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ABC News investigate iraqi army war crimes

Man just watching one documentry and its sick, sectarian violence has been going on for such a long time and its getting nastier and more complex. All I can say is I hope it gets better and as Pakistani we should stay millions of miles away from this and fix our House and become a regional power with Iron Fist.
I am neutral about IS. It does not concern me. I am only stating a fact about the US.

Your fact about US does not concern this thread. The OP opened this thread claiming war crimes from Iraqi Armed Forces while he conveniently failed to mention crimes committed by IS.
Your fact about US does not concern this thread. The OP opened this thread claiming war crimes from Iraqi Armed Forces while he conveniently failed to mention crimes committed by IS.

And who does the investigation? American media. The US sticks its nose in other countries business more than any other country does.
Savage terrorists !
What do you expect from them ????

They attack unarmed people ! rape them ! torture men, women and even children !!!!

They did not leave anything to do !
The US hopes for a stalemate in Iraq. The US isn't keen on having the war end. As long as the war goes on, it gives the US more flexibility, as the saying goes.
they are using iran support and shia militia to fight sunni's only cuz they see them as a bigger threat. at the same time they dont want iran to have more control. it was a dumb mistake from the beginning. and saudi arabia warned the world about such policies since the early days of war against " terror". and for 14 years we were right. thats the reason saudi rejected a seat in the UN security council. cuz of its hypocrisy and we dont want to be held responsible for the US and UN mistakes.
they did it intentionally and there are many statements that proves that. including condoleezza rice comments about having controlled conflicts or controlled chaos in the middle east.
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they are using iran suport and shia militia to fight sunni's only cuz they see them as a bigger threat. at the same time they dont want iran to have more control. it was a dumb mistake for the beginning. and saudi arabia warned the world about such policies since the early days of war against " terror". and for 14 years we were right. thats the reason saudi rejected a seat in the UN security council. cuz of its hypocrisy and we dont want to be held responsible for the US and UN mistakes.
they did it intentionally and there are many statements that proves that. including condoleezza rice comments about having controlled conflicts or controlled chaos in the middle east.

The US wants a balance of power. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Hezbollah on 1 side, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, Qaeda on the other side.
I know but what is your point? Do you like IS?

Keep your bs to yourself. You support IS from beginning, I don't think you guys need any reason to support IS other then hate against Shia, Christians and Yazidi.
LOL after all these years you didnt learn that we as MUSLIMS first and as saudis second dont BS ?! I DONT NEED TO PROVE YOU ANYTHING. AS I SAID A MILLION TIMES WAIT AND SEE.
its been 14 years and trillions of dollars spent on bad policy and evil planning. and still counting so yeah i can see how you are winning. a small advice. wake up from your dreams

Man just watching one documentry and its sick, sectarian violence has been going on for such a long time and its getting nastier and more complex. All I can say is I hope it gets better and as Pakistani we should stay millions of miles away from this and fix our House and become a regional power with Iron Fist.
yes you are completely right. but recently experts have been monitoring iranian propaganda inside pakistan. so to stay away from this sectarian fight you must be aware of those propaganda's and media supported in pakistan by iran.
we have a saying in arabic the war starts with a word. so your government must shut up those ppl who are trying to play with ppl minds and emotions in pakistan.
i know in pakistan there are shia and other sects and religions and im not saying go fight them specifically the shia. im saying unless you do what morocco and sudan and many other countries did by monitoring iranian movements and sometimes closing their embassy or just closing their cultural office in the embassy, they will drag pakistan to such thing. there is already signs. so ppl in pakistan have to take early measures not get dragged into this and one of those measures is monitering irans involvment in media and cultural affairs where they use it as a base to spread this disease
The US wants a balance of power. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Hezbollah on 1 side, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, Qaeda on the other side.
you are right but not necessarily in this order. they keep shifting in a blink of an eye depending on israel and US interest during that time. cuz as you can see many of their plans failed so they kept shifting and trying to come up with new plans and balance of power. but the concept and the idea is completely right

These "war crimes" are a reaction to the 12+ years of Wahabi barbarism, that mainly Shia had to face but now Christians and Yazidis too.
agian you didnt watch the other 2 videos. last 12 years iraq was under shia and iran control so i guess you too must have been in a coma. btw what is wahhabi ?

These "war crimes" are a reaction to the 12+ years of Wahabi barbarism, that mainly Shia had to face but now Christians and Yazidis too.
plus a war crime is a war crime no justification. thank you for admitting
LOL after all these years you didnt learn that we as MUSLIMS first and as saudis second dont BS ?! I DONT NEED TO PROVE YOU ANYTHING. AS I SAID A MILLION TIMES WAIT AND SEE.
its been 14 years and trillions of dollars spent on bad policy and evil planning. and still counting so yeah i can see how you are winning. a small advice. wake up from your dreams

Are Shia Muslims according to you? If not, then you agree what IS have done to Shias in Iraq?

And who does the investigation? American media. The US sticks its nose in other countries business more than any other country does.

Tell Saudis to stop sending terrorist in Syria and Iraq. Its not only USA that interferes, all of Iraq's neighbours are included in making things worse in Iraq.
Are you actually trying to justify these crimes?

What crimes? Where are those crimes? Care to provide evidence that Iraqy army is conducting these 'huge crimes'? Yes I do justify any imaginary crime.
And some small crimes may have happened years ago, we don't justify it. The problem is those IS apologists and western media who are exaggerating the issue right when Iraqi army is battling IS terrorists. U.S itself is biggest violator of human rights in wars, so they can literally go screw themselves when they try to give humanity lessons to others in wars.
And if you think executing a 15 year old mini-IS is a crime, I don't think like that.
What crimes? Where are those crimes? Care to provide evidence that Iraqy army is conducting these 'huge crimes'? Yes I do justify any imaginary crime.
And some small crimes may have happened years ago, we don't justify it. The problem is those IS apologists and western media who are exaggerating the issue right when Iraqi army is battling IS terrorists. U.S itself is biggest violator of human rights in wars, so they can literally go screw themselves when they try to give humanity lessons to others in wars.
And if you think executing a 15 year old mini-IS is a crime, I don't think like that.
hmm who are you trying to fool here ??!! you think we are iranians and dont have public information ?
you are officially US partners in this war since 2001. lol for the 1000 times you ppl dont watch your own news.
and again for the million times dont make this only about ISIS. there are other groups who are not related to ISIS fighting in the ground. like the sunni tribes. you look pathetic when you justify things through lies.
have some self dignity. a real man dosnt lie. but i guess you dont know what that means.
12 years in iraq you have killed sunnies systematically. you brought shia from pakistan and put them in sunni AND SHIA homes around karbalaa and najaf to change the demographics there

maybe @Antaréss can help translate a few statements. and please share this clip on other threads if you dont mind. thank you.
ABC news can go screw themselves, so should all the IS sympathizers. U.S itself is the biggest perpetrator of the war crimes in the past decades. That's the funniest thing around.

Everyone should be held accountable for war crimes. When US soldiers commit war crimes their own military investigates the issue and takes action. Iraqi army needs to be held accountable if they are guilty of war crimes against their own people.
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