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Afghan Girl Possibly Killed by Family In Canada for Marrying a Pakistani Man!

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May 31, 2009
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Even though both people were Muslims, the Afghan girl's parents didn't like the fact that she had married a Pakistani Muslim!

Eldest daughter of Kingston canal murder suspect attempted to marry

During the two years her family lived in Canada, Zainab Shafia was constantly at odds with her parents as she pushed for more freedom from their conservative ways, says the man who was married to the 19-year-old woman for one day shortly before she was killed.

Shafia was killed on June 30, along with her two sisters – Sahari, 17, and Geeti, 13, – and Rona Amir Mohammad, 50, as her family was returning from Niagara Falls to St. Léonard.

Charged with first-degree murder in all four homicides is the sisters’ father Mohammad Shafia, 56, along with their mother Tooba Mohammad Yahya, 39, and their brother Hamed Shafia, 18.

The bodies of all four victims were discovered in a car submerged in the Rideau Canal at the Kingston Mills Locks.

The Kingston police confirmed last week that they are investigating the possibility the homicides were part of what Rona Amir Mohammad’s relatives allege were so-called honour killings. Mohammad was Shafia’s first wife, a detail he tried to conceal from the Kingston police after the bodies were found.

Before being arrested last week, Shafia and his second wife also theorized that their oldest daughter took their Nissan without their permission during a stop in their trip, didn’t have a driver’s license and probably caused an accident that killed all four. The Kingston police have said they don’t believe this theory at all.

There are now details emerging about Zainab’s relationship with her parents and how she chafed under their tight control after the family moved to Canada from Dubai two years ago.

Ammar Wahid, a 26-year-old Montrealer, told The Gazette that he and Zainab were married in May but that immediately after the religious ceremony her parents convinced her to end the union.

“She was very friendly and very attractive. I wouldn’t say we fell in love right away. But the more we got to know each other the more we fell in love. I asked her to marry me. She said she wanted to marry me but her parents weren’t happy with it.

“It’s the culture. They didn’t want to accept someone from outside their country,” said Wahid who is from Pakistan.

The Shafia family was originally from Afghanistan but moved to Dubai in the 1990s. Mohammad Shafia married both his wives in Afghanistan where it is legal for a man to marry more than one woman.

Wahid said Zainab talked often of her father and how he tried to control her. He also said he believes Zainab was engaged to another man “about 18 months ago.”

“I think her parents were happy with that engagement but she wasn’t and she broke it off after six months,” Wahid said of the woman he met while both were taking courses at the same school two years ago.

Zainab had just arrived in Canada but made friends quickly, he said.

“She was the kind of person everyone got along with. She had quite a few friends at school despite being new there.”

Wahid said he and Zainab were married at a mosque in St. Léonard on May 19. They decided to end the union the following day after seeing how both of their families reacted. They tried to hold a reception but no one from Wahid’s side of the family showed up and Zainab’s parents convinced her to end it. Wahid said he never filed the document to have the marriage officially recognized in Quebec.

Wahid said he was disappointed but felt “there was nothing I could do about it. It’s about the culture. They wanted to follow their culture.”

Zainab’s father couldn’t accept that Wahid was from Pakistan and not Afghanistan, Wahid said.

“My parents didn’t approve but they said I was old enough to do what I wanted.”

According to a report in the Toronto Sun, Zainab was planning to announce her engagement to Hussain Hyderi, a 27-year-old Montrealer, the day after she was killed. The man told the newspaper that he “never loved anyone as much as I loved Zainab.”

A St. Léonard resident with the same family name is on a list of people the accused can not communicate with while their case is before the courts.

The Gazette tried to contact the person on the list last week but a relative said he would only have something to say after the murder case is over.

Wahid said Mohammad Shafia did not only disapprove of Zainab’s choice in men. He said her father debated his daughter on whether she should work or continue to pursue her education. She left her family’s home in St. Léonard earlier this year after arguing over such a topic, Wahid said, adding he was shocked when he learned Zainab’s body had been found in Kingston.

