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Afghan taliban denied all reports of negotiation as propaganda

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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Recently, a buzz is heard that the Afghan taliban has started negotiation with the US or that they are planning to open office in other countries. They denied any and all of these reports in their official website.

Statements from their official website:

The Fifth Column Embraced In Sinful America

Negotiation or Ploys, What is it?

---------- Post added at 05:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 PM ----------

Statement 1, published in 26th February:

The Fifth Column Embraced In Sinful America’s Lap, Spreading The Lying Buzz Of Negotiations

Saturday, 26 February 2011 15:33 Abu Muthanna Badir

For months we have been hearing the startling and stunning buzz of negotiations, reports of which have been seen increasingly spread in an urgent and polished style by the ignorant Western news agencies, glossed with a hue of truth and veracity.

This buzz has been repeated and spread until it was said: a high-ranking delegation from the Islamic Emirate met with officials of the lackey, mercenary government at the Sarina Hotel here in the Afghan capital Kabul. This was corroborated from the mouth of the snake-charmer president of this government in one of his interviews with the CNN satellite network.

Unfortunately, I have heard this false claim on the tongues of some naïve and stupid countrymen of ours, as well as those who wear the garb of the praiseworthy and innocent lamb who corroborate their words and bear witness for them because of the existence of common interests which they share with them, but at heart they have a faith that is weaker than the spider’s web.

We must not wonder at these biased (reports) and fabricated deceptions on the part of the enemy. Such contrivances are nothing but the practice of Americans and Westerners and the habit of the hypocrites and mercenaries. Whenever they fail in a conspiracy, they immediately resort to the next one – like a drowning man who extends his hand to even (pond) scum, hoping it will save him even though it is impossible for it to help him. The Afghans generally and the Mujahideen especially are fully aware of the tricks of the occupying enemy and his wicked plots. They have been hardened by wars and military plots throughout the past three decades which they have spent fighting foreign invaders and occupiers, and they have mastered all kinds of war. They will be not be duped by these farcical lies issued by the enemy even though these lies are deceptively coated as truth. The enemy has today retreated to the military invasion due to the heroism of the Mujahideen and the resistance of the Afghans. They resort to this toxic discharge among naïve circles of Muslims, with the intention of shaking their bright ideas, driving away their strong zeal, diminishing their religious awareness, causing their determination to slumber, and intoxicate their clear minds.

It is logically impossible for negotiations to be conducted with the lackey government and the fifth column so long as it is embraced in the lap of wicked America and while American flags are flapping above the peaks of this Muslim land.

How is it possible? The Mujahideen have embarked on Jihad and given themselves and their souls to Allah Almighty. They have refused to have anything to do with this artificial life, and have chosen death over life. They have made countless sacrifices in these past three decades. They have turned to face and banded together against the pharaoh of this age (criminal America) with overflowing might and rushing zeal, bearing on their backs the responsibility for defending the frontlines of Islam and defending the territory of Islam in this blessed land against those criminals who have swept through many Afghan territories and committed repulsive crimes that send a shiver down the spine, especially in the south which they have occupied and where they have shed the blood of its innocent people until this day.

No matter how they spread the spirit of defeat and (try) to shake trust in the spirits of Mujahideen via their lying rumors and trying to shatter their solid wills; break their backs; destroy the optimism of Muslims in supporting the Religion and its people; spread their exaggerations and dull their senses. No matter what…no one will believe them (Allah willing) nor accept their false rumors.

This is because the policy of the Islamic Emirate is as clear as the afternoon sun. The Emirate summit has more than once declared in its media statements that negotiations with the lackey government are not possible so long as Western armies are present here and while it remains the candidate of the first rank of collaboration, treachery and perfidy towards this country and its people. This is and remains the Emirate’s policy, and there will be no concession or compromise on this.

What type of negotiations are these? The government has thus far been unable to make any statement in the name of any actual Emirate officials. They are just random words thrown about here and there.

Unfortunately, some naïve individuals believe their words and vouch for them on their positions without knowing whether the basis for the reality for these positions are true or false. This just (reflects) the old understanding between them and the dissolute hypocrites and the presence of personal interests between them. Those stupid ones who are drawn by sentiment or an old understanding – as it seems to me – come appearing as servants of Allah SWT, but at heart their faith is weaker than the web of the spider. If they had truly read the glorious Qur’an then they would have denied the false rumors. Recall the words of Allah SWT:

“O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done”. (Al-Hujarat: 6).

