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Afghan Taliban bar govt employees without beards from work


Mar 21, 2007
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Afghan Taliban bar govt employees without beards from work​

Officials are said to be patrolling entrances to govt offices to ensure compliance with the new rules

March 28, 2022

a taliban fighter guards a street in kabul afghanistan december 16 2021 photo reuters

A Taliban fighter guards a street in Kabul, Afghanistan, December 16, 2021. PHOTO: REUTERS

Afghanistan's Taliban has instructed all government employees to wear a beard and adhere to a dress code or risk being fired, three sources told Reuters, the latest of several new restrictions imposed by the hardline administration.

The sources said representatives from the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice were patrolling the entrances to government offices on Monday to check that employees were in compliance with the new rules.

Employees were being instructed not to shave their beards and to wear local clothing consisting of a long, loose top and trousers, and a hat or turban. They were also told to ensure they prayed at the correct times, two of the sources said.

Workers were told they would from now on be unable to enter offices and would eventually be fired if they did not meet the dress codes, the sources said.

A spokesperson for the public morality ministry did not respond to a request for comment.

Last week, the Taliban banned women from taking flights without a male chaperone and failed to open girls' schools as promised.

On Sunday it ordered parks to be segregated by sex, with women allowed to enter three days a week, and men the other four days, including the weekend, meaning even married couples and families cannot visit together.

The Taliban administration has drawn criticism at home and from Western governments for forcing its hardline interpretation of Islamic law onto all Afghans.

The Taliban say they will respect everyone's rights in line with Islamic law and Afghan customs and that they have changed since their 1996-2001 rule, when they barred women from leaving the house without a male relative and forced men to grow beards.

Wednesday's u-turn on girls' schools led to protests from the international community, including the United States, which pulled out of planned meetings with Taliban officials in Qatar to discuss key economic issues.

The Taliban needs Western countries to lift sanctions that are crippling the Afghan economy.

Where do they get that beard is an article of faith in islam??
In today's time beard has become trend from hollywood to lollywood to every main street and every joker has grown a beard. Not having a beard today is more islamic to me:)
Not that bad considering all the things they could implement, I actually don't consider this bad at all.

If having a beard is part of the image they want to project of themselves then I don't see anything wrong with that. It's their prerogative.

(It is pointless and unnecessary in my opinion, although it's obviously culturally/religiously derived, but as a foreigner I have no right to judge)

I'm sure foreign governments world-wide have requirements for how you physically present yourself too. Afghanistan also has this right.

This is one of the most harmless things and doesn't actually hurt anyone.
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I see Taliban is still being targetted with humours fake news.. This is confirmed to be fake news.

This fake news only had one intention? --> make the readers laugh out loud. It was a comedic gig

Afghan Taliban bar govt employees without beards from work​

Officials are said to be patrolling entrances to govt offices to ensure compliance with the new rules

March 28, 2022

a taliban fighter guards a street in kabul afghanistan december 16 2021 photo reuters

A Taliban fighter guards a street in Kabul, Afghanistan, December 16, 2021. PHOTO: REUTERS

KABUL: Afghanistan's Taliban has instructed all government employees to wear a beard and adhere to a dress code or risk being fired, three sources told Reuters, the latest of several new restrictions imposed by the hardline administration.

The sources said representatives from the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice were patrolling the entrances to government offices on Monday to check that employees were in compliance with the new rules.

Employees were being instructed not to shave their beards and to wear local clothing consisting of a long, loose top and trousers, and a hat or turban. They were also told to ensure they prayed at the correct times, two of the sources said.

Workers were told they would from now on be unable to enter offices and would eventually be fired if they did not meet the dress codes, the sources said.

A spokesperson for the public morality ministry did not respond to a request for comment.

Last week, the Taliban banned women from taking flights without a male chaperone and failed to open girls' schools as promised.

On Sunday it ordered parks to be segregated by sex, with women allowed to enter three days a week, and men the other four days, including the weekend, meaning even married couples and families cannot visit together.

The Taliban administration has drawn criticism at home and from Western governments for forcing its hardline interpretation of Islamic law onto all Afghans.

The Taliban say they will respect everyone's rights in line with Islamic law and Afghan customs and that they have changed since their 1996-2001 rule, when they barred women from leaving the house without a male relative and forced men to grow beards.

Wednesday's u-turn on girls' schools led to protests from the international community, including the United States, which pulled out of planned meetings with Taliban officials in Qatar to discuss key economic issues.

The Taliban needs Western countries to lift sanctions that are crippling the Afghan economy.

It means only some Afghan women will be allowed to work then?
I know many of my fellow Pakistanis consider taliban in high regard due to them being our strategic ally.
But i have to call spade a spade. There are alot of problems in afghanistan rn and yet taliban seen to be fixated on petty problems which mind you are also not among pillars of Islam.
In afghanistan there is no industry, famine is going on, people are literally and i mean literally selling their daughters for money ( Where in Islam this thing is accepted). Taliban or afghans seem to project themselves as somesort of holy warriors or patriots of Muslimhood yet their acts are that of "Zamana-e- Jahliat". Afghans are a nationalist people who have a sense of unnecassary pride among them. KPK suffer from the crimes of the illegals from Afghanistan. 95% of people residing in KPK want strict border control.
Pakistan needs to implement Pakistan first policy. We should cherish our indivisual cultures but should always have priority towards Pakistani ideology.
Many people have also forgotten about Pakistani ideology. If one looks at Quaid policies and saying one can easily deduce that Pakistan was made to be a Welfare Muslim society. Hope we get in our senses and start working towards it.

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