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About cows and India.


Dec 14, 2018
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Okay folks, just listen before you bring out the pitch forks. I know cow is somehow a sensitive topic here. Can someone tell me :

1. Why do Indians take cows so seriously? I get it that it is related to religion but still! You raise them as farm animals, you milk them daily for drink and yet they are sacred and cannot be eaten? That weird! Milk is very much animal protein, so is flesh! In fact many vegans treat milk as liquid flesh.

2. In India, so many cows roam about freely --from the pictures I have see. Even then they are sacred? I mean folks I know treat Bible as sacred but they don't throw it out usually. How come sending cows on streets still keeps them sacred?

3. Even if something is sacred, you don't go about killing people for that. How come killing folks who kill a cow they bought for food becomes such an issue that they come and lynch people?

4. Also, why do people bring cow piss in all the discussions on this forum. Every now and then I will see someone say "Go drink cow piss" or something. Whats so obsession with cow urine? Or is it just a way to insult. Like spanish say "go eff a fish".
Okay folks, just listen before you bring out the pitch forks. I know cow is somehow a sensitive topic here. Can someone tell me :

4. Also, why do people bring cow piss in all the discussions on this forum. Every now and then I will see someone say "Go drink cow piss" or something. Whats so obsession with cow urine? Or is it just a way to insult. Like spanish say "go eff a fish".

Because Hindus do Drink Cow Piss and Add it to their daily food. They Call it Gao Mutra (Piss of Cow ) and Arka (Extract of Cow Piss). In fact, they are so fanatical about cow urine that some Indians have claimed about making Coca Cola from Cow Piss and Cow Dung!
Aghoris however, do eat Cow Dung and eat rotting human corpses floating on the banks of river Ganges.
View media item 17751
Okay folks, just listen before you bring out the pitch forks. I know cow is somehow a sensitive topic here. Can someone tell me :

1. Why do Indians take cows so seriously? I get it that it is related to religion but still! You raise them as farm animals, you milk them daily for drink and yet they are sacred and cannot be eaten? That weird! Milk is very much animal protein, so is flesh! In fact many vegans treat milk as liquid flesh.

2. In India, so many cows roam about freely --from the pictures I have see. Even then they are sacred? I mean folks I know treat Bible as sacred but they don't throw it out usually. How come sending cows on streets still keeps them sacred?

3. Even if something is sacred, you don't go about killing people for that. How come killing folks who kill a cow they bought for food becomes such an issue that they come and lynch people?

4. Also, why do people bring cow piss in all the discussions on this forum. Every now and then I will see someone say "Go drink cow piss" or something. Whats so obsession with cow urine? Or is it just a way to insult. Like spanish say "go eff a fish".

In older years, cow was more than a home animal for us, its urine and dung were used to make homes and farming etc and its milk was used for our diary needs. Situation has changed today and people who have made a real fuss out of this animal are just a handful in India , the rest dont really go to such extremes although we have a special place for this animal in our hearts, the rapid urbanization in India has left many of these homeless.

Coming to the Gomutra (cow piss ), many people in India take it as a medicine. It has tremendous medicinal value and has applications in various Ayurvedic medicines.

Most of us dont get offended when someone says drink cows piss(Atleast I dont). It just that they are too ignorant to understand its medicinal properties. Various research papers and patents have been issues on this topic and you are free to research.
Okay folks, just listen before you bring out the pitch forks. I know cow is somehow a sensitive topic here. Can someone tell me :

1. Why do Indians take cows so seriously? I get it that it is related to religion but still! You raise them as farm animals, you milk them daily for drink and yet they are sacred and cannot be eaten? That weird! Milk is very much animal protein, so is flesh! In fact many vegans treat milk as liquid flesh.

2. In India, so many cows roam about freely --from the pictures I have see. Even then they are sacred? I mean folks I know treat Bible as sacred but they don't throw it out usually. How come sending cows on streets still keeps them sacred?

3. Even if something is sacred, you don't go about killing people for that. How come killing folks who kill a cow they bought for food becomes such an issue that they come and lynch people?

4. Also, why do people bring cow piss in all the discussions on this forum. Every now and then I will see someone say "Go drink cow piss" or something. Whats so obsession with cow urine? Or is it just a way to insult. Like spanish say "go eff a fish".

A historic basis for this theory is that in the very old days, in extreme droughts or during floods, people used to survive on cow milk only for months..

They then made this animal as their carer like mother..

Then they started considering it a god..

Then some fools started considering this animal more important then human life.

All your questions are legit though..
In older years, cow was more than a home animal for us, its urine and dung were used to make homes and farming etc and its milk was used for our diary needs. Situation has changed today and people who have made a real fuss out of this animal are just a handful in India , the rest dont really go to such extremes although we have a special place for this animal in our hearts, the rapid urbanization in India has left many of these homeless.
From what I see, there are special legislations to protect slaughter of this farm-animal. Heck, there was a thread here which suggests that the government is imposing an extra tax for improving the condition of this animal. Now, this is as serious as an animal can be taken. I am not sure it's just a small minority who takes it so seriously.
Milk is very much animal protein, so is flesh! In fact many vegans treat milk as liquid flesh.