Finally, I wish to gladden the hearts of dear brothers and lovers of Islam and Muslims; falsehood no matter how it grows and multiplies, and no matter how its roots and branches lengthen, there will (be) a hand of the people of truth to pluck it out. So, do not fear or be troubled. The glad tidings of victory appear on the horizon.

“Already has Our Word been passed before (this) to our Servants sent (by Us), that they would certainly be assisted, and that Our forces, - they surely must conquer.” (Al-Saffat: 171-173).

So rejoice followers of Allah. Rejoice, soldiers of Allah:

“So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith” (Al-i-Imran: 139).

Discouraging words should not deter your determination to do good deeds. False news should not stop you so that you remain in the same place, not moving forward or producing any effect. Cling fast to the rope of Allah and trust in the victory of Righteous Allah.

“Whoever holds firmly to Allah will be shown a way that is straight” (Al-i-Imran: 101).

Place these false rumors behind your backs, for they are from the soldiers of Shaytan:

“It is only the Evil One that suggests you to fear of his votaries: Be ye not afraid of them, but fear Me, if ye have faith,” (Al-i-Imran: 175), because he frightens us with his men at times and with his words at others and by making us despair at others. Allah only suffices for us; He is our Supporter and He is “the best to protect and the best to help”.

Translated From The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan: Al-Somood Monthly Magazine Issue #57

---------- Post added at 05:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 PM ----------

Statement 2, published in 26th May

Negotiation or Ploys, What is it?

Saturday, 28 May 2011 09:32 administrator

If empty words and hypes were ever to yield results as Washington and Kabul are trying to prove, then by now, the Islamic Emirate and the occupation forces would have reached a tangible outcome. However, when actions are opposite to words, then it becomes merely a deception game. The same is the case concerning negotiation the White House has been harping on so much.

Instead of following a pragmatic and sincere approach to solution of issues, the United State sets the highest example of hypocrisy of modern times by terrorizing nations under the name of eliminating terrorism, and occupying them in the name of emancipation.

Nowadays, we hear two hot topics : the negotiation between the Islamic Emirate and USA and the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan. But unfortunately, America wants to pave way for elimination of the current armed Jihad and resistance under the name of negotiation and further ensconce themselves in Afghanistan under the pretext of drawdown. These ploys can be read on the faces of the top brass of Pentagon, the rulers of the White House and their caressed surrogate Karzai. Contradiction of words and intention are clear from the tone of their rhetoric.

In the first place, one could question the presence of tens of thousands of foreign troops and sophisticated weapons in Afghanistan. Is it not irrational, that you invade my country, then you kill me and accuse me of being a terrorist, then impose your conditions on me, that if a I want to live in my land, I have to surrender to you and accept all your conditions. Still more to presume that I am free and live an honorable life as any free man.

It is the same scenario in Afghanistan, . The bully does not intend to leave but puts forward gestures of reconciliation with an aim to further loot the country and enslave you. This is the meaning of a” Just War”in the NeoCon dictionary.

If the United State is really serious in negotiation, it should adopt diplomatic solution of the Afghan issue as a policy not as a hype or a ploy. But first of all, there should be confidence-building measures before any negotiation. How is it possible, that on the one hand, American Special Forces kill innocent Afghans during night raids on wrong reports, thousands of best sons of the Afghans have been festering in the open and secret jails of America and, on the other hand, they put forward peace overtures. All partners of the coalition invading forces under the leadership of America, must initially accept, the current Afghan resistance as a genuine resistance force against the foreign occupation. Furthermore, the Afghans should have all the rights the UN Charter bestows on free people, including formation of a regime according to their will and aspirations and having an independent and sovereign country. Let be pragmatic. Biased and emotional approaches have landed America in quagmire of trillions of dollars of debt and hasty invasions. America has committed the most horrendous violations of human rights while it was supposed to protect them and be a standard-bearer of justice and fair play in the world. But the human rights violations committed by American troops in Abu Gharib , Guntanaomo and Bagram jails are some of the gruesome crimes that even Genghis of the yore has not perpetrated. If American wants to regain its image, it should reverse all its approaches that has put the world on fire.

---------- Post added at 05:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:36 PM ----------

Therefore, next time you hear "Taliban is negotiating", know that all these are propaganda designed to lower the morale of the Taliban freedom fighters and create divides among them. But, they've recognized the ploy from the beginning.
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