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Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

Pakistan bomb kills elite troops

At least 15 soldiers have been killed in a suspected suicide bombing at an army base south of the Pakistani capital, Islamabad.

Most of the victims were officers from an elite counter-terrorism force, the Special Services Group, a military spokesman said.

Violence has soared in Pakistan since troops ousted radical Islamists from Islamabad's Red Mosque in July.

Troops based at the barracks were part of the raid against the mosque.

Chief military spokesman Gen Waheed Arshad said 11 soldiers were wounded in the blast, six seriously.

He could not confirm whether any of the victims were involved in the Red Mosque raid.

"The commandos were taking dinner in their mess at Tarbela town when a suspected suicide bomber blew himself up at its gate," a security official told Agence France Presse news agency.

Last week twin suicide bombings killed several intelligence officers in the main garrison town of Rawalpindi.

The BBC's Barbara Plett in Islamabad says this latest attack suggests that militants are no longer targeting simply the army but the army's elite officer corps.

Border fighting

Earlier there was heavy fighting between Pakistani troops and pro-Taleban militants near the Afghan border which left dozens dead, both sides say.

The army says it has killed up to 70 militants. The rebels say twice that number of troops are dead. Neither claim can be independently verified.

The latest fighting coincides with a visit to Pakistan by the American deputy secretary of state, John Negroponte.

The United States is pressing Pakistan to take stronger action against Taleban and al-Qaeda militants operating from its border areas.

In talks with Mr Negroponte, President Musharraf said Pakistan's commitment to fighting the militants should never be doubted.
If the militants change tactics then Pakistan should adapt and overcome.

The latest casualties might finally act as a wake-up to go into FATA and hammer any militant infrastructure.

The peace deals were a noble effort but the time has now come to reel in the frankenstein monster and decapitate it.

If the goverment persists in the "we need to include all parties" effort the something is very wrong.
If the militants change tactics then Pakistan should adapt and overcome.

The latest casualties might finally act as a wake-up to go into FATA and hammer any militant infrastructure.

The peace deals were a noble effort but the time has now come to reel in the frankenstein monster and decapitate it.

If the goverment persists in the "we need to include all parties" effort the something is very wrong.

Its not the peace deal, its something else, a few elements who dont want the peace deal to work between the tribals and the government and they want a military action to destabilize the region more. More of a conspiracy you can say. The targets are specificly military installations and foreign personals (chinese) which suggests something else.
We have to do any thing for stability of our country either it is a Agreement, a deal or a attack we should use whatever tactic which is necessary for the stability of our northern areas. They must be taught that you are living in Pakistan either follow its Rules or get out of here if you dont go PA will be here for you.

We have to do any thing for stability of our country either it is a Agreement, a deal or a attack we should use whatever tactic which is necessary for the stability of our northern areas. They must be taught that you are living in Pakistan either follow its Rules or get out of here if you dont go PA will be here for you.


You cant necessarily tell any1 to just get out or else you will bomb his *** out. No this is not the rite way to go. We need to diffentriate between a terrorist and a pakistani individual. Terrorists we need to kick them hard on the butt. others we need to talk.
The knee jerk reaction would be to go in and "flatten the place", but lets keep a level head while dealing with this. The militants have suffered severe losses in the last couple of days. The approximate tally that I have been able to come up with is about 500 dead since the PA went in again after LM. The terrorists want us to kill indiscriminately, and the day the PA does that the war will be lost. The terrorists have deliberately targeted military and police personnel, albeit when they were unarmed and not in active combat and therefore I would consider them "innocent civilian casualties". We cannot let them get the upper hand from a moral POV. It would be a terrible mistake.
These attacks are deplorable but it could be a backlash of Lal Masjid Operation. People are angry at the policies of this government and want army to return. The sooner Mush realizes this the better it will be for the innocent civilians.
These attacks are deplorable but it could be a backlash of Lal Masjid Operation. People are angry at the policies of this government and want army to return. The sooner Mush realizes this the better it will be for the innocent civilians.

Enough with the "but this is a result of blah blah blah". How can you justify suicide bombings against innocent people? You completely ignore the fact that there are groups in this country who are willing to kill innocent people, their identity is known now and a return of the troops without finishing the job is no more an option. The whole situation, of Talibanisation and its links with Al -Qaeda, was just waiting to explode. Marathons being attacked, video and Music stores being bombed and burnt. It is precisely because of people like you and the so called opposition that the situation was allowed to fester to the point that it is now. If the Army had gone in earlier, the Taliban may not have gained this much power, but of course back then the weasily cries of "stop attacking our Muslim brothers" would have been even more high pitched and vociferous.

What you are suggesting is; let the terrorists off the hook, let the people blowing up shops and beheading people continue, let those who indoctrinate our youth to blow themselves up and kill innocents continue on their path.

