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About Colonel M N Rai, who died fighting militants in Jammu and Kashmir

Rest in peace sir , the nation is indebted to you .
I know about Firangi Mehal... are you related to Maulana Jamal Mian in anyway?

I might ask my dad or mom about that name sometime. But known and suspected ancestors are Khwaja Abdullah Ansari and Pir Roshan, also known as Bayazid Ansari, so theres a bit of Pashtun history as well. Zama Pashto kha na da but ze Pakistani yam. Der rikhtaya khabara da but its the truth. Remember the thread I directed you to last time. It discusses my problems with ethnic identity and some of the problems caused by it.

I offered 2 solutions to the muhajir problem. One was to call ourselves our original names like lucknowi, bihari, bengali madrasi kutchi... the other solution was to merge locally. What I did was a bit of both.
I am both. But both my parents were born in Lucknow and that place should have gone to Pakistan. When people ask me where I am from I am usually confused what to tell them, especially since I was born in Islamabad myself. Theres nothing wrong with being a lucknowi. That is our original identity rather than muhajir which is a racist blanket term we choose to introduce ourselves as. If moving from one place to another makes you muhajir then Balochs in Punjab, pashtuns in karachi are all muhajirs.

I think the biggest untold disaster in history of us is our refusal to recognize the sacrifices of the muslim particularly of UP for Pakistan. There are multiple problems that have come in the way of us utilizing them as a force that together with Pakistan would be unmatched.

The dilemna is that Muslims left there in Lucknow don't want to remember our shared Pakistani history (At least 75% of all muslims voted for the AIML or the Pakistan muslim league as it later came to be known as)to merge in the national fabric and not be called traitors by Hindutvadis. Muslims in Pakistan on the other hand don't care and this refusal to care about the muslims left (which could have been molded into a weapon or irregular militia for Pakistan) has let many muslims there down.

Btw I am from Firangi Mahal. Google it. My grand father from my mothers side has a mazaar. He was one of the most valient supporters of Pakistan. I respect him immensely even though I have heard little but stories about. Even though he got left behind in Lucknow he married almost every child to Pakistanis.

Your grandfather's act of marrying almost every child to Pakistani's is a damn shame. The guy was a brainwashed and forget his Hindu roots. Just like you have. Don't be confused, you are Indian......just like everyone from Pakistan. The problem with your grandfather and his type are that they feel they lost their place as the ruling class after the British planned on leaving. Look up to leaders like Akbar who tried to unite India, not divide.

When Col Rai's team reached the house and cordoned it off, its residents, suspected to be relatives of the terrorists, requested them not to carry out a full-scale operation.

As the Colonel was engaging with the residents, two terrorists rushed out firing blindly. Col Rai was hit in the temple and head constable Sanjeev Singh, a part of the Special Operations Group, was killed instantly. The terrorists were shot down. The Colonel died in hospital.

The family of the terrorists should be thrown in jail for helping them.

Next time a terrorist wants to surrender, our security forces might just prefer to shoot him down. These galoots can not be trusted.

RIP Col Rai!

RIP brave colonel.

Yes, Levina
This is a lesson for us. I have seen one video in which one terrorist was sucked under a collapsed house. when army guys cornered him, he requested for a rescue but army shoot him. When asked for the reason, Army explained that they may have bomb with them which they may explode and kill some army personnel. Colonel rai was too good i think. They do not deserve any mercy. Simply kill them as soon as you see them.
RIP Sir, we will be indebted to your sacrifice.....
May all the future generations get inspiration from your last words(in WhatsApp status) .....

"Play your role in life with such passion, that even after the curtains come down, the applause doesn't stop."
Your grandfather's act of marrying almost every child to Pakistani's is a damn shame. The guy was a brainwashed and forget his Hindu roots. Just like you have. Don't be confused, you are Indian......just like everyone from Pakistan. The problem with your grandfather and his type are that they feel they lost their place as the ruling class after the British planned on leaving. Look up to leaders like Akbar who tried to unite India, not divide.

When Col Rai's team reached the house and cordoned it off, its residents, suspected to be relatives of the terrorists, requested them not to carry out a full-scale operation.

