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Advanced aliens could 'conquer and colonise' our planet, warns Stephen Hawking

Does Stephen Hawkins believe in Djinns? If so, these aliens (ancient aliens) have been here long before humans and still exist, live and thrive here on earth.
I think they have already conquered USA and taken the form of those strange power lobbies.

All those war mongers destroying country after country with their war machinery and seeking even more wars can not be humans. They are aliens. :agree:
I think they have already conquered USA and taken the form of those strange power lobbies.

All those war mongers destroying country after country with their war machinery and seeking even more wars can not be humans. They are aliens. :agree:
compared to rape and pillage and wholesale death that we used to do to each other.(even eat each other).... i would think american war mongers are still more human..
i will only comment on the last few posts in this thread if i'm requested to.
some puzzles we all have to solve on our own (some other wise dude long ago said that)

ok, puzzling about such things is more fun with a few tips/pointers/clues given..
so ok then.. think 'which social circles are', not 'which genome is' [responsible [for what]].

tip 2 : think 'social circles form a sub-culture living in some large/small region or set(s) of locations in the real world and/or a virtual world using communication tools'..

tip 3 would then be 'who cares about what an evil / good / neutral group (sub-culture) is made up of? can't an alien work together with a group of humans, or vice-versa..? yes they can and probably do today and for the foreseeable future and all of the recorded histories'

tip 4 : a human tribe is closely related in their ethnicity, their living location, and (often) their religion as well.

tip 5 : the warriors of a tribe (for instance) have friends with whom they socialize outside their own tribe's sub-culture (ethnicity and often what religion they practice too), and the farmers of the same tribe will primarily interact (talk with) other farmers of the same tribe.
(i admit this is a very simplified view, but that's what you need in a list of tips like this one, i think we can all agree on that, given that there are quite a few people on defence.pk/forums who are not fluent in the English language)

i refuse to use number 6 in a list like this one..

tip 7 : the Bible and Quran each have many different 'translations', resulting in tribes and and provinces/regions and countries that worship God in different ways.

Does Stephen Hawkins believe in Djinns? If so, these aliens (ancient aliens) have been here long before humans and still exist, live and thrive here on earth.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinn and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djinn_(disambiguation)

in Christian mythology, Demons (evil), Spirits (neutral) and Angels (good) are described as the same genome-type of supernatural beings.
i personally call them 'invisible beings' meaning : 'invisible to the 2 eyes that each human is born with' (i'm excluding psychics with years of training to see things like the aura energy field that each human radiates out to about a meter (3 feet) or so)..

and UFO creatures are called 'space aliens',

while 'aliens' could mean either 'space aliens' or 'human foreigners' (as seen by the population of a country that the human foreigner was not raised in and has no government permit to permanently live and/or work in that country)

and 'illegal aliens' means human foreigners working in a country without a permit to live and/or work in that country where they are called 'illegal aliens'.

I think they have already conquered USA and taken the form of those strange power lobbies.

All those war mongers destroying country after country with their war machinery and seeking even more wars can not be humans. They are aliens. :agree:

While my heart agrees with you, my mind and experience in stopping war-mongerers says 'demonizing your opponents by calling your opponents aliens, is one of the hardest ways to actually stop your enemy'.

The Americans under Republican leadership during 2006-2007 had demonized the Iranian leaderships to the point of me pointing out how the Iraqi's had suffered by American propagandists demonizing Saddam Hussein to legitimize (get international support for) overthrowing Saddam's entire government..

We need at the very least James Tiberius Kirk level of technology to hopefully stave off conquerors.

Jean-Luc Picard and Kathryn Janeway level would be much more appreciated though.

My soul is that of a gardener and herder of animals :)
Someone else is going to have to be our Jean-Luc Picard, our Janeway, and our Ender (see movie "Ender's game")...
I'm truly a stay-on-the-home-planet kinda soul ;) :)

For me the biggest problem is
We humans are stuck at our short sightnes
Becuase average human life is 70 80 years and we really are just to busy in enjoying or providing for us
And so many countries , divided groups and so on just doesn't want to support each for now
Us , Russia, china , India and few small countries are searching or progressing in space on very small pace because earths resources will finish and this beautiful will become mars

For humans to survive they need to make colonies on other planets to achieve all that space progrems need major backing

If there is one System or Government for whole planet running properly for the benefits of all human race unlike just the benefits of it's 1 state
Many things can be cured , we can control food problem , develop undeveloped states , use all the resources to develop everyone not just few
Same laws and protection being provided to everyone
Collective goals , no more wars , it will change the face of the earth

An excellent sci-fi (science-fiction) novel (book) series on this subject is "Foundation" by mr Isaac Asimov :)
i will only comment on the last few posts in this thread if i'm requested to.
some puzzles we all have to solve on our own (some other wise dude long ago said that)

ok, puzzling about such things is more fun with a few tips/pointers/clues given..
so ok then.. think 'which social circles are', not 'which genome is' [responsible [for what]].

tip 2 : think 'social circles form a sub-culture living in some large/small region or set(s) of locations in the real world and/or a virtual world using communication tools'..

tip 3 would then be 'who cares about what an evil / good / neutral group (sub-culture) is made up of? can't an alien work together with a group of humans, or vice-versa..? yes they can and probably do today and for the foreseeable future and all of the recorded histories'

tip 4 : a human tribe is closely related in their ethnicity, their living location, and (often) their religion as well.

tip 5 : the warriors of a tribe (for instance) have friends with whom they socialize outside their own tribe's sub-culture (ethnicity and often what religion they practice too), and the farmers of the same tribe will primarily interact (talk with) other farmers of the same tribe.
(i admit this is a very simplified view, but that's what you need in a list of tips like this one, i think we can all agree on that, given that there are quite a few people on defence.pk/forums who are not fluent in the English language)

i refuse to use number 6 in a list like this one..

tip 7 : the Bible and Quran each have many different 'translations', resulting in tribes and and provinces/regions and countries that worship God in different ways.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinn and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djinn_(disambiguation)

in Christian mythology, Demons (evil), Spirits (neutral) and Angels (good) are described as the same genome-type of supernatural beings.
i personally call them 'invisible beings' meaning : 'invisible to the 2 eyes that each human is born with' (i'm excluding psychics with years of training to see things like the aura energy field that each human radiates out to about a meter (3 feet) or so)..

and UFO creatures are called 'space aliens',

while 'aliens' could mean either 'space aliens' or 'human foreigners' (as seen by the population of a country that the human foreigner was not raised in and has no government permit to permanently live and/or work in that country)

and 'illegal aliens' means human foreigners working in a country without a permit to live and/or work in that country where they are called 'illegal aliens'.

While my heart agrees with you, my mind and experience in stopping war-mongerers says 'demonizing your opponents by calling your opponents aliens, is one of the hardest ways to actually stop your enemy'.

The Americans under Republican leadership during 2006-2007 had demonized the Iranian leaderships to the point of me pointing out how the Iraqi's had suffered by American propagandists demonizing Saddam Hussein to legitimize (get international support for) overthrowing Saddam's entire government..

My soul is that of a gardener and herder of animals :)
Someone else is going to have to be our Jean-Luc Picard, our Janeway, and our Ender (see movie "Ender's game")...
I'm truly a stay-on-the-home-planet kinda soul ;) :)

An excellent sci-fi (science-fiction) novel (book) series on this subject is "Foundation" by mr Isaac Asimov :)
Will read
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