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Afghan Taliban in Kabul; Amnesty announced and Interim setup rumored

This is where the west has a skewed understanding of what matters. Human life is far superior to anything else you have on the planet, other than the planet itself.

People who do not care about people do not deserve to set standards for anything. If they are not sincere to the species they belong to, what other species can they claim to care about?

Maybe you missed this and other flights packed with Afghans.


And please keep your self-righteous BS to yourself.
Maybe you missed this and other flights packed with Afghans.

View attachment 770563

And please keep your self-righteous BS to yourself.

So the Afghans who were being thrown out of aeroplanes were not humans or afghans.? Yes?

What self-righteous bull$hit my friend? People you're trying to defend are murdering your species. How are your definitions standing on your self-created self-righteousness cales?
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So the Afghans who were being thrown out of aeroplanes were not humans or afghans.? Yes?

We know the weak people get angry when challenged. If you are here on the forum, have some balls to stand and talk with respect or maybe you can choose to escape with the rest of the Americans out of this forum.

Yes maybe oneday we can have the balls of the self righteous who can clearly understand the challenges faced by military personel during a warzone evac.
check this s#it out. afghani's on indian news channel. now these indians are going to have afghanis on their news channel whining and moaning like losers. indians and these type of afghanis are meant for each other.

Western media is also playing a very bizzare dirty game. They are deliberately mis translating the Taliban members when they interview them. If they don't speak English they totally change the meaning or cut them off. If they speak broken English they use superior English skills to push them in a corner and manipulate the meaning of the Taliban person says.

Watch at 1:20

She totally changes the meaning of what they are saying.

There was another Al Jazeera English video where they were covering Taliban in Presidential Palace. 1st they cut audio when they recited quran. Then when the commander I think started saying that he feels grateful to Allah that 20 year oppression of foreign powers has come to end and that he himself spent 8 years in Guantanamo Bay under horrific circumstances. They cut off his audio saying they are having translation problems.

This never was a war on Terror. From now on you will see the reality becomes clear that it always was a war against Islam.

I'm also gonna make a thread about it too.
Western media is also playing a very bizzare dirty game. They are deliberately mis translating the Taliban members when they interview them. If they don't speak English they totally change the meaning or cut them off. If they speak broken English they use superior English skills to push them in a corner and manipulate the meaning of the Taliban person says.

Watch at 1:20

She totally changes the meaning of what they are saying.

There was another Al Jazeera English video where they were covering Taliban in Presidential Palace. 1st they cut audio when they recited quran. Then when the commander I think started saying that he feels grateful to Allah that 20 year oppression of foreign powers has come to end and that he himself spent 8 years in Guantanamo Bay under horrific circumstances. They cut off his audio saying they are having translation problems.

This never was a war on Terror. From now on you will see the reality becomes clear that it always was a war against Islam.

I'm also gonna make a thread about it too.
that is why i call it war of terror. its all about who can unleash the most terror. its NATO not any rag tag militia.

Yes maybe oneday we can have the balls of the self righteous who can clearly understand the challenges faced by military personel during a warzone evac.

No warzone escape justify butchering humans, especially when they were the people you called "allies".

The American story in Afghanistan was based on morality and rights. This is what you came for. This is what made you do bomb men, women, children, civilians and everyone you thought. And when you had a chance to escape the war-havoc, you blew everything before leaving.

It is not just a loss of war, it is also a loss of character and entitlement to be called humans.
Western media is also playing a very bizzare dirty game. They are deliberately mis translating the Taliban members when they interview them. If they don't speak English they totally change the meaning or cut them off. If they speak broken English they use superior English skills to push them in a corner and manipulate the meaning of the Taliban person says.

Watch at 1:20

She totally changes the meaning of what they are saying.

There was another Al Jazeera English video where they were covering Taliban in Presidential Palace. 1st they cut audio when they recited quran. Then when the commander I think started saying that he feels grateful to Allah that 20 year oppression of foreign powers has come to end and that he himself spent 8 years in Guantanamo Bay under horrific circumstances. They cut off his audio saying they are having translation problems.

This never was a war on Terror. From now on you will see the reality becomes clear that it always was a war against Islam.

I'm also gonna make a thread about it too.
1. You are expecting too much from CNN. This is Voice of Liberals in the WEST. They will criticize and do propaganda as usual.

Real comedy is this:

Total coverage from CNN for reference:

2. War against Islam? You are overreaching, my friend.

Do you remember Operation Cyclone? CIA-funded jihad to defeat USSR in Afghanistan in times of Cold War? This war brought radicalism, gun-culture, and Al-Qaeda network to the region as well.

Post-9/11 war in Afghanistan was the byproduct of what happened in the past. Both USA and Pakistan found themselves scrambling for 'damage control' and 'regional reforms' soon after 9/11.

Muslims should reflect on themselves as well.

Afghanistan was a messed-up region with terrorists roaming around. It still is. There is still much work to be done to fix it.
Meanwhile on the other side of the border, Uzbekistan shoots down Afghans who thought it was their daddy's airspace and they can go anywhere they like. :lol:

Uzbekistan shoots down fleeing Afghan military plane
At least 143 former Afghan soldiers escape to Tajikistan in 3 planes and 2 helicopters

Uzbekistan air force shot down a fleeing Afghan military plane, while Tajikistan said at least 143 former Afghan soldiers who escaped the war-torn country have landed in three planes and two helicopters, local media reported on Monday.

On Sunday night, an unnamed Afghan military aircraft crashed in Uzbekistan's southeastern Surxondaryo district, according to a local Uzbek news outlet. Two pilots of the plane survived the accident and were sent to a military hospital in Termez province for treatment.

Later in a statement, the Uzbek Defense Ministry stated that their air defense forces intercepted and shot down Afghan military aircraft that violated their airspace. The ministry confirmed in a statement that two pilots ejected before the jet crashed and survived.

At least 143 former Afghan security forces members fled to Tajikistan in three planes and two helicopters, according to Tajikistan's Ozodi Radio.

When Taliban troops overran Afghanistan's northern region Mazar-i-Sharif on Sunday, at least 84 Afghan border guards and former Vice President Marshal Abdul Rashid Dostum fled to Uzbekistan, local Uzbek media.

For those who are asking for Panjshir
Well "Green color", in the map is Panjshir while "Red", is IEA controlled Afghanistan. Panjshir is surrounded from all sides & there is absolutely no chance of "Counter Offense".
IEA has dispatched some unit to take control of Panjshir.
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