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Abandoning status as "Islamic Republic"

What direction do you want Pakistan to follow?

  • Secular

  • Other

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Pakistan is islamic republic and who ever is trying to change its ideology is not Pakistani...
So the legislators who changed Pakistan's status from Dominion to Islamic Republic were Pakistani but those who want to discuss changing Pakistan back are not? How does that make sense? Especially since Jinnah didn't want an Islamic Republic - does that mean Jinnah wasn't Pakistani?
Maybe it is time to abandon our status as the "Islamic" "Republic" of Pakistan, and return to our secular roots which were planned by the fathers of the nation. Not a literal name change, but Pakistani people need to abandon the "Islamic Republic" ideology. Pakistan was created because Jinnah and co were afraid that in a Hindu dominated Country, there would always be episodes of violence and disagreement between the two chief religions, as Muslims of India had grown to become an almost different culture. Thus Pakistan was created so that the Muslims and Hindus can live in peace alone. Pakistan was created because the Muslim League felt the new "Hindus"tan would not be secular enough, not because it wouldn't be "Islamic" enough. Do we want to end up like the Middle East?

Also, it is embarrassing how many people believe in ridiculously stupid Jewish conspiracy theories, and hate Jews so much without having ever having seen one in their entire lives. Can a mature, mentally healthy human being actually believe such far fetched stories? Is this the result of one or two generations of cousin-cousin breeding? The reality is every year hundreds, if not thousands of non-Muslims are persecuted and harassed all along the country, but our sympathies are only for Palestine and non-existent dead Muslims in Burma and India. Isn't it ridiculous how people in Pakistan want women to "cover" themselves up, yet Google confirms the most number of pornographic searches are from Pakistan. Google also confirms that South Asia ranks the highest in bestiality searches.

Now people are going to be blame me for having such a negative view of my home country, but I am telling the truth, and even if the truth is not something that was told to us through biased text books. Media doesn't report such incidents because they are more focused on who Imran Khan wants to sleep with, and they don't have time for a family of murdered Ahmaids, Shias, Chrisitans, Hindus, etc. But of course it is all Mossad's, RAW's and CIA's fault, because they have so much time and resources to waste on us. (Well, RAW is an exception I guess. They all have the time in the world for their little Eastern Sibling)

P.S Removing it won't really affect the economical or the political situation. It would improve the social condition.

Can you "prove" by being secular it will end our problems?

Can you also justify where such thought comes from?

You wanna remove religion from your govt (central administration/ brain/ heart - whatever you like to call it these days) you are more than free to do so. But why invite others to your understanding of whatever you are preaching were it a Muslim doing so you would have labeled and criticized them ....So how different are you and which "secular" state (as per its definition not label of going secular but having nothing secular about it ) has been successful?

In MOST of Europe, if you are Christian you have to pay a certain tax - My European friends all registered themselves as without religion.



The very foundations of USA has some Christian wordings stitched in to it!


So the legislators who changed Pakistan's status from Dominion to Islamic Republic were Pakistani but those who want to discuss changing Pakistan back are not? How does that make sense? Especially since Jinnah didn't want an Islamic Republic - does that mean Jinnah wasn't Pakistani?
Jinnah is dead what he wanted or not has very little say just like how America was "founded" as a Christian nation and now maybe not that much...the changes in laws and the changes that led to America now were ALSO made by Americans...based on some Americans wanting it to change....That is your history and your choice...You didnt consult us so leave us to ours :enjoy:
When the last emperor of India fell to Britishers, westernization came along with the arrivals of the Britishers but muslims of that time still chose to stick with old form of education through Madarsas where in due to Bengali renaissance Hindus adopted western education and excelled in various fields except some Muslims like Sir Syed Ahemd Khan and Jinnah. The main reason of creation of Pakistan was to get Muslims up and excelling by having a own state.. Alas! after freedom they still chose to be known as Islamic Republic either to impress or show world and Middle eastern countries as Islamic republic...
I want Pakistan not to be republic of Pakistan only in name in actions it has to be a islamic republic because Islam is against interest rates but our banks openly take them under govt nose and where Islam says ladies should be respected but in Pakistan out of airport security guards insult them and take them out of car and ask them wait on road because only 1 visitor allowed
They don't rank number one on bestiality searches, for one

They were doing bad stuff too. Happy?

