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AB Bank opens solar powered ATM in Sandwip

Banglar Lathial

May 12, 2011
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AB Bank has recently opened its fourth solar powered ATM at Sandwip, Chittagong. The ATM machine and all its components, the Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) equipment, two air conditioners, dehumidifier, lights operate on sixteen kilowatt energy supplied by solar panels set up on the roof of the ATM site.

AB Bank has recently opened its fourth solar powered ATM at Sandwip, Chittagong. The ATM machine and all its components, the Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) equipment, two air conditioners, dehumidifier, lights operate on sixteen kilowatt energy supplied by solar panels set up on the roof of the ATM site.

ATM booths require uninterrupted power supply to offer 24 hour service. Power shortage in rural areas affects the service seriously. The Bank took an initiative to overcome the problem by switching to alternate energy. The Bank introduced solar energy at its booth in Uttara, Dhaka. It proved successful with more than 98% operation uptime. Following this, AB Bank converted its ATMs at Joypara, Dhaka and Lohagora, Chittagong into solar power.

AB Bank plans to maximise this achievement by setting up its upcoming ATMs with solar energy. It may be mentioned here that electricity in Sandwip is generated by fuel fired generators or solar panels. AB Bank has opened the first ATM in Sandwip. At present AB Bank running 193 ATMs all over in Bangladesh serves by Cashlink Bangladesh Limited (a subsidiary company of AB Bank Limited).

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