Yeah, that's my point too. Milk and other dairy products are also animal products so why are they still consumed ??

I suppose artificial meat ( beef in this case ) would, as your own user-name goes, bring some harmony to Indian society.
Because Hindus do Drink Cow Piss and Add it to their daily food. They Call it Gao Mutra (Piss of Cow ) and Arka (Extract of Cow Piss). In fact, they are so fanatical about cow urine that some Indians have claimed about making Coca Cola from Cow Piss and Cow Dung!
Aghoris however, do eat Cow Dung and eat rotting human corpses floating on the banks of river Ganges.
View media item 17751
I have seen enough 'exotic' ingredients in 'alternative medicines'. Are these cow-medicines mainstream in India or a fringe phenomenon? I know things like homoeopathy are somewhat between fringe to mainstream here and elsewhere too.

Coming to the Gomutra (cow piss ), many people in India take it as a medicine. It has tremendous medicinal value and has applications in various Ayurvedic medicines.
See, I don't deny there is some wisdom in traditional medicines. I know Asprin originally was willow bark when someone found the active ingredient in it --salicylic acid if my memory serves me right. Even Chinese found a new drug for malaria in their herbs from traditional Chinese medicine and they found a way to synthesise it. If something exists in Cow-urine, it should be found and synthesized! But then this entire thing looks more like a conclusion assumed than derived.
The chain of thought seems like :
Milk is nutritious -> Cow is precious -> Cow is divine -> Even Cow's urine is good for you. We will figure out it is good for what later.

I suppose artificial meat ( beef in this case ) would, as your own user-name goes, bring some harmony to Indian society.
Why artificial meat? Cow is not exactly endangered. If cows can be raised for milk then why not meat?
I have seen enough 'exotic' ingredients in 'alternative medicines'. Are these cow-medicines mainstream in India or a fringe phenomenon? I know things like homoeopathy are somewhat between fringe to mainstream here and elsewhere too.

In my knowledge it is fringe.

When it comes to putting one's life on the line, the tried and test allopathy comes to the rescue.

See, I don't deny there is some wisdom in traditional medicines. I know Asprin originally was willow bark when someone found the active ingredient in it --salicylic acid if my memory serves me right. Even Chinese found a new drug for malaria in their herbs from traditional Chinese medicine and they found a way to synthesise it. If something exists in Cow-urine, it should be found and synthesized! But then this entire thing looks more like a conclusion assumed than derived.
The chain of thought seems like :
Milk is nutritious -> Cow is precious -> Cow is divine -> Even Cow's urine is good for you. We will figure out it is good for what later.


Why artificial meat? Cow is not exactly endangered. If cows can be raised for milk then why not meat?

The practicing Hindu, especially the practicing Brahmin, holds the cow dear.
The practicing Hindu holds the cow dear.
Oh well, I hope no one holds potatoes or tomatoes sacred. That country will not have any soup being served in the dinner. Just like India does not have beef.
Oh well, I hope no one holds potatoes or tomatoes sacred. That country will not have any soup being served in the dinner. Just like India does not have beef.


But you see my line of reasoning. Artificial meat is the compromise.
4. Also, why do people bring cow piss in all the discussions on this forum. Every now and then I will see someone say "Go drink cow piss" or something. Whats so obsession with cow urine? Or is it just a way to insult. Like spanish say "go eff a fish".

Because it's readily available to them, and it's a norm in their culture/religion.


There are different brands and you can it as cheap as 20 or 10 INR. They counter argue with camel piss but they know that their argument doesn't have much weight. I haven't come across a single Pakistani site where you could find/buy camel piss.
Umm, I didn't understand.
I mean doing something in a totally roundabout manner. You know trying to grab own your nose from behind your head. I found it somewhat weird. Cows are so common, cow meat is easily obtainable and yet you have to find a way to artificially manufacture cow's meat.

Because it's readily available to them, and it's a norm in their culture/religion.


There are different brands and you can it as cheap as 20 or 10 INR. They counter argue with camel piss but they know that their argument doesn't have much weight. I haven't come across a single Pakistani site where you could find/buy camel piss.
Brands??? So there are now real brands packaging it and selling it? Wow! I thought it would be a cottage industry or something obscure fulfilling a very fringe need.
Because Hindus do Drink Cow Piss and Add it to their daily food. They Call it Gao Mutra (Piss of Cow ) and Arka (Extract of Cow Piss). In fact, they are so fanatical about cow urine that some Indians have claimed about making Coca Cola from Cow Piss and Cow Dung!
Aghoris however, do eat Cow Dung and eat rotting human corpses floating on the banks of river Ganges.
View media item 17751
not all hindus.hinduism is very diverse. nobody follows the same philoshopy except the few central one.
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