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Afghan soldier kills 3 British troops, 5 wounded

Well as much as it will be termed as an incident where a Tallib had joined the army, we do need to look at the other side of the coin.
The possibility could be that these are regular Afghans just like any one else joining the Army, but the reason for his actions could be some other. We cant ignore the fact that racism still prevails big time in the Nato forces, and they think them selves to be better and Superior then the normal Afghans, not all but there is a sufficient number who indulge themselves in these activities. So could it have been that the Afghani that had killed these troops had some other reason to do so. Not that I condone the actions of the individual and or I am happy at the death of the soldiers, but by just saying that he was a Talib (which he could be) dont answer it all.
oh god how funny is this ( afganistan is just another vietnam they will keep killing until you drop A bomb on them) so please leave or be slowly demobilized by spending billions and billion on a useless mission

it is not entirely useless as you think. if americans fail you and me will fail with them toghter, if they win, we will also be the winner as nations. our fates are very much connected to each other nowdays.
I dont know why the Gurkhas are still in the British army.I think they were denied british citizenship even after serving long.They should leave the country which does not identify their valour and courage.

Gurkhas win right to stay in UK

Actress Joanna Lumley was among those campaigning for the Gurkhas
A group of retired Gurkhas fighting for the right to settle in Britain have won their immigration test case at London's High Court.

They were challenging immigration rules which said that those who retired from the British Army before 1997 did not have an automatic right to stay.

Prominent supporter actress Joanna Lumley said it was a "chance to right a great wrong".

The government said it would now review all Gurkhas' cases.

'Debt of honour'

The regiment moved its main base from Hong Kong to the UK in 1997 and the government had argued that Gurkhas discharged before that date were unlikely to have strong residential ties with the UK.

That meant those who wanted to settle in the UK had to apply for British residence and could be refused and deported.

The judgement could affect some 2,000 former Gurkhas who retired before 1997.

The judge, Mr Justice Blake, said the Gurkhas' long service, conspicuous acts of bravery and loyalty to the Crown all pointed to a "moral debt of honour" and gratitude felt by British people.

BBC NEWS | UK | Gurkhas win right to stay in UK
yes, or it might be one of the taliban joining the army, who knows.

This is not first incident and ANA is private militia of drug lords of norhtern alliance.

it is an open secret that india want to keep milking the US cow, hence there faithful northern alliance follow their orders like dogs.
This is not first incident and ANA is private militia of drug lords of norhtern alliance.

it is an open secret that india want to keep milking the US cow, hence there faithful northern alliance follow their orders like dogs.

you are a dog yourself. By the way, the same non existent NA alliance was once supported by pakistan.
What a reporting style of mirror :angel::angel: as if everyone that opposes the invaders is a traitor

Rogue Afghan soldier murders three British troops in grenade attack

Three British troops died in Afghanistan yesterday - murdered by a traitor they had treated as a trusted comrade.

The Taliban infiltrator was a member of the Afghan army being trained by UK forces when he suddenly turned on his instructors.

He killed two Gurkha officers, both British nationals, and a Nepali Gurkha soldier in the cowardly attack before fleeing into the darkness.

One of the officers and the Nepali died when a rocket-propelled grenade slammed into the operations room they were manning.

The other officer, also with The 1st Battalion The Gurkha Rifles Battle Group, was shot dead in his sleeping quarters.

Four other members of the UK forces were wounded.

It is believed they were also in the ops room at Babaji patrol base in Helmand province when the grenade hit.

Sources said the attacker used a number of weapons, including the RPG and an AK47 assault rifle when he struck at around 2am.

It brings to 317 the number of British military deaths on the Afghan front since 9/11 - and is the second such traitorous attack in eight months.

Five British troops died and six were injured when an Afghan policeman opened fire on them at Nad-e-Ali in Helmand last November.

The latest killings are a major blow to the Nato campaign in the flashpoint province, with troops preparing a summer assault against insurgents.

Defence Secretary, Dr Liam Fox branded the attack "a despicable and cowardly act". He said: "My thoughts are with the families and friends of those who have lost their lives. This incident will be thoroughly investigated and we will do everything we can to bring the individual responsible to justice."

David Cameron described the attack as "dreadful" but insisted it was "not typical" of the situation faced by British troops in Afghanistan.

He said: "Our hearts go out to the brave Gurkha soldiers and their families. It is an appalling incident which needs an immediate and urgent investigation.

"It is absolutely essential that we do not let this incident change our attitude and approach. It is the right thing to do to build up the Afghan army.

"They are doing a good job. That is in the end the way we will be able to bring our troops home." The PM added: "The trust between the Afghan National Army and the British army is very strong and working well. This is a rogue element of the Afghan army, it is not typical of what the army is doing.

Read more: Rogue Afghan soldier murders three British troops in grenade attack - mirror.co.uk
What a reporting style of mirror :angel::angel: as if everyone that opposes the invaders is a traitor

Take you taliban/rose colored glases of for just one minute Jana.

This guy accepted pay a uniform and presumably swore an oath to learn to protect his country so that when the British and US leave his country doesnt turn into a large scale version of somalia.

He slept under their roof, shared their food and murdered them a 2am in the morning.
Guy sorry to say you made an entire generation effected by war you are no better than the Russians.imagine from day one you have forighn invaders in your country . How would you feel? Above that you kill them. Lol. Iam shire there would be many more occations like this that will repeat but ehh what can we do?
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