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Abdali : a hero or villian for Pakistani punjabis?

Ahmad Khan, born in today's Multan of Pakistan, was the son of Zaman Khan, hereditary chief of the Abdali tribe. Zaman Khan took Ahmad Khan and his family to Kandahar where most of the people were of the Ghilzai tribe. There was major animosity between the two tribes that Zaman Khan and his family were consequently jailed by the Ghilzais. Then, Nadir Shah invaded Kandahar and fought with the Ghilzais. He figured the Abdali tribe to be his allies, considering the enemy of his enemy to be his friends. He released the Abdali prisoners from jail and took a lot of boys with him, including Ahmad Khan whom he considered to be one of the prettiest boys. After being rescued by Nadir Shah in 1738, Ahmad Khan consequently fell into his services. Nadir Shah was known to be a child molester and it was no surprise that he took 12-year old Ahmad Khan under his wing and the two had a very close physical relationship. He gave Ahmad Khan command over a group of Abdali tribesmen. Nadir Shah had many servants but Ahmad Khan was favored above the rest because of his young, handsome features. All the servants of Nadir Shah wore pearl earrings, a feminine touch that he was very fond of. He gave Ahmad Khan the title "Dur e Durrani" (Pearl of Pearls) and which would later on lead Ahmad Khan into changing the Abdali tribe name to the Durrani tribe.

After Nadir Shah's assassination in 1747 things became a bit chaotic: Nadir Shah's generals starting fighting amongst themselves, rumors circulated that they might have had been involved in the assassination; Ahmad Khan didn't want to take part of the conflict and he chose the easy way out and took Nadir Shah's treasures and went to the region of Kandahar where there was essentially a power vacuum. In Kandahar, there was tension between the Pashtuns and they couldn't stop their fighting. They adamantly wanted to find a commonality to bind them together and looked for common leadership but couldn't agree on a person. Saber Shah, a spiritual leader from today's Lahore who used to live in Kabul, was present during the tribal meetings in Kandahar. The tribal leaders asked him to make the decision in choosing from the number of possible leaders. Saber Shah knew that the region was in conflict and there weren't many good choices among the various people. The only possibility for him was Ahmad Khan because Ahmad Khan had Nadir Shah's treasures along with a trained army under his command. And most importantly, Ahmad Khan was an outsider and he had no claim in local problems. So despite his young age and rumors of his being involved in Nadir Shah's assassination, Ahmad Shah became that leader for those tribes of Pashtuns and he was no longer known as Ahmad Khan but as Ahmad Shah. Led by Ahmad Shah, the tribes violently seized richer revenue-producing areas such as Kabul, Herat, Punjab, Kashmir, and Turkistan.

These actions exemplify the fact that to declare him as the king or founder of Afghanistan is condemnable. Ahmad Shah was the first Pashtun ruler of that region but he was not the founder of Afghanistan because there was Khorasan during his time, not Afghanistan. Most of the history claiming Ahmad Shah as the founder of Afghanistan was produced in the past half century. It was in the ruling class of Pashtuns’ interest to claim Ahmad Shah was the founder of Afghanistan. Monshi Mahmud Al Hussien Al Monshi Ben Ibrahim Al Jami was the official historian of Ahmad Shah’s court. Under Ahmad Shah’s supervision, Monshi Mahmud wrote “Tareekhi Ahmad Shahi” (Ahmad Shahi History), an important two volume account of history written in Farsi. Most likely Ahmad Shah went over every single sentence of each of the volumes to make sure it was exactly as he wanted it to be because he knew they were to go down as historical texts. So it is evident which books would be more valid and accurate, it is more reasonable to use Ahmad Shah’s own words than someone’s fabricated lies written two centuries later. And in Ahmad Shah’s historical books, there is not even one mention of ‘Afghanistan.’ If Ahmad Shah was the king of Afghanistan, there is no doubt that he would have used the name ‘Afghanistan’ and would have included it in his account of history. Afghanistan was purely a British invention which came about during Yaqub Khan’s reign. The Gandomak Treaty which he signed with Britain in 1879 was the first document to mention the name ‘Afghanistan’ or ‘Afghanland.’ Before 1879, every ruler of the region, including Abdali, had referred themselves as the Amirs and rulers of Khorasan. So Ahmad Shah was solely for the Pashtun tribes and had virtually nothing to do with the non-Pashtuns, except for oppressing them, stealing their land, etc. He held the title of "King of the Afghans" not "King of Afghanistan" because at that time, "Afghanistan" did not indicate a state but instead territories.