He thought Zainab and her father had patched things up in June, after Mohammad Shafia returned from a trip. Wahid said he had little reason to suspect wrongdoing. That changed when a Kingston police detective travelled to Montreal, before any charges were laid, to talk to Wahid. When the investigator asked questions about his relationship with Zainab, Wahid said he realized there might have been something more sinister involved.

“The last time we spoke was two weeks before she passed away,” he said. “She called me, I think, and said she was happy at home. Her father had just come back from Dubai and she asked him for forgiveness and he forgave her. She said ‘my parents are letting me go out, letting me go to work’ and stuff like that. I said ‘I’m happy for you. At least you got your freedom.’ Two weeks after that conversation I sent her an email. I never got the reply.”
I hope it wasn't an honour killing, but we'll just have to wait till the trial is over!
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If you guys live in west you would notice kinda Afghan hatred against Pakistanis. I remember once Afghan girl said at school " tum Pakistani log achaa nahi hota ". According to her Pakistani don't treat Afghans with dignity. But there is reason behind that, pashtuns , specially Peshwaris don't like them, cuz these Afgan refugee ruined the whole city, destroyed traffic,no permit trucks,diesel smoke every where,destroyed parks (sitting in public park all day, chewing GANDARIAN and spitting all over. Crime rate increased, lots of weapon and drug ). I know Peshawar was beautiful city .So, Pakistani Pashtuns has every right to hate them. They gave them refuge as guest and what they did to their city......
i am a pahtun and believe no pashtun likes afghans because of what they did to us. we sheltered and fed them for thirty years. and they hate us and commit crimes. i hate no one in the world but i would never want an Afghan on Pakistani soil. and i wonder why pakistan is not kicking them out for their hate and crimes against pakistan.
i am a pahtun and believe no pashtun likes afghans because of what they did to us. we sheltered and fed them for thirty years. and they hate us and commit crimes. i hate no one in the world but i would never want an Afghan on Pakistani soil. and i wonder why pakistan is not kicking them out for their hate and crimes against pakistan.

Patriot Bro! those are cruel words used way out of the reality on ground, maybe its because you have been away from Pakistan for some time but I can assure the reality is not what you think it is :disagree: :toast_sign:
This is terrible, especially because it happened in Canada. Now the entire media will have another opportunity to malign Islam and Muslims.
If you guys live in west you would notice kinda Afghan hatred against Pakistanis. I remember once Afghan girl said at school " tum Pakistani log achaa nahi hota ". According to her Pakistani don't treat Afghans with dignity. But there is reason behind that, pashtuns , specially Peshwaris don't like them, cuz these Afgan refugee ruined the whole city, destroyed traffic,no permit trucks,diesel smoke every where,destroyed parks (sitting in public park all day, chewing GANDARIAN and spitting all over. Crime rate increased, lots of weapon and drug ). I know Peshawar was beautiful city .So, Pakistani Pashtuns has every right to hate them. They gave them refuge as guest and what they did to their city......

I haven't met many Afghans where I live, mainly because I live in an Upper Class neighbourhood of my city, while most of them live in the lower classes of the city! But I've read their comments on Youtube and I've noticed this hatred of theirs!

I don't think it's fair to categorize all Afghans as being this way, but a lot of them honestly believe that their country is the giant shithole that it is today, because of Pakistan! They come up with the most ridiculous theories, laughable to say the least!

I would think the scenario would be more of the opposite, I mean Pakistan provided them tons of aid after the Soviet occupation, and many Afghans took refuge in Pakistan (a lot still do)!
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Yes, I have read on Star newspapers regarding some of honor killing happened in Canada, which is sad news to me. My word for HONOR KILLING is wrongful and against Islam and maybe Pakistanis. Most media enjoyed to criticize and hate against our beloved Islam, however, it is SOME people who are crazy and no choices. That's why it is okay to do honor killings. Unfortunately.

