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Accusers failed to provide evidence of systematic rigging: ECP


Mar 12, 2013
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“The general elections 2013 were not manipulated or influenced pursuant to a systematic effort or design by anyone," says the ECP. ─ INP/File

ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has said that opposition parties, including the PTI, have failed to provide any evidence regarding “systematic and planned rigging” in the 2013 general elections and declared that the results of the polls were a “true reflection” of the people’s mandate.

“The general elections 2013 were not manipulated or influenced pursuant to a systematic effort or design by anyone. The results of the general elections of 2013 on an overall basis are a true and fair reflection of the mandate given by the electorates,” says the ECP in a 33-page response submitted to the poll inquiry commission headed by Chief Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk.

“The mere possibility of wrongdoing is not even circumstantial evidence of actual wrongdoing,” the ECP maintains in its response submitted through its counsel Salman Akram Raja. However, it does admit to administrative lapses by election staff.

The three-judge inquiry commission will commence arguments on the ECP’s response on Monday.

The ECP states that the PTI had made several assertions, but these were given up or not pursued during the course of the recording of evidence. “Resultantly, a number of witnesses included in the original list of witnesses provided by the PTI were also given up,” states the response, a copy of which is available with Dawn.

Admits lapses by 70,000 presiding officers, claims polls were ‘true reflection’ of people’s mandate

“Evidence with respect to systematic wrongdoing could have provided direct proof of the existence and execution of an alleged plan to rig the elections in an organised manner. No such evidence has emerged as regards the general elections of 2013 in general,” the ECP maintains.

“The evidentiary record establishes that despite some lapses, primarily by nearly 70,000 presiding officers (POs) in the filling out and placement of Form XV and by the POs or the returning officers (ROs) in the sealing of polling bags, the general elections of 2013 were on the whole organised and conducted impartially, honestly, fairly, justly and in accordance with the law.”

The ECP also gives detailed responses to the points raised by opposition parties before the inquiry commission.

Extra ballot papers

The ECP contends that the PTI has questioned both the number of ballot papers printed and the manner and venue of their printing in an attempt “to establish the alleged organised scheme to unlawfully impact” the elections. “Nothing untoward or sinister has emerged during the proceedings either with respect to the number of ballot papers that were printed or the manner or venue of printing,” it maintains.

“The ECP, in turn, has placed before the Honourable Inquiry Commission the documentary record regarding the printing of ballot papers, including the determination of the quantity of ballot papers,” it says, adding: “The ECP has also placed on record the data pertaining to the number of ballot papers printed in every general election since 1970 in order to demonstrate that the numbers printed in 2013 were consistent with, and indeed below, the historic norm.”

The ECP has claimed that “no pattern or relationship has emerged as regards the number of extra ballot papers and the party affiliation of the returned candidate or the number of the missing Forms XV. In the province of Punjab the constituencies with high numbers of extra ballot papers, the returned candidates with affiliations other than that to the PML-N”.

Giving an example, it says the difference between the number of printed ballot papers and the number of registered voters was over 70,000 in NA-53 Rawalpindi and the seat was won by a PTI candidate. “The same applies to NA-34 Lower Dir, where the returning candidate was from the Jamaat-i-Islami.”

Missing Form XV

The ECP contends that Forms XV for 60,634 polling stations, of a total of 69,763 polling stations, were available. “The deficiency in the available record of Forms XV may, however, be placed in the context of the fact that Forms XV are nearly all available despite the lapse of two years. No evidence has been produced to suggest that there was any deliberate scheme either to not generate Forms XV on polling day or to remove Forms XV from the record. The fact that some record is not available now does not necessarily imply that it was never generated.”

According to the ECP, the constituencies with a low percentage of extra ballot papers have a high number of missing Forms XV in the polling bags whereas the constituencies with a high percentage of extra ballot papers have a low ratio of missing Forms XV.

The ECP has placed before the inquiry commission the entire record consisting over 210,000 pages of Forms XIV for polling stations from across the country along with Forms XVI that reflect the consolidation made by the ROs on the basis of Forms XIV. This record has not been challenged by any party.

Given the fact that the Forms XVI from across the country are consistent with the Forms XIV and that there is no challenge to the Forms XIV in general, the ECP says that the gaps in the record of Forms XV cannot be said to be of any decisive significance.

As a matter of record, the highest missing ratio of Forms XV in the polling bags is for the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, followed by Sindh and Punjab. The absence of Forms XV cannot be taken to be evidence of election malpractice by the returned candidate or by anyone else.

