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Afghan Taliban order NGOs to ban female employees from work


Mar 21, 2007
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Afghan Taliban order NGOs to ban female employees from work​

Some female employees were not adhered to the Islamic dress code for women, reads letter

December 24, 2022

an unhcr worker pushes a wheelbarrow loaded with aid supplies for a displaced afghan family outside a distribution centre as a taliban fighter secures the area on the outskirts of kabul afghanistan october 28 2021 photo reuters file

An UNHCR worker pushes a wheelbarrow loaded with aid supplies for a displaced Afghan family outside a distribution centre as a Taliban fighter secures the area on the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan October 28, 2021.

Afghanistan's Taliban-run administration on Saturday ordered all local and foreign non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to stop female employees from coming to work, according to an economy ministry letter, in the latest crackdown on women's freedoms.

The letter, confirmed by economy ministry spokesperson Abdulrahman Habib, said the female employees were not allowed to work until further notice because some had not adhered to the administration's interpretation of Islamic dress code for women.

It was not immediately clear whether the order applied to United Nations agencies, which have a large presence in Afghanistan.

It comes days after the Taliban-run administration ordered universities to close to women, prompting strong global condemnation and sparking some protests and heavy criticism inside Afghanistan.

The Sharia orders it! don't feel sad Afghans, 99% of you support Sharia Laws afterall.
The Sharia orders it! don't feel sad Afghans, 99% of you support Sharia Laws afterall.
If you ask any muslim, he would endorse sharia. Even in UK they want sharia. I guess what's good for goose is good for gander.
If you ask any muslim, he would endorse sharia. Even in UK they want sharia. I guess what's good for goose is good for gander.
They shouldn't expect the rest of the world to support and sympathise with them if they proudly keep such a backwards mindset and beliefs. It was pathetic to see Afghans begging for help from those same "infidel" Americans to come back and help them fight the Taliban because they were too useless to get the job done themselves and take responsibility. One has to have an insane level of patience to sympathise with Afghans.
Yeh Maulvi koyi banday kay putron waala kaam kabhi naheen karain gay.
It is important for the world to know that the Taliban is not primarily establishing Islamic law, what it really seeks to establish is their tribal conduct of life known as Afghanwali.

The banning of education, removal of them from work places completely, rather than segregation, among many other things is proof of this.

The reputation of Islam is being tarnished in the name of Sharia or Islamic emirate - it's even worse when they claim they are the only true one on the planet.

These people are going to consequently breed a whole new generation of atheists or apostates - especially among the non-Afghan community who are alien to this Afghan tribal code.
Taliban bans women from Breathing, Taliban bans women from going to bathroom because they will have to take their clothes off, and there are Jinn's who would be watching them hence Haram.
They shouldn't expect the rest of the world to support and sympathise with them if they proudly keep such a backwards mindset and beliefs. It was pathetic to see Afghans begging for help from those same "infidel" Americans to come back and help them fight the Taliban because they were too useless to get the job done themselves and take responsibility. One has to have an insane level of patience to sympathise with Afghans.

What's wrong with Sharia?? Why wouldn't any Muslim support Sharia unless they weren't really a Muslim or a hypocrite

Where does Islam or Sharia ban education?

What this is, is a poorly implemented set of laws by ethnocentric afghans in line with their tribal way of thinking

Living in the west and seeing what's happening to young women and men here, the destruction of the family unit and the fall out,, makes you appreciate not only Sharia but multiple Islamic basics from marriage to how to guide your life

There is somewhat of a basic level backlash happening in the west where they can see how whilst even living In more developed societies how the destruction of the family unit and societal and feminist pressure on women has led to depression and unhappiness,

Muslims more then ever should stand by the basic principles of Islam wherever we are

More NGOs halt Afghan work after Taliban ban on women staff​

Announcements by the two groups take to six the number of bodies who have paused their operations in the country

December 26, 2022

Christian Aid and ActionAid on Monday became the latest foreign aid groups to suspend operations in Afghanistan after the country's Taliban rulers ordered all NGOs to stop women staff from working.

Announcements by the two groups take to six the number of bodies who have paused their operations in the country.

Christian Aid was "rapidly seeking clarity... and urging the authorities to reverse the ban", head of global programmes Ray Hasan said in a statement.

"Whilst we do this, we are unfortunately pausing the work of our programmes," he added.

ActionAid said that if women were banned from working with the group it would "prevent us from reaching out to half of the population that are already reeling from hunger".

"ActionAid has made the difficult decision to temporarily halt most of its programmes in Afghanistan until a clearer picture emerges," it said in a statement.

On Sunday Save the Children, the Norwegian Refugee Council and CARE all announced they were putting their operations on hold.

The International Rescue Committee, which provides emergency response in health, education and other areas and employs 3,000 women across Afghanistan, also said it was suspending services.

"Millions of people in Afghanistan are on the verge of starvation," Christian Aid's Hasan said on Monday.

"Reports that families are so desperate they have been forced to sell their children to buy food are utterly heartbreaking," he said, adding that a ban on women aid workers would "only curtail our ability to help the growing number of people in need".

The ban is the latest blow against women's rights in Afghanistan since the Taliban reclaimed power last year.

Less than a week ago, the hardline Islamists also barred women from attending universities, prompting global outrage and protests in some Afghan cities.
The afghans/pashtuns are people you just can't change or help

The west spent over a TRILLION trying to fix them with no luck

They have tried to attack Pakistan for decades, we took millions of afghans as refugees and each one of them is a namak haram

We have to accept they are just a worthless backwards people

The Taliban fundamentally are the right people to control afghans, these people don't see sense they need ruthless control

We just need to ensure the TTP and pashtun nationalists can't continue to spew poison into the minds of young pashtuns here

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