I know, it is hard for parents but shouldn't be force or killing with a full of anger or upset. Just let them go and learn their lessons by themselves later some day.

Another thing is not only Pakistan. Sikh family from India in Vancouver, BC in 2003, her father learned his 17 year old daughter was dating with a WHITE boy, he told her NOT to do it and she refused to listen. In the end, he ended up killing his own daughter.

Another thing is not only Pakistan, Christian Palestinian in 2005 killed a daughter who wanted to marry a Muslim.

Maybe more, i don't know....


These things happen, regardless of religion! But the western media thrives off of anything Islamophobic!

In the case of the Afghan girl and the Pakistani guy, both were Muslim, so it was a cultural thing, not a religious thing!
What kind of BS is this if the news is true? I doubt they had any Islam in them because they ignore the concept of Muslim Ummah. I personally despise those wanna be Muslim who take national pride to extreme level.

Now a days it a common practice among new generation of Muslim that are getting married outside national boundary in western country which is right things to do because there should not be any discrimination between Muslim but some low life like those make us look bad. They should have been more than happy that she married a Muslim boy rather than some gora. These moron should be beheaded in day light. Giving us Muslim bad name. Bastards. :angry:
Here we go again.

This is the second honour killing incident from Canada in 2009. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Very sad & scary news! Allah maf kara wats wrong with these crazy people !
What kind of BS is this if the news is true? I doubt they had any Islam in them because they ignore the concept of Muslim Ummah. I personally despise those wanna be Muslim who take national pride to extreme level.

Now a days it a common practice among new generation of Muslim that are getting married outside national boundary in western country which is right things to do because there should not be any discrimination between Muslim but some low life like those make us look bad. They should have been more than happy that she married a Muslim boy rather than some gora. These moron should be beheaded in day light. Giving us Muslim bad name. Bastards. :angry:
Well they deny the honour killing claim! So I dont think it is fair to say that they did it, but we'll just have to wait for the verdict!
i am a pahtun and believe no pashtun likes afghans because of what they did to us. we sheltered and fed them for thirty years. and they hate us and commit crimes. i hate no one in the world but i would never want an Afghan on Pakistani soil. and i wonder why pakistan is not kicking them out for their hate and crimes against pakistan.

I feel sorry for you being afghan(pashtun) and talking like this against you own blood anyways.

We dont hate anyone from the muslims india(so called pakistan) most of the pakistanis have afghan ancesteries. including many which remained in mainland india like Shahrukh khan.

We afghans dont recognise any country by the name of pakistan, just like palastinians dont recognised Isreal(ironicly pakistan and isreal has been created by Brits around the same year).

We afghans did raid india in the name of islam to bring the light of islam to you. if it wasn't afghans you have been still in your ancestrol religion(hinduism).

search for honor killing of punjabis killing his daughter and injuring his afghan husbend.
you are all free to ask me why afghans dont like government of muslim india(so called pakistan).
Love knows no boundaries, unless it tackles what you believe in, or your parents are freaks.
I feel sorry for you being afghan(pashtun) and talking like this against you own blood anyways.

We dont hate anyone from the muslims india(so called pakistan) most of the pakistanis have afghan ancesteries. including many which remained in mainland india like Shahrukh khan.

We afghans dont recognise any country by the name of pakistan, just like palastinians dont recognised Isreal(ironicly pakistan and isreal has been created by Brits around the same year).

We afghans did raid india in the name of islam to bring the light of islam to you. if it wasn't afghans you have been still in your ancestrol religion(hinduism).

search for honor killing of punjabis killing his daughter and injuring his afghan husbend.
you are all free to ask me why afghans dont like government of muslim india(so called pakistan).

Ok then. GTFO our country[so-called Muslim India], and take your refugees with you. Because everything you say contradicts itself. You call Pakistan 'Muslim-India' then call everyone in it a Hindu. Good game, sir.

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