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Well those many who argue are wrong, and they stick to the same old fallacies that have been proven wrong over and over again.

They had enough time, they had last 5 years and they did not even initiate a single worthwhile initiative. The PPP Government was happy to keep the 'Status Quo' so they could fill their own pockets. They lived by the Motto "Khud bhe khao aur humay bhe khilao".

False, at no point did the Army interfered in Domestic matters. In fact, the Army Chief on several occasions encouraged the Civilian Government to initiate reforms to improve Governance and the Economy. The Army in fact offered to train Police and other Civilian Agencies in the hope of improving their performance and implementing some discipline in these institutions. The Army redirected CSF funds to the Government that it was entitled to in hope that the money was actually spent on the people, instead of the politicians.

Wrong, again a fallacy. 16% of the budget is hardly the biggest chunk. The sheer money wasted in the budget on Unproductive Assets and Activities far outweigh the money the Army is allocated.

The Army only stepped in when the Civilian Government was on the verge of collapse. For Example, in 1999, the State was on the verge of total collapse.

All your examples are of the last 5 years.

Yet what you deliberately leave out is that the politicians of Pakistan since independence have not matured because they have NEVER had to face what every other democracy faces...the threat and action of removing those governments who fail to perform.

This very act of punishing PPP of non performance in these last elections is what forces politicians to gradually mature and perform in every democracy - and it is exactly this that the people of Pakistan has done.

And it is exactly this that Pakistan Army has denied. It is an absolute shame that a Pakistan Govt has finished its 5 years of power for the first time after 65 years of independence.
Pakistani Army has acted as a road block since the beginning, never allowing any elected govt to finish its terms and give the voters a chance to force the politicians to change.

After 60 years, if PA gives the chance to one government to finish its 5 years and if that government does not perform, it is because they have never faced the electorate before on its performance! That is how governments learn - from previous governments mistakes on account of being elected out of office in every democracy of the world.

Even when there have been civilian Presidents and PM of Pakistan, the foreign policy has always been run by the GHQ - as many many eminent people of Pakistan have unambiguously stated, taken a budget more than required,, acted without consent of its elected heads. The Army has done nothing but put up roadblocks to Pakistan's gradual evolution.

As far as 1999 is concerned, the Army did not even ask the PM permission before starting a war, is that what you call a responsible Army?
Something about intelligence sharing.

WASHINGTON: The head of the Boston police department has called on the FBI to share more intelligence about terror suspects, revealing that his officers were not made aware that one of the suspects behind the marathon bombing had travelled to Russia.

Commissioner Edward Davis told a US Senate hearing that he believed the FBI should in the future be mandated to inform police departments when it has information “that poses a threat to our cities”.

Speaking on the day that one of the bombing suspects, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was due to appear in court for the first time, Davis told senators that there was a “gap” in intelligence sharing at the highest level.

“If there is information about a terrorist threat to the city, the local officials should have that information. There should be a mandate somewhere, that the federal authorities have to share that, so we can properly defend our community, “he told the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

“I am not saying anything was done wrong here. I am not saying we would have done anything differently if we had the information the FBI had prior to this. What I am saying is there should be a full, equal partnership, where everyone is sharing.”

Three people were killed and more than 260 people were injured when improvised bombs were detonated in the final stretch of the Boston Marathon three months ago.

A police officer was later shot dead by the suspected bombers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who were originally from Chechnya but living in the US.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, died following a confrontation with police three days after the attacks, but Dzhokhar, 19, survived.

It later emerged that the older sibling spent six months in Russia last year, spending time in a region known for militant Islamic activity.

The FBI reportedly investigated Tamerlan Tsarnaev after a request from Russian officials, but did not pursue charges.

Davis said he had four officers on the joint terrorism task force, which is supposed to share intelligence about terrorist threats “But we were not aware of the information on Tsarnaev's travel overseas,” he said.

Boston police ask FBI to share terror alerts - DAWN.COM
are you being sarcastic here sir or actually serious? because even Pasha saab in his statement acknowledged that NGOs operating in Pakistan are filled with FI agents, and this is not a hidden truth that US had more like 300 properties rented in Islamabad let alone. RD getting arrested in Lahore, who was coming from a meeting with his asset should tell you they probably had rented properties in LHR too. about karachi, well that is for sure too.

and if you can read the statements of DG FIA, DG IB, DG ISI, you will find them complaining that NGO workers were granted visas on arrival at the airport, so i don't see any FI agent letting go of this opportunity to let go of.
and as i said ago too, one can just walk through those gates at ISB airport upon arrival without getting to FIA counter by merely paying the guard some $$$, i know one person who payed as low as rs. 1500 to the guard and he was allowed to walk free from the exit gate without getting his passport stamped.
@Aeronaut @nuclearpak approval for the post please.

It was that gaddar bastard Hussain Haqqani he issued many of them visas to enter Pakistan in the first place. Hussain Haqqani should be shot for all the treason he perpetrated throughout his years as Pakistani Ambassador to US. To this day I remember how he insulted Pakistan on C-Span when he was asked to come on the program for a interview.

This bastard was a major kisser he did so he could gain prominent positions in many think tanks in D.C after his career as ambassador was over.

He is currently a Senior Fellow and Director for South and Central Asia at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C. and co-editor of Hudson's signature journal Current Trends in Islamist Ideology.[2] Haqqani is also the Director of the Center of International Relations and a Professor of the Practice of International Relations at Boston University[3]

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