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About cows and India.

Look dude recently our PM introduced Insurance for humans , we are not par with Canada in development. We hardly insure our people and you are talking about cows. You won't get it as you see everything from Canadian lenses.
Okay. So you mean property insurance or farming related insurance is not even a thing in India? If not, thats where you might want to hit the government. Help create an industry around farming and cattle raising insurance.
I had no interest in cows before coming here. But then here you learn few things :-

1. There are two sets in the universe of discourse of this forum. First is China-Pakistan and second is India. If you disagree to the opinions of the first set even slightly, you are delegated to the second set.

2. For some weird reason, every thread has reference to cow-urine. Every God-damn single thread. Be it missiles, geo-politics or history. There is a reference to cows and their urine. Everywhere!

3. For some reason there are two major Indian news themes are covered here -- outside of Kashmir of-course. Cows, Beef, lynching, and lynching because of cows -- including state sponsored cows. The second is rape.

So it leads to the logical conclusion to enquire : What the hell is going on? What is the deal with India and Cows? And what the heck cow-urine is doing in all this hot mess?

Fairly accurate observations. Congratulations! I shall watch with great pleasure as you try to sort your way through this multi-dimensional mess.
Okay. So you mean property insurance or farming related insurance is not even a thing in India? If not, thats where you might want to hit the government. Help create an industry around farming and cattle raising insurance.
Yes sir Issue will gain momentum in near future.

This is a law and order issue as nobody cares if someone Cows are stolen so people take matter into their hands which is stupid but life goes on.
I had no interest in cows before coming here. But then here you learn few things :-

1. There are two sets in the universe of discourse of this forum. First is China-Pakistan and second is India. If you disagree to the opinions of the first set even slightly, you are delegated to the second set.

2. For some weird reason, every thread has reference to cow-urine. Every God-damn single thread. Be it missiles, geo-politics or history. There is a reference to cows and their urine. Everywhere!

3. For some reason there are two major Indian news themes are covered here -- outside of Kashmir of-course. Cows, Beef, lynching, and lynching because of cows -- including state sponsored cows. The second is rape.

So it leads to the logical conclusion to enquire : What the hell is going on? What is the deal with India and Cows? And what the heck cow-urine is doing in all this hot mess?

There is a vibrant Middle East and Bangladeshi forum as well. In case you are interested.

There you will find lizard legs and a pretty nasty fish called Hilsa as well.

Cheers, Doc

Look dude recently our PM introduced Insurance for humans , we are not par with Canada in development. We hardly insure our people and you are talking about cows. You won't get it as you see everything from Canadian lenses.

Bhai all your information is second,third and god knows how many hands. You literally have no idea on ground realities of this area.
You are good friend so i will leave at that if you interested i am willing to have private conversation.

As for your comment-

That is so true then i think again about your ground level information. Many Jaats are furious in my area who showing dislikes for BJP. (Recently Kisan march on Delhi which was stopped in Ghaziabad)

Man of course I want to learn.

Or should I come in a village in Haryana or Rajasthan to get what a close friend can teach me here?

I have an open mind. But you need to try me on that. This is a people issue. I am totally into it.

What is a private conversation here bro? Even if you post it on my profile page I have a legion of admirers here who will visit to read and add their two pence.

Might as well here.

Cheers, Doc
There is a vibrant Middle East and Bangladeshi forum as well. In case you are interested.

There you will find lizard legs and a pretty nasty fish called Hilsa as well.

Cheers, Doc

Man of course I want to learn.

Or should I come in a village in Haryana or Rajasthan to get what a close friend can teach me here?

I have an open mind. But you need to try me on that. This is a people issue. I am totally into it.

What is a private conversation here bro? Even if you post it on my profile page I have a legion of admirers here who will visit to read and add their two pence.

Might as well here.

Cheers, Doc
I will provide few links and videos to you and let you decide what's what. It's a bread butter issue brother and given a Saffron color so BJP can hear a farcry. But later if you still are here.
There is a vibrant Middle East and Bangladeshi forum as well. In case you are interested.

There you will find lizard legs and a pretty nasty fish called Hilsa as well.
Let me put it in this way. There are two major plots in this forum.
The Indian one, which at-least seems physical and real-world to me. Atleast in the beginning. It involves cows and politics -- besides defense of-course. This is still a defense forum.

The Pakistani plot --when it is not around China-- is even more confusing. It at times involves ethereal entities. Djinns and what not. Plus most of the interesting references are in Arabic which no one is even willing to translate.

Bangladesh and Middle east, on this forum are very fringe plots. I will visit them from time to time, but they are more of a distractions.
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