Direct contract should be awarded for China , provided the firm its a no brainier
Pakistan has to follow few very simple processes to be Top Nation in Asia
a) Give Contract for Damn to China
b) Build Iran Pakistan Gas pipeline
c) Build Pakistan - Central Asia pipeline
d) Move in 100,000 Soldiers in Afghanistan and make it a province
Move in 100 Fighter Jets into Afghania province
e) Get Cheap Oil from Iran in return for Food , and Currency or Gold 15 years fixed price
f) Order 500 Locomotives instead of the military aid which is cut off negotiate for the funds
to be allocated to Civilian Usage
g) Give Power Product to Russia for gas line
h) Build Coal energy projects to China - Russia , share in profits
i) Grants of 10 Billion dollar to Universities in Pakistan to produce PHDs of high calibre
j) Construct largest library of Books (Science , Arts )
k) Impose "Land Tax on Agricultural Land those who own 1000 acres etc from pre independendence era
l) 5 Billion investment in Balouchistan and Khaiber Paktoon Khuwa regions