And so, Ahmad Shah's reign of terror began. With his newfound powers, Ahmad Shah seized the opportunity to make his mark. He captured Ghazni from the Ghilzai Pashtuns and then Kabul from the local ruler. He forced himself upon those areas, moving in like a parasite would and depleting the regions. His invasions brought forth waves of chaos and havoc. The people of Ghazni and Kabul—and later on Herat as well as other regions—desperately fought back as they did during the invasions of Changiz Khan. For those people, there was no difference between the atrocities committed by Changiz Khan and those committed by Ahmad Shah about six centuries later. He murdered innocent women and children, destroyed families and homes, and stole everything in sight because he had no honor. Human life meant nothing to him as he left piles of dead bodies in his wake. In a civilized society, a criminal like Ahmad Shah would have been punished for his crimes. Instead, the Pashtuns bestow a twisted tribute to him, celebrating his inhumanness and taking pride in his barbaric, animalistic behavior. People became destitute, were killed, and unnecessarily suffered greatly because of his greed and cruel behavior and these actions are respected and admired by many Pashtuns today.

He invaded Khorasan and ransacked the Persian treasures, making his own crown with the stolen "Koh e Noor." Maintaining leadership of various Afghan tribes meant that one has to keep the tribes busy and satisfied. Therefore, Ahmad Shah took his fellow barbarians continuously into India to raid and loot, telling them to take whatever and everything they can get their hands on. In 1748, he first crossed the Indus River to take modern-day Lahore which was Hindustan at that time. In 1749, in order for the Mughul ruler to prevent his capital from being attacked by Ahmad Shah, he was forced to relinquish Sindh and all of Punjab west of the Indus River to the invader. In 1751, he invaded Lahore once more and looted the city from top to bottom, leaving almost nothing left. Apart from invading Punjab three times from 1747-1753, Ahmad Shah also captured Herat in 1750 after almost a year of bloody conflict and seized both Nishpar and Meshad in 1751. To this day, the people of North India, Panjub, and Sindh of Pakistan which include Muslim, Hindu and Sikhs associate the name Abdali with the Devil. Ahmad Shah and his tribesmen tortured, killed, looted, and raped the people of today's Eastern Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Northern India. They took back their booty to Kandahar and enjoyed their stolen goods. In the course of his criminal career, he raided India nine times, stealing the valuable treasures of the Mughul Empire and everything else he could get his hands on. His raids would last for days with unending turmoil; nobody was left with clothes to wear or food to eat; many died from inflicted wounds or even by committing suicide while others suffered in the harsh climates because they had lost their homes. Their livelihood, their grains, their possessions were taken by the looters and sold back to them at exorbitant prices
So it's pakistani punjabis now and not Pakistanis, wow that was a quick turn around.

You guys still worship the those Central Asian invaders who conquered you gave you Hinduism and you still worship them and you have the audacity to point fingers at others.

Pathani logic 1, comprehension skills 0

Read the name of the thread genius!

Central asia invaders who gave us Hinduism, yes yes, Benaras is in Turkmenistan, Oh I forgot!!! Dude, just quit already.
Oh please that's just nonsense, atleast try to feed your people before making such tall claims.

Now you run it yourself and it's poverty ridden, so we seen the ability of you people.

Shining India is just for a few the rest you can read up on international media.
India is doing better than Afghanistan or Pakistan. So don't worry about us.
The plunder and pillage mainly happend in india , the OP has done a lame attempt by asking the question from 'pakistani punjabis'

On the morning of Sunday, March 11, 1739, an order went forth from the Persian emperor for the slaughter of Delhi’s inhabitants. Chandni Chowk, the fruit market, the Dariba Bazaar and the buildings around the Jama Masjid were set afire and reduced to ashes. The inhabitants, one and all, were slaughtered. Here and there, some people offered resistance, but in most places were butchered unresistingly. The Persians laid violent hands on everything and everybody — cloth, jewels, dishes of gold and silver, were all acceptable spoil.

