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Afghan Intelligence Chief Rahmatullah Nabil Resigns

If they would have sent me memo then things would have been peaceful and normal for last 30 years.

You keep whining about ISI and "thick head" generals. That is the only purpose for you on this forum. :)
You keep whining about ISI and "thick head" generals. That is the only purpose for you on this forum.

What do you think ? Turkey made a huge mistake by supporting Daesh and downing the Russian plane with long term consequences. Pakistan made a huge mistake by supporting the Talibans. People have to learn from their mistakes that effects millions of people and the Generals seems to learning. But we have to keep reminding them so they think of long term consequences of their decisions.
What do you think ? Turkey made a huge mistake by supporting Daesh and downing Russian plane with long term consequences. Pakistan made huge mistake by supporting Talibans. People have to learn from their mistakes that effects millions of people and the Generals seems to learning. But we have to keep reminding them so they think of long term consequences of their decisions.

Pakistan didn't make any mistake. It did what it felt was for its own good. What happens in Afghanistan is not Pakistan's burden. After years of hostility by Afghanistan, Pakistan supported a group in Afghanistan and made Afghanistan pay for its behavior.

It is Afghanistan that failed to work as a nation state. It failed to unite and to live peacefully for its country. This is Afghan nation's fault and not Pakistan's.
Pakistan didn't make any mistake. It did what it felt was for its own good. What happens in Afghanistan is not Pakistan's burden. After years of hostility by Afghanistan, Pakistan supported a group in Afghanistan and made Afghanistan pay for its behavior.

It is Afghanistan that failed to work as a nation state. It failed to unite and to live peacefully for its country. This is Afghan nation's fault and not Pakistan's.
True, before any of Taliban and ISI the Afghans always hated Pakistan. Shortly after Pakistan gained independence in 1947, Afghanistan crafted a two-fold strategy to destabilize the frontier regions of Pakistan, in an attempt to take advantage of Pakistan's post-independence instability. Firstly, it strongly aligned itself with Pakistan's rival, India, and also the USSR, which later invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Secondly, it politically and financially back secessionist politicians in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the 1960s. Afghanistan's policies placed a severe strain upon Pakistan–Afghan relations in the 1960s, up until the 1970s, when the movement largely subsided as the population came to thoroughly identify with Pakistan; although, resentment against the Punjabi elite continued to develop. The Pashtun assimilation into the Pakistani state followed years of rising Pashtun influence in Pakistani politics and the nation's bureaucracy, culminating in Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan, Ishaq Khan– the Pashtuns, being placed as the presidential leader of Pakistan.

In short they deserve everything they get. I have no sympathy for Afghanistan acting like victims because of their own dirty game. And still to this day they have blind hatred for Pakistan despite the fact that we've kept more than a million of them. No wonder they're good allies with the Bhartis, both share a common characteristic. Shamelessness.
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Shortly after Pakistan gained independence in 1947, Afghanistan crafted a two-fold strategy to destabilize the frontier regions of Pakistan

Afghanistan was defeated in three Anglo-Afghanistan wars and 1893 Durand Line became the border of the British Raj. Afghan elite created a myth for their population that after the exit of British from South Asia the Pakhtun settled areas will be returned to Afghanistan. The July 1947 in Pakhtunkhwa referendum was 99% in favor of joining Pakistan. That ended foolish Afghan dream and they retaliated by opposing Pakistan in UN which was symbolic, harmless and futile exercise. Pakhtuns are integrated in Pakistan and only foolish and uninformed people bring up old issues.
Afghanistan was defeated in three Anglo-Afghanistan wars .

1- First Anglo-Afghan war.........British empire lost, actually their most disastrous defeat in 19th century
2- Second Anglo-Afghan war......British won, treaty of Gandamak concluded
3- Third Anglo-Afghan war......partial victory for Afghans, British forces suffered greater losses while Afghans achieved control over their foreign affairs

About referendum of 1947, it is very stupid of you to assume that on that occasion Pakhtun voters rejected Afghanistan or any thing like that, the other option was India. Between Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India, Pakhtuns had easy decision to make. If there was an option of Afghanistan included in the polls of 1947 refrendum, it was as clear as dawn that our grandfathers were voting for that country.

Afghan monarchs like Amir Abdur Rehman, Habibullah and Amanullah were indeed foolish and short-sighted, they could not anticipate the designs of British.
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Afghanistan was defeated in three Anglo-Afghanistan wars and 1893 Durand Line became the border of the British Raj. Afghan elite created a myth for their population that after the exit of British from South Asia the Pakhtun settled areas will be returned to Afghanistan. The July 1947 in Pakhtunkhwa referendum was 99% in favor of joining Pakistan. That ended foolish Afghan dream and they retaliated by opposing Pakistan in UN which was symbolic, harmless and futile exercise. Pakhtuns are integrated in Pakistan and only foolish and uninformed people bring up old issues.

Afghanistan was defeated in all three Anglo-Afghan wars ? Do you have any research or link to back this up? Because most of the writings and the history suggest otherwise!
This will be just a new revelation for me at least :)
Afghanistan was defeated in all three Anglo-Afghan wars ?

They were defeated in the sense that they could not achieve their primary goal of capturing Peshawar from the British. Now there are 35 million Pakhtuns in Pakistan and about 10 million Afghanistan.

About referendum of 1947, it is very stupid of you to assume that on that occasion Pakhtun voters rejected Afghanistan or any thing like that

The Pakhtuns voted to join Pakistan. The Afghan option was neither viable nor demanded by anybody.
They were defeated in the sense that they could not achieve their primary goal of capturing Peshawar from the British..
Not exactly. In the first two Anglo-Afghan wars, British were the aggressors , the British objective of first war was to install puppet regime of Shah Shuja ,they failed. In Second war, the British objective was to impose a military presence on Afghanistan in order to keep the Russians far from India. They achieved victory but partial one as they couldnt achieve the desired objectives due to their defeat and retreat in the battle of Maiwand. In Third war, Afghans inflicted larger military losses on British but achieved partial victory as British succeeded in halting their invasion. Due to Third war, Afghans succeeded in achieving full Independence which they had lost after second war. This was not Pakistan army vs Indian army scenario, ill-equipped Afghan tribal warriors (not soldiers of a proper army), many with swords and shields, were fighting against the most powerful empire of that time. Whatever territory they successfully defended from British, was a great feat in itself.
One of the biggest roadblocks between Afghan-Pak relations is this mindset among the Afghan leadership that Pakistan is run by these inferior Punjabi subhumans who are nothing compared to the mighty Pashtun/Afghan people.

What? Is this really true? That this is the general consesus of the Afghan leadership.

The thick skulled short sighted ISI played favorite and cut off supplies to most successful Afghan Mujahid Ahmad Shah Massoud who was independent minded leader among Afghan Mujahideens. ISI preferred to supply to weak minded and gullible Mujahideen who will follow their dictates. These idiots in ISI later supported Talibans for the same reasons and Pakistanis and Afghans are still paying for their stupid decisions even today. ISI prefers idiots over smart and competent people !!

The seeds of hatred were sown long time ago when ISI cut off Massoud and later he was assassinated by Taliban supporters the Al-Qaeeda.

The seeds of hatred were sown when the majority of Pushtoons accepted for Pakistan post British India. Back in 1947.
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