Kindly explain why do you think
Mullah = Beastality **** watcher

and the truth is our muslims are not very much practicing muslims , and they dont all have beards and head caps and a saffa on their shoulder ( as depicted by bollywood )

and i think we dont need to change any name , what we nees is educate our people we need educational reforms , and we need to paint real picture of Islam , Islam is not necessarily holding you back ..

And my belief is if we truly impliment Islam , our lives could be better

...our muslims are not very much practicing muslims...and i think we dont need to change any name , what we nees is educate our people we need educational reforms , and we need to paint real picture of Islam -
Not gonna happen, I guess. Investigating the blasphemy law a few years ago, some Dawn journalists reported that the reason Pakistanis aren't taught that blasphemy is a pardonable offense is

that it is a matter of maslihat (public good). It is not in the best interest of the public that information like this be openly disseminated. According to them [the muftis], revealing this will help the mission of the 'secular agenda' in the country...Islam is in a fragile state and under attack, both externally from the West, and internally through growing secular voices. Thus, reverting to the authentic Hanafi position, which resonates with the 'secular' demand for clemency and lenience in blasphemy, is tantamount to collusion -

So it appears that you can't have both an Islamic state and portray the "real picture of Islam." Preserving and expanding temporal power comes first. .
Pakistan is neither islamic like SA or iran nor is it secular like Turkey it is somewhere in between. I would refrain from making It all islamic because of the many nutjobs that we have. Get the literacy rate up to 80 % and then make the system islamic so that people are educated enough to understand it. Right now everyone has his own brand of islam because of lack of literacy . Lack of education + making the society entirely islamic is a dangerous combination and that is where most of the people become extremists . I would say first get your literacy level to 80-85 % so that people are educated enough to know what islam is all about. If we islamize it more we will be producing nutjobs like the ones in qadri's funeral .

I would be in favour of Making laws more islamic if people were educated enough to understand them . They will start abusing those laws like they do in SA and iran. So right now even a secular PK will do fine for me untill we don't understand the true spirit of islam .
So the legislators who changed Pakistan's status from Dominion to Islamic Republic were Pakistani but those who want to discuss changing Pakistan back are not? How does that make sense? Especially since Jinnah didn't want an Islamic Republic - does that mean Jinnah wasn't Pakistani?
Have u met Quaid e Azam did u read anything about him saying Pakistan is secular ... i am pretty sure u will say that u met Quaid for sake of ur argument...
I think u and who ever doesnt want Islamic Republic of Pakistan can go to india just like adnan sami or hussain haqani cuz its not going to change... even if u cry with blood tears..
Its simply for muslims and we muslim as majority have right to add islamic republic if u dont like it can find urself another home..
...Its simply for muslims and we muslim as majority have right to add islamic republic if u dont like it can find urself another home..
Doubtless one of the very best reasons for abandoning the Islamic republic is to place Western-type individual rights above "Islamic" ones. Because anyone can be cut out from the pack as a minority and marked for savagery by the majority, whether it's the proper way to worship G-d or the proper way of breaking eggs.
Why are you addressing me? It's @Sheikh Rauf, not I, who claims that Pakistanis no longer have the right to make such choices.
Well i never claim such a crap what i claim it will remain Islamic republic of Pakistan till the end of the world insha'Allah.

Doubtless one of the very best reasons for abandoning the Islamic republic is to place Western-type individual rights above "Islamic" ones. Because anyone can be cut out from the pack as a minority and marked for savagery by the majority, whether it's the proper way to worship G-d or the proper way of breaking eggs.

Well then u have right to move to western country. We need to keep our islamic values with state islam is official religion and it will remain till end of the world insha'Allah..
Well then u have right to move to western country. We need to keep our islamic values with state islam is official religion and it will remain till end of the world insha'Allah..
Why shouldn't Pakistanis simply give you the finger and say they've had enough of being treated like children?
Why shouldn't Pakistanis simply give you the finger and say they've had enough of being treated like children?
Well so far u had 20 caror fingers for not changing its status... till u get used to it..
Well so far u had 20 caror fingers for not changing its status... till u get used to it..
Pakistanis don't need to move anywhere. They just need to stop yielding power to people like you. They can toss you out like Italians tossed out their dukes and counts in the nineteenth century. After generations of abuse the Italians simply didn't need petty dictators deciding what's best for them, generation after generation.
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