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Afghan - Soviet Afghan War '88/Афганский - Афганская война '88

Nice singing and nice melody. @vostok, what is the song about ?

And even I an anti-war / anti-military person agree that the Mi-24 helicopter is a beautiful machine.

@Joe Shearer
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A new movie is about to be released about the war.

btw,to see a pilots eye view (simulation) of how getting shot down by a stinger looks like. It’s over before the pilots really gets a chance to react.

one of the most haunting songs of the Soviet war was Karavan
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one of the most haunting songs of the Soviet war was Karavan

Nice song, Karavan. But why is it typical of Russian songs to be melancholic ?

And in the second song, that helicopter delicately sitting on top of the hill. Expert pilot.
Nice song, Karavan. But why is it typical of Russian songs to be melancholic ?

And in the second song, that helicopter delicately sitting on top of the hill. Expert pilot.

Life in Russia is hard. Karavan was written, if I remember correctly, by a Soviet veteran of the Afghan war. It’s a very famous song in Russia to this day, and it encapsulates the war experience and presents it to the public in a way they will understand. It’s similar to the song “fortunate song” for Americans to understand the vietnam war.

If you want to hear a real melancholic song listen to black tulip. The English lyrics are in the description. He talks about the 20 years of sending boys back to “dear land to lie”.

It’s a haunting echo of the ISAF war effort of 20 years.
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If you want to hear a real melancholic song listen to black tulip.

What is the significance of "the pilot's Black Tulip" ? Is it a button in the aircraft or some other thing ?
What is the significance of "the pilot's Black Tulip" ? Is it a button in the aircraft or some other thing ?
The zinc coffins the boys came back in were black. The parents were not allowed to open them and they were a good number of times just dropped off unceremoniously in front of the families homes.

It is also one of the only ways talking about soviet soldiers killed in the war was tolerated back in the Soviet Union. There is a book called Zinky Boys (as in the boys that came back in Zinc coffins) that talks about this
The zinc coffins the boys came back in were black. The parents were not allowed to open them and they were a good number of times just dropped off unceremoniously in front of the families homes.

If that really happened it sounds like betrayal.

It is also one of the only ways talking about soviet soldiers killed in the war was tolerated back in the Soviet Union. There is a book called Zinky Boys (as in the boys that came back in Zinc coffins) that talks about this

The book's review is good but the authoress seems to have mostly concentrated on the USSR military and not much on the so-called Mujahideen. Perhaps it was this fact that got her the Nobel Peace Prize much like it did for Barack Obomba in 2009 who then went on to start wars in Libya and Syria in 2011.

To be clear I being a communist am thus a pacifist. I desire for national borders to fall and war to be eradicated. Please read this my quoting of Mahathir Mohamad where he gives a similar statement.
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