pakistani F16s do sonic booms over Kabul to remind these miserable people that they have enough problems and they simply can't afford to test our patience

The real fun and games will begin in 2014

Isn't kunar one of the few areas where afghan taliban have near absolute control?
So did your FC friends fire mortar at afghan taliban positions..?
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Dog Afghan Govt. supports TTP by sending man power & etc. they will never do it, it is up to Pakistan now that they bomb their save havens in Afghanistan which are close to Pak border.
Dog Afghan Govt. supports TTP by sending man power & etc. they will never do it, it is up to Pakistan now that they bomb their save havens in Afghanistan which are close to Pak border.

Attacking TTP over the border will incite the wrath of afghan taliban..Remember that TTP is sheltered in areas where Afghan Govt have nearly no control,namely kunar and some parts of nuristan.Afghan Taliban factions like that of Qari Zia Ur rehman hold sway in those area and is sheltering TTP..
Isn't kunar one of the few areas where afghan taliban have near absolute control?
So did your FC friends fire mortar at afghan taliban positions..?

No my "FC friends" did not.

We don't engage in hostilities against then; just your proxy friends in the TTP as well as some opium addict ANA who invite more retaliation and misery to their country and its people

Retaliatory fire only, of course (when they aren't busy turning their guns on eachother)

Send some f 16s here also...

We'd love to. Give us a reason and an invitation and we'll be happy to
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Afghanistan being asked to eliminate TTP 'safe havens' is actually time-consuming; rather ISI should have their people posted in Afghanistan to deal any danger that posses to Pakistan and equally Afghanistan. 2014 will be decider for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Let's hope for the best, Insha'Allaah!
What goes around comes around.

I strongly agree with the consequence of undermining the nations through the proxy-wars. Pakistan shouldn't interfere in Afghanistan; neither should India. Also, that statement would apply for the action of Indian army in Kashmir. What goes around will come around in Kashmir case; as a sign of punishment for India once and for all. India doesn't seem to be learning from the past, but Pakistan case is different in Afghanistan's situation. Pakistan is landlocked with Afghanistan eternal; whatever Pakistan does will affect Afghanistan for better or worse. Starting with border will effect Afghanistan in the large margin, and same goes to RAW for their purpose will be derailed. If Pakistan can't close the border citing the situation of people in Afghanistan, and the pressure from the world; then Pakistan should be actively involved in Afghanistan's situation.
Attacking TTP over the border will incite the wrath of afghan taliban..Remember that TTP is sheltered in areas where Afghan Govt have nearly no control,namely kunar and some parts of nuristan.Afghan Taliban factions like that of Qari Zia Ur rehman hold sway in those area and is sheltering TTP..

Taliban is not TTP & TTP is not part of original Taliban.

Now I don't want to start a new topic here, it will only get worse.

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