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Adolf Hitler and the side of History never before seen.

Lets glorify genghis khan, hulagu khan, George W. Bush and Modi as well.

My friend , the Nazi Germany led by Adolph Hitler and the Red Army of Joseph Stalin were the greatest fighting forces of all time, else they won't have been able to create the greatest disasters of all time. The list of casualties below prove that. They were the war machines. Please don't compare anyone with them.

Lowest Highest
Estimate estimate Event Location Percentage of the world population

40,000,000 72,000,000 World War II Worldwide 1.7%–3.1%

List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, we don't know for certain if Hitler even said that. The quote has been found to be baseless, not even the mainstream conformist historians use this quote as evidence of Hitler himself confirming that he "gassed" 6 million Jews.

The book Mein Kampf has been fiddled with a lot. The original German version is rare.

Now, the last thing i want is for this thread to become another holocaust thread, so lets try not to take it down that path.

Check this out....... the Greatest Tank Battle of all times...... after the Battle of Stalingrad.... this is the second most significant battle of the Western Front....

my guy friends have a phrase for people who have a terrible thing going but still talk as if they are the best.. "jindagi jhandwa phir bhi ghamandwa"
accused is the operative word here.

here is a quote from wiki on prophet mohd.

Non-Arabic sources

The earliest documented Christian knowledge of Muhammad stems from Byzantine sources. They indicate that both Jews and Christians saw Muhammad as a "false prophet". In the Doctrina Jacobi nuper baptizati of 634, Muhammad is portrayed as being "deceiving[,] for do prophets come with sword and chariot?, [...] you will discover nothing true from the said prophet except human bloodshed."[41] Another Greek source for Muhammad is the 9th-century writer Theophanes. The earliest Syriac source is the 7th-century writer John bar Penkaye.[42]

Thats is why I chose the word accuse.

Your absolute hate for a particular community's beliefs is evident. Frankly I do not care.

I have said nothing communal.

Comparing 7th century to the 21st is incredibly stupid by the way .

Do not try to defend the indefensible. Say it aloud that you like Mr. Modi and is actions and whatever he was accused of in Gujarat was sheer excellence.
Thats is why I chose the word accuse.

Your absolute hate for a particular community's beliefs is evident. Frankly I do not care.

I have said nothing communal.

Comparing 7th century to the 21st is incredibly stupid by the way .

Do not try to defend the indefensible. Say it aloud that you like Mr. Modi and is actions and whatever he was accused of in Gujarat was sheer excellence.

applying 7th century laws and beliefs in 21st century is also incredibly silly.
I will stand by law on modi. So far he is good as he has done some good work as Gij CM> but if he is convicted i will be the first one to support his punishment
applying 7th century laws and beliefs in 21st century is also incredibly silly.
I will stand by law on modi. So far he is good as he has done some good work as Gij CM> but if he is convicted i will be the first one to support his punishment

Fair enough.
Guys, don't hijack my thread by dragging religion into it.

Check this out....... the Greatest Tank Battle of all times...... after the Battle of Stalingrad.... this is the second most significant battle of the Western Front....


Yes, of course, the Battle of Kursk. The largest Tank battle in history. And IFY it took place on the Eastern Front, and not the Western Front.
Guys, don't hijack my thread by dragging religion into it.

Yes, of course, the Battle of Kursk. The largest Tank battle in history. And IFY it took place on the Eastern Front, and not the Western Front.

Yeah you are right! it's Eastern Front.

The Battle of Kursk was a World War II engagement between German and Soviet forces on the Eastern Front near the city of Kursk, (450 kilometers or 280 miles south of Moscow) in the Soviet Union in July and August 1943. It was both the largest series of armored clashes, including the Battle of Prokhorovka, and the costliest single day of aerial warfare in history. The battle was the final strategic offensive the Germans were able to mount in the east, and the decisive Soviet victory gave the Red Army the strategic initiative for the rest of the war.
The City Of Berlin, Germany's Capital, Before Adolf Hitler Took Power In Germany:

During the years following WW1, Berlin, what was once a conservative city, plunged into chaos and anarchy. The effects of the treaty of Versailles had struck a great blow to Germany's economy and industrial output leading to millions losing jobs and property. To add salt to the wound, the massive inflation and financial crashes in the 1920's lead millions of Germans to resort to desperate measures in order to afford a decent living, which even then was impossible. Despite the installment of a so called "democratic" gov.t, the city never recovered from the mess it found itself in.

