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Afghan leader seeks Pakistan's role in Taliban talks


May 31, 2010
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Afghan leader seeks Pakistan's role in Taliban talks - People's Daily Online January 08, 2011

Former Afghan President and head of the peace council Burhanuddin Rabbani on Friday sought Pakistan 's help to persuade Taliban to agree to dialogue with the Afghan government.

Rabbani arrived in Pakistan on Tuesday to seek Islamabad's role in the reconciliation process in Afghanistan.

"We want Pakistan to help us for peace, security, stability and to encourage Taliban to come to the negotiating table," Rabbani told reporters in Islamabad on Friday.

He said Pakistan and the Afghan peace council had agreed on the formation of a joint mini-Jirga or council to work for the removal of misunderstanding between the two countries and to discuss bilateral security issues.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai formed the 70-member peace council last October for talks with Taliban and other rival groups, however, Taliban have rejected any talks with the council.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said that there is no change in Taliban policy and there will be no talks with anyone unless the foreign troops leave Afghanistan.

A delegation of another Afghan opposition group Hizb-i-Islami met the peace council members in Islamabad and presented their proposals including the withdrawal of foreign forces within six months.

Rabbani met Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani, Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani and political and religious leaders, who supported the peace council's efforts.

"All the meetings with the Pakistani political and military leaders were fruitful. Our visit is the major confidence building between the two countries," he said, adding that Pakistan wants peace and end to violence in Afghanistan.

Rabbani backed the idea of opening office of Taliban in Turkey and said the peace council can hold direct talks with Taliban in Turkey.

The idea of the Taliban office was first floated in the summit meeting of the Presidents of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey last month and Pakistan says it does not have any objection to the proposal.

Source: Xinhua
well afghanistan need to meet pak halfway and take note of pak's concerns.

the more external parties like india are involved the harder this becomes, you cant have your cake and eat it.

ultimately pak and afghanistan are the neighboring nations who overlap with one another - why convolute the matter, i think pak wants an end to this headache but some people want to keep on giving it to pak.

yes, suicide bombings - a previously alien event to pakistan - started with the US invasion to ******.

plus installation of currupt warlods of Northern alliance in Kabul who are in fact the secular version of Taliban and equally brutal to the people of Afghanistan.

when you look at the names like General Dostum who was himself part of the puppet Afghan goverment under Soviet occupation assigned to cull the Mujahideen and & burn in hell gen Fahim head of infamous KHAD (Afghan Agency) who specialised in terrorist activities in pakistan during the Soviet occupation. they never made their name and work secret with their terror group called Hammer group that killed Pakistanis all over Pakistan with blunt instuments and ensured the scene was as brutal and gory as possible to punish Pakistan for its role in Afghan Jihad.

the other KHAD tactic was toy bombs... they will leave them near Afghan refugee camps and even in Peshawar resulting in the death and maiming of unsuspecting children and adults alike.

Taliban have got more than their share of infamy but the brutalities of Nothern Alliance also need to be exposed and deseve a seperate thread to show the complete picture to the world.

what the Nothren Aliiance goverment of Kabul is now doing and saying is a big square slap on its face.. out of animosity to Pashtons & Pakistan it dismissed the rights and concerns of majority population of Afghanistan. but now the pain is overbearing due to its folly and has reached from the bottom to the throat so it is asking Pakistan's role.

Pakistan doesnt need any point scoring here because the Pashton are a common denominator between Afghanistan and Pakistan.. looking after their rights is the key to end this conflict.. the opposite of it has been tried and failed.

whether India likes it or not but both America and Kabul goverment has realised that a face saving conclusion to this conflict is including Pakistan and gettting a workable solution with Taliban led Pashton dissent against all the injustice done to Pashtons in the name of war on terror.
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Irfan, i highly doubt that those so called survived Taliban probably all of them 50+ years old would listen to Gillani and Zardari who are leading a Shia govt. in Pakistan.

I see no role for Pakistan... at least for the time being.
And road to suicide bombing chapter in Pakistan leads to Dehli via Kabul.

Taliban would never trust present Pakistan regime in any way.

When Taliban are asking Pakistan, they are surely not asking Zardari or Yusuf Raza Gillani. Lets keep the lines straight to what "Pakistan" means in the equation and who Taliban are referring to.
When Taliban are asking Pakistan, they are surely not asking Zardari or Yusuf Raza Gillani. Lets keep the lines straight to what "Pakistan" means in the equation and who Taliban are referring to.

If some ex-army person is in equation than why shall he help Zardari and Gillani?
Present day army is new breed with no history with Taliban and will never approve any deal without consultation.
We already have grave mistrust between regime and Pak army.
Wikileaks and KL bill are glaring examples.

In short Pakistan is in no position to negotiate with Taliban.
Irfan, i highly doubt that those so called survived Taliban probably all of them 50+ years old would listen to Gillani and Zardari who are leading a Shia govt. in Pakistan.

I see no role for Pakistan... at least for the time being.

I know what you are saying.. the main misgiving of Afghan Pashtons about Pakistan's PPP Goverment is it being inept and clueless. not sure how shia element is important here.. not sure how you got the Idea that Gilani & Zardari are running a shia goverment hehe
both are Sunnis..



having Ali, Hussain or Haider in a name doesnt make someone a Shia my brother... because for moderate Sunni majority these names are as sacred & respected as the names of Abu Bakr , Umer and Usman (RA).

I think you are hinting at the anti Shia sentiment within the Taliban leadership but that cant be helped.. Shias of Pakistan & Afghanistan are a reality.. if the Jews and Chrisitans could live peacefully without fear in Madina the from Prophet Muhammad PBUH to the Caliphate
then I dont know why Taliban cant give shias the right to atleast exist as human beings...because any secterian oppression by Taliban will give room to Nothern Alliance Tajik looters, Soviets, Americans and Indians to conspire and play one side against another.

Taliban need to look beyond secterian lines if they want to change Afghanistan from a hell hole to a progressive and peaceful country.
by the way any such talks with Pakistan will have a high level Army element in it so their misgivings can be addressed.

I hope I understood your post correctly.. tell me what i missed
this flag above represents a country that has the blood of both the shias and sunnis in its making and defending it.. from Siachen to Run of Kutch.. from Chawinda to waziristan Pakistan Army soliders belonging to both shia & sunni school have given their blood. Pakistan is unique country whether anyone likes it or not but it wont turn into Afghanistan or Iraq. sorry for getting off topic.. but our Afghan brothers need to accept each other if they are to fail the foreign plans to divide Afghanistan on ethnic lines.
assalam alaikum

Irfan bhai nice post the earlier one and the later i don't think there were any christians in madinah only jews at the time of Prophet (PBUH).

I hope they succeed and afghans live in peace with each other , we shuold whatever to help them.

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