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Afghan Hotel Attack - Afghanistan Starts Blame Game Again


Apr 19, 2011
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Officials: Hotel Attackers Were From Taliban Sub-Group

International officials confirmed Wednesday that a brazen attack by suicide bombers on a popular hotel in Afghanistan that left 19 dead was the work of the Haqqani network, a Taliban sub-group funded and trained in Pakistan.

"We have intelligence indicators linking this failed terrorist attack to the Haqqani network," international officials told Fox News.

But we thought Pakistan was our friend and ally? And, for that matter, we thought that we were currently negotiating with the Taliban.

Indeed, the Obama administration seems to believe that the Taliban are not even the enemy. The only enemy in Afghanistan Mr. Obama ever talks about is Al Qaeda.

By the way, the Haqqani are part of the northern terrorist network that the ‘surge forces’ were supposed to attack later this year. But, now, with Mr. Obama’s troop withdraw, that will not be able to happen.

Eight insurgents stormed the Western-style Inter-Continental hotel in Kabul Tuesday night, setting of explosions and exchanging gunfire with authorities for hours until pressure from Afghan snipers and a NATO helicopter forced three of the remaining bombers to blow themselves up…

Hours later, an injured suicide bomber holed up in one of the hotel rooms detonated his explosives, signaling an end to the fight.

11 Afghan civilians – all workers at Kabul’s Inter-Continental hotel– were killed, along with two policemen. 13 others were wounded, but none of the hotel’s guests were killed.

In other words, most of those killed were civilians. And all of them were Muslims. And none of them were foreign infidels. But these Muslim terrorists will call it a tremendous success anyway.

The attackers were heavily armed with machine guns, anti-aircraft weapons, rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades and grenade launchers, the Afghan officials said…

It really does sound like the Mumbai attacks all over again.

The attack occurred on the eve of a conference about transferring responsibility for security from foreign to Afghan forces by the end of 2014…

Who can doubt that the Afghans are ready to assume total responsibility for their security?

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid claimed responsibility for the attack in a telephone call to The Associated Press…

Isn’t it funny who the terrorists always choose to call when they want to brag?

U.S. military officials have said the Haqqani network is the most dangerous militant group battling foreign forces in Afghanistan.

The U.S. has repeatedly asked Pakistan to launch an offensive against the network, but the military has said that its forces are stretched too thin by other operations in the tribal areas…

No, the Pakistan military are too busy training the terrorists to find time to attack them.

Hotel Attackers From Pakistan Funded Taliban | Sweetness & Light
Fox News. and some unknown INTERNATIONAL OFFICIALS :laugh:

and btw was it the only attack occured there
@ Poison. Zabiullah Mujhaid Has Claimed the responsibility of Attack. And Zabiullah Mujhaid is not the Spokesperson of Haqqani Network and In their Blind Hateness towards Pakistan. They forgot to mention, Deputy Director ISI Nawab Patudi, Foreign Secretary Salman Basheer and other high ranking Pakistani officials were present in the hotel at the time of attack. If that attack occurred in Pakistan with such high ranking officials inside, we would have seen army bashing.
:lol: Laaton ke bhoot baaton se nahin mante since these accusers are getting all the Laaten so naturally these days we're reading heated news from the other sides.
I blame Pakistan..............for everything


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If we assume that there are naive Pakistani youth willing to die by motivation of jihad due to some local mad crazy mullah sermons then there is very little possibility, given the CIA history of dirty tricks that why will not exploit this opportunity to build groundwork for war against Pakistan.

Game over!
Pakistan is to Afghanistan as Israel is to Pakistan. Anything bugging you, plans not going as intended, unable to deliver on your promises ? Simple, just blame Pakistan and the people will rally behind you as if it were God's own word.

Explanation: Pakistan is immensely unpopular in Afghanistan. Ever since Pakistan came into existence, it has been a thorn in Afghanistan's side because they do not accept the Durand Line as an international border and claim Pakistani territory including KP, North Balochistan and South Punjab on the pretext that it was once Afghan territory. It was due to this bone of contention that Afghanistan opposed Pakistan's entry into the UN(only country to do so), refused to accept Pakistan's independence, invaded FATA in 1962, blamed us for coaxing the soviets into invading Afghanistan in 79, blame us for the Taliban coming into power, blame us for the present situation of their country.

Hope that clears up the issue.
@ Poison. Zabiullah Mujhaid Has Claimed the responsibility of Attack. And Zabiullah Mujhaid is not the Spokesperson of Haqqani Network and In their Blind Hateness towards Pakistan. They forgot to mention, Deputy Director ISI Nawab Patudi, Foreign Secretary Salman Basheer and other high ranking Pakistani officials were present in the hotel at the time of attack. If that attack occurred in Pakistan with such high ranking officials inside, we would have seen army bashing.

You just gave the antidote to Poisson's poison....
Pakistan is to Afghanistan as Israel is to Pakistan. Anything bugging you, plans not going as intended, unable to deliver on your promises ? Simple, just blame Pakistan and the people will rally behind you as if it were God's own word.

Explanation: Pakistan is immensely unpopular in Afghanistan. Ever since Pakistan came into existence, it has been a thorn in Afghanistan's side because they do not accept the Durand Line as an international border and claim Pakistani territory including KP, North Balochistan and South Punjab on the pretext that it was once Afghan territory. It was due to this bone of contention that Afghanistan opposed Pakistan's entry into the UN(only country to do so), refused to accept Pakistan's independence, invaded FATA in 1962, blamed us for coaxing the soviets into invading Afghanistan in 79, blame us for the Taliban coming into power, blame us for the present situation of their country.

Hope that clears up the issue.

You summed it up quite nicely!

This is why afghanistan will never be a friend to Pakistan and all the reason why we should be careful on how we deal with these people.
You summed it up quite nicely!

This is why afghanistan will never be a friend to Pakistan and all the reason why we should be careful on how we deal with these people.

We can't get rid of them, nor can we afford to ignore them, the most effective policy will be to keep our distance from them, revoke their refugee status and be careful when allowing them entry next time. A lot of our problems have their roots in the Afghan refugee crisis of the 80s, that's when we got Klashnikovs, Heroine, Religious intolerance and up to 8 million refugees all wrapped in one.
Then don't blame Afghanistan for any attacks that goes on in Pakistan.

Yeah less than a day and Afghan Intelligence got all the leads, wow great, CIA should get training from them. Usual Afghan horse crap.

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