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Afghan Province Awards Trump Bravery Medal After Talk on Pakistan

These ungrateful afghans should get out of Pakistan immediately if they have any self respect, which is zero, The afghan ambassador is still begging Pakistan to keep their countrymen there. Talibs are knocking on their door, sooner or later their country will be overtaken by Afghan Taliban. Pakistan should stay out of their mess let these haraam khor Kabul regime deal with it.
Probably some government official organized this. Most afghans hate usa. These warlords need the dollar stream to continue and they will kiss a donkey's a** for it let alone trump's.

We should see through the propaganda and keep helping our afghan brothers. If would be unwise to detest afghans as a whole because of a few scumbags. Such people can be found aplenty here in pakistan as well.
So they are giving medal to someone who dropped MOAB in their country.

Shabash. :lol:
they are shithole country trump will not wear the medal from a shithole country :lol:
atleast they are not worshiping trump bhagwan on roads.. Still better then eastern shithole.
This "POTUS" grew some balls and stopped Pakistan AID. clap clap.

What an act of bravery. :D
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