Instead, Berlin became a cesspit of prostitution, drugs, crimes, and all variations of sexual acts of perversion; from homosexuality and lesbianism, to live bestiality and pedophile behavior on stage. On a single night more than 100,000 Prostitutes roaming the streets.

Fathers pimping their daughters, wives, and other female relatives. Rampant drug abuse involving the use of morphine and heroin was very common, in particular in sexual acts of perversion in order to stimulate and achieve orgasms.

There was no regard for human life in this city, and morals were thrown right out the window. It did not matter if a homosexual prostitute roamed butt naked flashing his privates while little children went about across the street.

Sex had become so cheap after the 1920's inflation which caused the Mark's value to plummet lower than than any other currency in the world, that tourists flocked to Germany for cheap sex of all variations.

Germany's capital, Berlin, had become synonymous with decadence, sex, drugs, and other ***** of such nature.

This was Berlin before Hitler.
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The City Of Berlin, Germany's Capital, Before Adolf Hitler Took Power In Germany:

During the years following WW1, Berlin, what was once a conservative city, plunged into chaos and anarchy. The effects of the treaty of Versailles had struck a great blow to Germany's economy and industrial output leading to millions losing jobs and property. To add salt to the wound, the massive inflation and financial crashes in the 1920's lead millions of Germans to resort to desperate measures in order to afford a decent living, which even then was impossible. Despite the installment of a so called "democratic" gov.t, the city never recovered from the mess it found itself in.

Instead, Berlin became a cesspit of prostitution, drugs, crimes, and all variations of sexual acts of perversion; from homosexuality and lesbianism, to live bestiality and pedophile behavior on stage. On a single night more than 100,000 Prostitutes roaming the streets.

Fathers pimping their daughters, wives, and other female relatives. Rampant drug abuse involving the use of morphine and heroin was very common, in particular in sexual acts of perversion in order to stimulate and achieve orgasms.

There was no regard for human life in this city, and morals were thrown right out the window. It did not matter if a homosexual prostitute roamed butt naked flashing his privates while little children went about across the street.

Sex had become so cheap after the 1920's inflation which caused the Mark's value to plummet lower than than any other currency in the world, that tourists flocked to Germany for cheap sex of all variations.

Germany's capital, Berlin, had become synonymous with decadence, sex, drugs, and other ***** of such nature.

This was Berlin before Hitler.

It is a recognized fact that most of the pimps and pornographers in Berlin were Jews and Hitler saw this as a Jewish attack on German morals and viability as a honorable nation. It was also whole sale exploitation of German underage girls. A lot of these pimps were Polish which once again inpired Hitler hate towards Poles particularly Jews.

Communism which destroyed German industry and life of German worker was ironically envisioned by a Jewish philosopher Karl Marx and early Bolshveiks in Russia were dominated by Jews as well. One must say that Hitler found the meal ready and cook for a ripe conspiracy.

All if this is interwined in European history, the imperial Europe barred Jews from holding any respectable employment forcing them to fend off for themselves by extremely low grade menial jobs or even crime. Gradually the Jews became masters of underworld and crime economy because that was the only industry they could peddle to make a living.

Then was the element of isolation in Europe, much like the dilemma Muslims are faced with today. They were a minority but extremist religious sentiments and backwardism kept them away from integration even during periods of relative tolerance and social acceptance. The Jews would continue to campaign for their uniqueness despite being a minority of 1-2%.

The Jewish Quarterly

" Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews in particular have become involved in ****? . Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said "The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism." Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged. Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America."



· Used to hatred from society, Jews will do its dirty work - such as money lending in the Middle Ages or **** today - to make money. Persecuted for millennia in the various societies they've lived in, many Jews developed an allegiance to their own survival as their highest value and care little about the survival of the persecuting society. Even when Jews live in a society that welcomes them instead of harassing them, many Jews hate the majority culture.

· Because Jews frequently despise the majority culture, and despite being traditional in most of their values and rituals, Jews seem open to new ways of doing business. Not rooted in the status quo that frequently hates them, Jews often lead the way in the application of new technology - such as printing presses, radio, TV, cable television, VCRs and computers. And the most popular application of new technology for millennia has been ****.

· Because of Judaism's emphasis on education and verbal dexterity, Jews dominate academia, entertainment and media generally.

· Belonging to the "Chosen Ones" brings self-confidence, and it takes a strong sense of self to thrive in an industry like **** that is disdained by the public. Male performers particularly need confidence to achieve on camera erections.
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Fun fact:

Hitler was taking ecstasy and cocaine. :smokin:
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