Polling bags, thumbprints

Regarding the unsealed polling bags, the ECP says: “No evidence has come before the inquiry commission as to whether the polling bags concerned were not sealed by the POs or whether the seals got broken or removed later, possible during transportation and placement in the treasuries.

“It is submitted that the combined record that includes Forms XIV, Forms XV, Forms XVI as well as the actual ballot papers in the polling bags along with Nadra analysis reports has provided a high level of post-election verifiability.

“The absence of Form XV and seals on polling bags is a fact that could have been caused by incompetence or lack of understanding, rather than mala fides on the part of the POs.

“The fact that thumb impressions on a substantial number of counterfoils and electoral rolls cannot be verified by Nadra does not amount to evidence that fake voters cast ballots or that unused extra ballots were stuffed into ballot boxes or the polling bags.

“Inability of Nadra to verify a thumb impression is not a proof of corrupt practice. The Nadra reports do not establish any large scale or systematic attempt to impact the outcome of the 2013 general elections.”

Published in Dawn, June 29th, 2015

@Norwegian @Jazzbot @Leader @SBD-3 @Cent4 @chauvunist @Jzaib @Proudpakistaniguy @Thorough Pro @AUz @airmarshal @tarrar @Akheilos @Areesh @Zarvan

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Corruption will never die in Pakistan because of presence of corrupt & incompetent in Pakistan who have no love for Pakistan. Corruption, rigging in elections, land grabbing, political terrorism & so on is a clear proof that these corrupt politicians have no love for Pakistan.
Please don't tag me in any political thread, I don't give a flying flick to any political party, they are all fucking blood suckers, leeches


“The general elections 2013 were not manipulated or influenced pursuant to a systematic effort or design by anyone," says the ECP. ─ INP/File

ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has said that opposition parties, including the PTI, have failed to provide any evidence regarding “systematic and planned rigging” in the 2013 general elections and declared that the results of the polls were a “true reflection” of the people’s mandate.

“The general elections 2013 were not manipulated or influenced pursuant to a systematic effort or design by anyone. The results of the general elections of 2013 on an overall basis are a true and fair reflection of the mandate given by the electorates,” says the ECP in a 33-page response submitted to the poll inquiry commission headed by Chief Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk.

“The mere possibility of wrongdoing is not even circumstantial evidence of actual wrongdoing,” the ECP maintains in its response submitted through its counsel Salman Akram Raja. However, it does admit to administrative lapses by election staff.

The three-judge inquiry commission will commence arguments on the ECP’s response on Monday.

The ECP states that the PTI had made several assertions, but these were given up or not pursued during the course of the recording of evidence. “Resultantly, a number of witnesses included in the original list of witnesses provided by the PTI were also given up,” states the response, a copy of which is available with Dawn.

Admits lapses by 70,000 presiding officers, claims polls were ‘true reflection’ of people’s mandate

“Evidence with respect to systematic wrongdoing could have provided direct proof of the existence and execution of an alleged plan to rig the elections in an organised manner. No such evidence has emerged as regards the general elections of 2013 in general,” the ECP maintains.

“The evidentiary record establishes that despite some lapses, primarily by nearly 70,000 presiding officers (POs) in the filling out and placement of Form XV and by the POs or the returning officers (ROs) in the sealing of polling bags, the general elections of 2013 were on the whole organised and conducted impartially, honestly, fairly, justly and in accordance with the law.”

The ECP also gives detailed responses to the points raised by opposition parties before the inquiry commission.

Extra ballot papers

The ECP contends that the PTI has questioned both the number of ballot papers printed and the manner and venue of their printing in an attempt “to establish the alleged organised scheme to unlawfully impact” the elections. “Nothing untoward or sinister has emerged during the proceedings either with respect to the number of ballot papers that were printed or the manner or venue of printing,” it maintains.

“The ECP, in turn, has placed before the Honourable Inquiry Commission the documentary record regarding the printing of ballot papers, including the determination of the quantity of ballot papers,” it says, adding: “The ECP has also placed on record the data pertaining to the number of ballot papers printed in every general election since 1970 in order to demonstrate that the numbers printed in 2013 were consistent with, and indeed below, the historic norm.”

The ECP has claimed that “no pattern or relationship has emerged as regards the number of extra ballot papers and the party affiliation of the returned candidate or the number of the missing Forms XV. In the province of Punjab the constituencies with high numbers of extra ballot papers, the returned candidates with affiliations other than that to the PML-N”.

