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Accused US Soldier flown out of Afghanistan

They took him to Kuwait not the US - apparently they don't want him tried under US law either.

Lets get this straight - Crime committed in Afghanistan by an American - hence trial will be in Kuwait? What a load of rubbish? These people that make decisions of this nature should be put on trial. Absolute travesty of justice!
Lets get this straight - Crime committed in Afghanistan by an American - hence trial will be in Kuwait? What a load of rubbish? These people that make decisions of this nature should be put on trial. Absolute travesty of justice!

American regime wouldn't know what justice was if it hit them in the face
American regime wouldn't know what justice was if it hit them in the face

and if someone from afghanistan had killed him, he was labelled as terrorist,

only 2 possibilities i an think of
1- that soldier actually wanted to leave afghanistan ASAP and that was the most easy way....
2- American Army did this to make a excuse to leave afghanistan and we will more cases like these in near future...
Hopefully the man will get the best mental facility possible to live out the rest of his days, with periodic visits from his family.

A soldier who cracked under the uncertainty and emotional strain.

Personally, I hope that he is let free with a silver cross and that he repeats his acts many times over in America....hopefully to the families of those who support him still.
Hopefully the man will get the best mental facility possible to live out the rest of his days, with periodic visits from his family.

A soldier who cracked under the uncertainty and emotional strain.

A bullet in head would done best choice. And now some one else has to take bullet for him.
His case will end up like this

The Haditha killings (also called the Haditha incident or the Haditha massacre) refers to the incident in which 24 unarmed Iraqi men, women and children were killed by a group of United States Marines on November 19, 2005 in Haditha, a city in the western Iraqi province of Al Anbar. All those killed were civilians

In 2011 the New York Times found classified transcripts of military interviews from an investigation into the Haditha killings. In these interviews Marines said civilians were killed on a regular basis and one sergeant testified that he would order his men to shoot vehicles that failed to stop at military checkpoints even if it were possible that children could be in the car.

On April 17, 2007, the Marine Corps dropped all charges against Sgt. Sanick P. De la Cruz in exchange for his testimony. Seven other Marines involved in the incident have also been granted immunity

On June 17, 2008, all charges against Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani were dismissed by the military judge citing unlawful command influence.[59] The Marine Corps appealed that ruling in 2008.[60] On March 17, 2009, a military appeals court upheld the dismissal of the war crimes charges against Chessani.[61] Facing an administrative Board of Inquiry, it also found no misconduct and recommended that Chessani be allowed to retire without loss of rank.[62]

On September 18, 2007, all charges against Captain Lucas McConnell were dropped in exchange for immunity and his cooperation with the investigation.[57]

The court martial of Wuterich, the only defendant to stand trial for the Haditha killings, took place in January 2012. During the trial Sgt. Sanick Dela Cruz testified that he urinated on the skull of one of the dead Iraqis.[64] He also testified, after describing how Wuterich shot the passengers of the car himself from close range, "Sergeant Wuterich approached me and told me if anyone asks, the Iraqis were running away from the car and the Iraqi army shot them".[65] In a plea deal, Wuterich pled guilty to dereliction of duty, while charges of assault and manslaughter were dropped.[16] He was convicted of a single count of negligent dereliction of duty on January 24, 2012, receiving a rank reduction and pay cut but avoiding jail time.

Haditha killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lets get this straight - Crime committed in Afghanistan by an American - hence trial will be in Kuwait? What a load of rubbish? These people that make decisions of this nature should be put on trial. Absolute travesty of justice!

See this is what's going to happen.

They will try him in Kuwait. Do the Diyat, pardon. Then take him to US and say due to US laws of double jeapordy the person can't stand trial for the same crime twice.

All hail Amreeka!

Here you go, blood money is already being discussed...

Military Shooter Trial to Test the Patience of Afghans - Bloomberg
‘Blood Money’

One way to reconcile U.S. and Afghan expectations in the latest killings may lie outside the military justice system: compensation to families of the victims in southern Afghanistan, said Noah Coburn, a socio-cultural anthropologist who focuses on dispute resolution in Afghanistan.

Islamic law encourages family of murder victims to forgive their killers by accepting such “blood money” instead of seeking revenge, Bhala said.

“The payment of compensation in the case of homicides like these would be typical in a case resolved in the south of the country,” Coburn, a senior adviser with the U.S. Institute of Peace, said in an e-mail.
As per intellectuals Taliban Law is going to be applied to US soldiers essentially giving them a cover of immunity under "blood money law" as it was to r. davis Case, clever really clever now they have the law to misuse and bomb a zillion muslimeen.
Hopefully the man will get the best mental facility possible to live out the rest of his days, with periodic visits from his family.

A soldier who cracked under the uncertainty and emotional strain.

Well if he doesn't a trained killer who gets off by killing women and children will be free in USA good news for you.I am also sure out of 100s of 1000s few will go berserk and Start taking out American civilians.I hope you and like you will have the same sympathy for them as you do for him.:angry:
And what about the trauma suffered by the relatives and families of the victims?

As always, 2 wrongs don't make a right, an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.

Could it be said for your talibunnies as someone named them cracked under the uncertainty and emotional strain.

Oh no, they certainly know what they are doing.

Well if he doesn't a trained killer who gets off by killing women and children will be free in USA good news for you.I am also sure out of 100s of 1000s few will go berserk and Start taking out American civilians.I hope you and like you will have the same sympathy for them as you do for him.:angry:

On the unlikely chance he does get off, the incident will not likely repeat. It is obvious the man did not kill the men and women for fun, but out of an insane rage.

the severe mental strain of the situation combined with watching his friend's leg get blown off led him into a temporary insanity. After he recovered he surrendered to US forces.
As always, 2 wrongs don't make a right, an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.

Should have heeded your own thoughts before running out and destroying two countries.
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