Delhi was looted, burned and dismantled stone by stone. The streets were strewn with corpses like dead leaves. The city was reduced to ashes and looked like a burnt plain. The following day, the pillage continued. The bodies that had accumulated in heaps lay unattended and plague broke out. When Nadir Shah sealed the doors to the granaries, famine broke out. The plundering continued for eight weeks and in the end, some 50,000 people lay dead. Finally, after numerous supplications by Mohammed Shah, the slaughter was halted and Nadir Shah’s army marched out of Delhi but not before loading itself with enough spoils to eliminate all taxes in Persia for the next three years.
Pathani logic 1, comprehension skills 0

Read the name of the thread genius!

Central asia invaders who gave us Hinduism, yes yes, Benaras is in Turkmenistan, Oh I forgot!!! Dude, just quit already.

What has your logic and the logic of your people got you?.

If you look at this forum you guys are always crying the victim, well sorry to say if god didn't want you guys to be lambs then he wouldn't have made you lambs.

Your destiny is to be trodded on historically that's what has been happening.
ahmed shah was born in Punjab went to Kabul was picked up by nadir shah as he had lust for young lads. this practise is called ashnae in pashtoons..he served his master good and got rewarded.. the first thing he did was took Kabul from ghilzai and here is ghilzai telling us how good this ahmed shah dog was..
a ghilzai is praising killer of ghilzais..lol these are th paksitani madrassa educated people my friends..

you go take a dirt nap donkey humper.

Donkey humper?, well I take it all those Jattis we took were donkeys then?.

Even now they want a fair skinned man who is a real man with a big shaft, hence you see them all in the west running after Pakistanis.
Likewise don't worry about us, concentrate on the land of umpa lumpas.
Shut up you fool, my ancestors kicked your ancestors around. So much for Oompa Loompas now go and run from USA drones.
Hero because he defeated the Maratha's in the historic battle of 3rd battle of panipat
I am a liberal guy myself , but that does not take away the fact that the Maratha's were the primary force that defeated the Mughals & also promoted their Dharmic swaraj & thus needed to be defeated .

Punjabi or not ,that bloody Ranjeet Singh is absolutely hated in Pakistan & Punjabis are Pakistanis first, they speak Urdu & they have nothing to do with this filthy DOG, the sin of the soil Pakistani Punjab were washed off with the blood of the Muslims of Punjab during the partition, & nobody likes him in Pakistan , in Punjab the language & culture is Urdu , Mughal culture is what is followed with pride & there is absolutely no place for the gaon ka gawar Bhangra culture of ranjeet singh in Pakistan, I can go and abuse ranjeet singh in the middle of Lahore & nobody can even touch me, but I can guarantee you that if anybody even remotely praises Ranjeet Singh, I can beat the living crap out of that person & nobody can even touch me & I am a muhajir, bro trust me nobody likes this guy one bit, people see him as an black stain & burden of our geographic history, so wish this chap would have been born in east Punjab instead of our side:hitwall:
Good to hear that bro.
Donkey humper?, well I take it all those Jattis we took were donkeys then?.

Even now they want a fair skinned man who is a real man with a big shaft, hence you see them all in the west running after Pakistanis.
who do yu think you are...are yo from Europe..you are a mud hutter ..do kohri kee aukaat nahii tuwadi..you ancestes were made to wear women clothes same one you proudly wear even to this day..and even to this day you guys sell your women for money.. ist this practise very common in Pakistan.
Shut up you fool, my ancestors kicked your ancestors around. So much for Oompa Loompas now go and run from USA drones.

When did they kick us around pretty much lost on every occasion, biatch look around you we left symbols of presence, Look around you from qutab minar to Taj Mahal and so on and so on.

Your ancestors kicked us around ha ha ha ha ha well the world sees it differently.

who do yu think you are...are yo from Europe..you are a mud hutter ..do kohri kee aukaat nahii tuwadi..you ancestes were made to wear women clothes same one you proudly wear even to this day..and even to this day you guys sell your women for money.. ist this practise very common in Pakistan.

A punjabi claiming Persian dress ha ha ha ha ha.
What has your logic and the logic of your people got you?.

If you look at this forum you guys are always crying the victim, well sorry to say if god didn't want you guys to be lambs then he wouldn't have made you lambs.

Your destiny is to be trodded on historically that's what has been happening.

Actually its Pakistan that has been invaded and ruled by foreigners for most of last two millenia. And even today foreign drones are violating your fake pride even as I type this. Now duck!

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