Giving an example, it says the difference between the number of printed ballot papers and the number of registered voters was over 70,000 in NA-53 Rawalpindi and the seat was won by a PTI candidate. “The same applies to NA-34 Lower Dir, where the returning candidate was from the Jamaat-i-Islami.”

Missing Form XV

The ECP contends that Forms XV for 60,634 polling stations, of a total of 69,763 polling stations, were available. “The deficiency in the available record of Forms XV may, however, be placed in the context of the fact that Forms XV are nearly all available despite the lapse of two years. No evidence has been produced to suggest that there was any deliberate scheme either to not generate Forms XV on polling day or to remove Forms XV from the record. The fact that some record is not available now does not necessarily imply that it was never generated.”

According to the ECP, the constituencies with a low percentage of extra ballot papers have a high number of missing Forms XV in the polling bags whereas the constituencies with a high percentage of extra ballot papers have a low ratio of missing Forms XV.

The ECP has placed before the inquiry commission the entire record consisting over 210,000 pages of Forms XIV for polling stations from across the country along with Forms XVI that reflect the consolidation made by the ROs on the basis of Forms XIV. This record has not been challenged by any party.

Given the fact that the Forms XVI from across the country are consistent with the Forms XIV and that there is no challenge to the Forms XIV in general, the ECP says that the gaps in the record of Forms XV cannot be said to be of any decisive significance.

As a matter of record, the highest missing ratio of Forms XV in the polling bags is for the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, followed by Sindh and Punjab. The absence of Forms XV cannot be taken to be evidence of election malpractice by the returned candidate or by anyone else.

Polling bags, thumbprints

Regarding the unsealed polling bags, the ECP says: “No evidence has come before the inquiry commission as to whether the polling bags concerned were not sealed by the POs or whether the seals got broken or removed later, possible during transportation and placement in the treasuries.

“It is submitted that the combined record that includes Forms XIV, Forms XV, Forms XVI as well as the actual ballot papers in the polling bags along with Nadra analysis reports has provided a high level of post-election verifiability.

“The absence of Form XV and seals on polling bags is a fact that could have been caused by incompetence or lack of understanding, rather than mala fides on the part of the POs.

“The fact that thumb impressions on a substantial number of counterfoils and electoral rolls cannot be verified by Nadra does not amount to evidence that fake voters cast ballots or that unused extra ballots were stuffed into ballot boxes or the polling bags.

“Inability of Nadra to verify a thumb impression is not a proof of corrupt practice. The Nadra reports do not establish any large scale or systematic attempt to impact the outcome of the 2013 general elections.”

Published in Dawn, June 29th, 2015

@Norwegian @Jazzbot @Leader @SBD-3 @Cent4 @chauvunist @Jzaib @Proudpakistaniguy @Thorough Pro @AUz @airmarshal @tarrar @Akheilos @Areesh @Zarvan

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Interestingly before same ECP officials statements in favor towards "Systematic rigging" LOL @ logic form 14 and 15 gaayab hey tu phir ECP nay result compile kesay kiya hey iska tu jawab dayday koi lolzz

Now ECP statement in favor of the Government.

This ECP is shit nothing else more whether the election rigged or not...
As a matter of record, the highest missing ratio of Forms XV in the polling bags is for the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, followed by Sindh and Punjab. The absence of Forms XV cannot be taken to be evidence of election malpractice by the returned candidate or by anyone else.
Please don't tag me in any political thread, I don't give a flying flick to any political party, they are all fucking blood suckers, leeches

These leeches do run your country, however. Educated and sensible folks like yourself ought to be interested. We can't leave the system to rot under the weight of corruption and nepotism. Economic prosperity will come through a working system of governance i.e. political system.

Nonetheless your reservations are noted.
I have lost all hope of seeing any improvement in our political system.. I stopped watching TV around 2001/2002 and have not watched it since. watching all that shit just made my blood boil and BP go up, now at least I feel much calm and peaceful.
I have lost all hope of seeing any improvement in our political system.. I stopped watching TV around 2001/2002 and have not watched it since. watching all that shit just made my blood boil and BP go up, now at least I feel much calm and peaceful.
then stop bitching and get out of that comfy life of yours... whining is our national hobby it seems, actions are no where to be seen... and lemme tell you who the biggest leech is, it's people like YOU! eating off of the system but giving no contribution to it....