As the Colonel was engaging with the residents, two terrorists rushed out firing blindly. Col Rai was hit in the temple and head constable Sanjeev Singh, a part of the Special Operations Group, was killed instantly. The terrorists were shot down. The Colonel died in hospital.

The family of the terrorists should be thrown in jail for helping them.

Lol, I am a Pakistani as is every muslim born in UP and I am a proud Lucknowi Pakistani as is my mother and my father and my grand fathers who always stood by Pakistan. We are what we call ourselves and I am proud Pakistani despite the fact that both my parents were born in Lucknow. People don't move out of their houses until they see immense killing and brutal oppression remember that.

Also do note India is amalgamation of different nations and cultures. Historically Pala, Daramshala, Chandragupta, Cholas, Rajputs, Hindu Shahi all ruled parts of India not all of it. India in its current form was established only and only by the british to keep muslims weak.

In fact looking at history even Pakistan was separated from india by religion and rulership. Duranni empire ruled our entire western half. Sher Shah Suri ruled bengal and UP. I do not believe in a united India. It is an amalgamation of nations and everyone should claim his own identity, pretty much like the Azad Deccan Movement and Lucknowi independence movement which India has hidden so well very few even know of it.

As for muslims. Well in 1945 muslims in the general election and in 1946 muslims in the provincial election voted for Jinnah and his ideology of Pakistan. No muslim can deny this whether they are left in what later became India or not. Jinnah was so popular that 90%+ of UP muslims and 75% of all muslims left in there (both of what would be India and Pakistan) voted for it. You can ask any muslim about this reality, even some of the nationalist ones who I believe are confused will tell you this. Partition was a nehruvian and in some ways a Hindu failure because you guys failed to convince the muslims that in one country they would be equally treated.
Lol, I am a Pakistani as is every muslim born in UP and I am a proud Lucknowi Pakistani as is my mother and my father and my grand fathers who always stood by Pakistan. We are what we call ourselves and I am proud Pakistani despite the fact that both my parents were born in Lucknow. People don't move out of their houses until they see immense killing and brutal oppression remember that.

Also do note India is amalgamation of different nations and cultures. Historically Pala, Daramshala, Chandragupta, Cholas, Rajputs, Hindu Shahi all ruled parts of India not all of it. India in its current form was established only and only by the british to keep muslims weak.

In fact looking at history even Pakistan was separated from india by religion and rulership. Duranni empire ruled our entire western half. Sher Shah Suri ruled bengal and UP. I do not believe in a united India. It is an amalgamation of nations and everyone should claim his own identity, pretty much like the Azad Deccan Movement and Lucknowi independence movement which India has hidden so well very few even know of it.

As for muslims. Well in 1945 muslims in the general election and in 1946 muslims in the provincial election voted for Jinnah and his ideology of Pakistan. No muslim can deny this whether they are left in what later became India or not. Jinnah was so popular that 90%+ of UP muslims and 75% of all muslims left in there (both of what would be India and Pakistan) voted for it. You can ask any muslim about this reality, even some of the nationalist ones who I believe are confused will tell you this. Partition was a nehruvian and in some ways a Hindu failure because you guys failed to convince the muslims that in one country they would be equally treated.
Lucknow me kaha se?
Lucknow me kaha se?
Chowk Maternity hospital ke paas. Chirya market is or used to be right in front of us. I won't divulge more details for hindutva fanatics to eat those left there alive. It should have gone to Pakistan.
Hes from my province. I don't like people from my area taking a job in fields such as the army but it was his choice. RIP to him.
You should be proud.

Your state - UP - has produced a very high number of brave hearts who have killed countless Pakistanis.
Chowk Maternity hospital ke paas. Chirya market is or used to be right in front of us. I won't divulge more details for hindutva fanatics to eat those left there alive. It should have gone to Pakistan.
You seriously need to visit here, if you think fanatics live here. I do not mean to disrespect but people like you who generalize every place and community are such a shame. I am living here for last 20 years and i did not see any kind of fanaticism ever, be it chowk, or any place. Ground realities are far more different than PDF realities.
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