You and your ilk sir are a shame for humanity. So caught up in your political partisanship, that you make excuses for terrorism and place blame on those who are trying to prevent it.
Enough with the "but this is a result of blah blah blah". How can you justify suicide bombings against innocent people? You completely ignore the fact that there are groups in this country who are willing to kill innocent people, their identity is known now and a return of the troops without finishing the job is no more an option. The whole situation, of Talibanisation and its links with Al -Qaeda, was just waiting to explode. Marathons being attacked, video and Music stores being bombed and burnt. It is precisely because of people like you and the so called opposition that the situation was allowed to fester to the point that it is now. If the Army had gone in earlier, the Taliban may not have gained this much power, but of course back then the weasily cries of "stop attacking our Muslim brothers" would have been even more high pitched and vociferous.

What you are suggesting is; let the terrorists off the hook, let the people blowing up shops and beheading people continue, let those who indoctrinate our youth to blow themselves up and kill innocents continue on their path.

You and your ilk sir are a shame for humanity. So caught up in your political partisanship, that you make excuses for terrorism and place blame on those who are trying to prevent it.

I Second That.
SWABI: Three suspected persons allegedly involved in blast at SSG Mess in District Haripur tehsil Ghazi have been arrested and one among them has been shifted to an unidentified location.

Talking to Geo News, the sources said the law-enforcement agencies arrested three brothers Salem, Arif and Ameer Mohammed; Salem and Arif have been handed over to police, while Ameer Mohammed has been given to the intelligence agencies.

Sources said that Ameer Mohammed has recently got retirement from SSG Zarar Company, gunpowder godown.

The sources said that the mess blast was not a suicide attack; interrogation with Ameer Mohammed is under way whether the explosives used were taken from this very godown or brought from some other place.

The sources said that SSG Mess is a sensitive area and entry of any unknown person into the area is extremely difficult.

Terbela Ghazi Blast: 3 suspects arrested
3 Ghazi bombing suspects arrested from Swabi

SWABI - Army and police teams Friday arrested three brothers for their alleged involvement in the deadly suicide bomb attack which killed 15 Special Services Group officials at the brigade headquarters of Special Operation Task Force (SOTF) in Ghazi on Thursday evening.
The three brothers were identified as Salim, Arif and Ameer Muhammad and they were picked up from their home at Hiader Colony (Tehsil Topi). The former two have been kept in Topi Police Station while the third one has been shifted to Ghazi, said the police.
Ameer Muhammad was retired from army some 16 months back. It was learnt that soon after retirement he (Ameer Muhammad) had gone with Tableeghi Jammat for four months.
The people belonging to the area said that he is a religious person and at the time of the blast he was praying in the Haider Colony Mosque.
When approached his father Ghulam Ghafoor said, “The army and police raided our house at 1.00am and picked up my three sons. My son Salim has been selling vegetables and Arif also has a shop in Haider Colony.”
He said that his son got a job in Wapda some 74-day back and was performing his duty as a security guard at a godown in the area where the suicide attack took place. However, he said that he went for duty early in the morning and returned at 4pm on Thursday. “At the time of the blast he was performing prayers at the Haider Colony Mosque,” he said.
To a question he said that they did not say anything to us but arrested his three sons. “I don’t know that why they were arrested,” he said.
When contacted District Police Officer Zebullah Khan told this correspondent, “I have no information about the persons who were arrested but I knew that the army raided an area in Swabi and picked up a person who was working in a godown as security guard.” The Swabi Police was tight-lipped about the incident and were reluctant to share information about the arrests.
There were also rumuors that Salim and Arif were released after the initial investigations but when this correspondent contacted with their nephew Shah Jehan said that they are still in police custody.
Shaiq Hussain from Islamabad adds: Alarmed by the Thursday's suicide attack at highly secured Tarbela military camp, the top security brass on Friday launched probe into possible link between Al-Qaeda and the blast that killed over 20 commandos of the elite army unit.

“We are looking into all possibilities including the link of Al-Qaeda with the gory act of terror as the global terrorist network has the capability of carrying out such intrepid assault on a high-security zone,” said a senior official here on Friday while requesting anonymity.
He said the Tarbela military camp of “Special Operation Task Force”, was a well-protected area and only a suicide bomber trained hard on the pattern of Al-Qaeda bombers could manage to enter it and target the commandos.

However, he said that looking into the possibilities of possible Al-Qaeda link didn’t mean that another important aspect of probing into the involvement of someone from ‘inside’ be ignored.

“This is also being looked into and the arrest of three suspected persons from Swabi on Friday is a part of these investigations,” he said and added that one suspect was the former employee at the ammunition depot in the Tarbela military camp.