IK is a lost cause... you can see these days his doesn't appear much, kinda lost the momentum...
The Judicial Commission has stated that Forms 15 and 14 are missing in many constituencies. So how did election commission compile the results?

What other devices does election commission has to declare someone winner or loser if many constituencies did not have those forms that consolidate results and the election commission officer signs off on?

This is typical Pakistani method of hiding inefficiency, incompetence and even collusion. An election commission, whose first duty is to hold free and fair elections, once fails in its first duty, is not credible enough to point fingers at others.
First of all, ECP is a party in this scam. In fact, the accused one in this rigging scam so how credible are their statements? ECP is clearly taking sides with PML-N in front of Judicial Commission, hence ECP has lost its credibility.I'd just laugh off their such statements and pass.

Coming to rigging, if Form 14 and 15 are missing from constituencies then who is responsible? ECP should tell us why these forms are missing instead of running their mouth against PTI every now and then.

  1. ECP told JC that all Form 15s are available with them. When JC asked for these forms, only 15% forms were recovered.
  2. Then ECP said, rest of the forms are in polling bags. JC ordered to open bags and bring forward rest of form 15s. It turned out that more than 15 million forms are missing in polling bags throughout the country.
  3. Then ECP again claimed that those missing forms are with them (refer to point one, what joke). Till date they have failed to provide these forms.

The morons in ECP should take the responsibility of this scam and die in shame. Instead these shameless bunch of bastards are running their mouth against PTI and taking sides with PML-N over and over again. What a joke of country we have become..
They are in the pocket of nawaz so they will please there master .political statements like these does not hold any value ,it is up to judicial commission to decide not for election commission .NADRA also tried this before election tribunal that in NA 122 ayaz sadiq 99 % votes are genuine to which election tribunal told NADRA that they did not asked for any such report and on whos request you prepared supplementary report??? proceedings are still continued by tribunal

We didn't order NADRA to present Supplementary report :- NA-122 Tribunal Judge





see also:

Form 15:Out of 63000 NA polling stations 20000 form missing In Punjab out of 39000 PS 12000 missing
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when election tribunal badgered NADRA that who asked you to submit a supplementary report on NA 122(In that report NADRA told tribunal that 99 % votes are genuine) NADRA shamefully told commission that it was asked by PTI.

This is not present in the proceedings of tribunal,not present in written form also Asad Umar challenged pmln in a program to show some evidence of PTI lawyer asking for supplementary report.

NADRA,the loud mouth Election commission (re election goday guddi ka khel nahen wala) with political statement against a party PTI that (hum tunhama damag thek kar dayn gay) such gandi gulami by EC etc etc are in pmln pocket

We didn't order NADRA to present Supplementary report :- NA-122 Tribunal Judge

Judicial commission will gave the same shut up call to Election commission that Election tribunal gave to NADRA
As a matter of record, the highest missing ratio of Forms XV in the polling bags is for the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, followed by Sindh and Punjab. The absence of Forms XV cannot be taken to be evidence of election malpractice by the returned candidate or by anyone else.

Another joke of the year. Form 15s was direct responsibility of ECP and ROs so if these forms are missing from any constituency from any province, it doesn't change the fact that ECP and ROs are responsible for these missing forms.

Now what form 15 was supposed to do? It was a check at:

  • how many votes were registered to a polling station,
  • how many ballot papers were issued to that polling station (number of ballot papers issued must be equal to total number of registered votes in that polling station),
  • how many ballot papers were used during elections,
  • how many unused ballot papers were returned after election completed.

Now, instead of looking at how many form 15s were gone missing from which province. What we need to look at is, how many extra ballot papers were issued to which constituencies on the eve of election day (which is basically illegal). If a constituency had received thousands of extra ballot papers on election day illegally, and on top of that if its Form 15 is missing, then something definitely went wrong in that constituency. Because to hide the scam of extra ballot papers issued to that constituency, they had to disappear its Form 15, so no one could trace how many ballot papers were issued, used and returned. This enabled them cast as many fake votes as they wanted without the fear of getting caught by their balls.

Now having explained all this in detail, as per last reports - 90% of such constituencies belonged to Punjab including 90% from Lahore (PM's, Hamza Shahbaz's, Speaker NA Ayyaz Sadiq's, Minister Railways Saad Rafiq's are just a few to start with).

Now don't come whining that most number of form 15s were missing from KP. KP is at bottom of list where extra ballot papers were issued on the eve of election day, Punjab tops the list. In fact, Punjab is the most and only beneficiary of extra ballot papers illegally issued on election day.
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