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Abbas: Israel can have the West Bank

Men? The same men who stone women, run around in dresses with big knives and scream "lalalalala"? The same men who grab children as human shields?

Not only you suffer from heat stroke, but your GPS is out of wack! Get a new glasses and a map....:alcoholic:

You know nothing about being a man because animals can never be men.

Certainly you are talking about yourself here. The legacy in Gaza speaks for itself.
Arab money? Lol...any money they have is from us....you act like without Isreal THEY would be giving us aid...
You misunderstood, what I was telling him, if they talk to each other and do commerce instead of fighting and they use their savy and know how, with the money that the Arab have they change the middle east and they don't have to bribe the west for funds or protection.
Sorry, I see what you were saying.
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