When asked about the details of probe into Al-Qaeda involvement, the official said that relevant security circles were investigating whether the attack had in anyway link with Osama bin Laden videos that appeared last week in which he called for a brigade of martyrs to overthrow the Musharraf led Pakistani government.

ISPR Chief Major General Waheed Arshad, in his comments, said, now when the security forces were cutting the terrorists’ space they were trying to hit back.

“The terrorists are killing innocent people to spread fear but our resolve to rid society of extremist forces is unshakable,” he added.

The army’s elite force unit targeted by the suicide bomber at Tarbela was set up by President General Pervez Musharraf back in 2002 to hunt Al-Qaeda and Taliban remnants in the tribal areas, said the official.

He said that the President had ordered a thorough investigation into how the suicide bomber breached the security at the highly secured military camp and rammed his vehicle into a canteen where the targeted soldiers were having their meal
Tarbela bomber’s head, body, bicycle recovered

By Javed Iqbal & Mushtaq Yusufzai

GHAZI/PESHAWAR: Senior military officials investigating the blast at the mess of the Special Services Group of Pakistan Army's Special Operation Task Force at Tarbela have termed it as a suicide attack after recovering the body and head of the suicide bomber from the scene. The head was split into two pieces.

A bicycle on which the suicide bomber reportedly came to the SSG base was also recovered from the spot. Almost after 20 hours of the deadly incident, police officials, who were earlier denied entry into the base, were finally given permission by the military authorities on Saturday to go there and take part in the investigations.

Also, a sepoy, Ismail, lodged a formal First Information Report of the incident with the Ghazi police against the unknown attacker on Friday. On the directives of President Pervez Musharraf and Defence Minister Rao Sikandar Iqbal, a joint team of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Military Intelligence (MI) started investigation into the blast at the SSG base.

After initial investigation by the military officials in the Special Operation Task Force (SOTF) premises, a senior official of the investigation team told The News on condition of anonymity that it was a suicide attack, in which a young bearded person blew him up inside the mess at a time when it was jam-packed with 250 commandos dining there.

Over 20 SSG commandos were killed and 42 others injured in the incident. Many of the injured are under treatment at military facilities in Attock, Kamra and Rawalpindi. Investigators said the blast was so powerful that many of the injured commandos had either lost their eyesight or hearing ability.

According to the official, the suicide bomber was dressed in a white shalwar, qameez and had worn a white cap on his head when he entered the mess. Sepoy Ismail, an eyewitness of the incident, told the investigators that the young suicide bomber parked his a bicycle in front of the mess and entered the dinning hall.

"No sooner had he entered the mess when I heard a huge blast and saw the roof of the mess flying in the air," he told investigators. Officials said there was no crater in the mess and felt there would have been many more human losses had the roof collapsed and fallen on over 200 people there.

Ismail, who belongs to the SSG's Karar company, said since many civilians from the nearby Wapda residential colonies used to come there either for eating or taking food from the SSG mess to their homes, he took the bomber as one of them.

In their findings, investigators found that security lapses in and around the SSG base had enabled the suicide bomber to easily enter the highly sensitive area and carry out his mission. They said there was no check on civilians coming from adjacent Wapda colonies to take food from the mess or wash their clothes at the SSG laundry.

Interestingly, it was also disclosed by the investigators that majority of the houses in the Wapda residential colonies had been rented out to civilians by the Wapda employees which was a serious threat to the security of the country's biggest dam.

"Nobody knows who is living in which house. The trend of providing accommodation to private people in such a sensitive location could pose serious threat to the dam," remarked the officials.

They also termed the security plan of the dam by a few unequipped police personnel as dangerous for the dam, which the Interior Ministry has declared A category security zone, a status enjoyed by Pakistan's nuclear plant. "The staff is inadequate and lacks basic equipment like scanning machines and steel detectors," they observed.

Tarbela bomber’s head, body, bicycle recovered

That seems to answer the question of how security around such a "highly sensitive area" was penetrated.

It is sad however that the sharing of resources and facilities with the surrounding communities, by the Army, will most likely end in the aftermath of this incident.
I can't believe this... how long will this continue. This nation was created with so much sacrifice. So many people died for its creation and today bastards within our nation are bent on destroying it! Why? These constant bombings, kidnappings and killings... we must find the people responsible for these actions and destroy them!!!
I can't believe this... how long will this continue. This nation was created with so much sacrifice. So many people died for its creation and today bastards within our nation are bent on destroying it! Why? These constant bombings, kidnappings and killings... we must find the people responsible for these actions and destroy them!!!

Why now? Because its not INDIANS that these people target? come on!
Once upon a time they were Mujahids or Freedom fighters as your gov used to call them.

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