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A worrisome ‘alliance’!

Yes, its was Zia who advised Americans to accept his grand plans for Afghanistan. Americans only wished Soviets downfall, which they got thanks to idiocy of Zia.

Yeah American were Virgin innocents back then.......:rofl:
Yeah American were Virgin innocents back then.......:rofl:
How difficult is for you to understand irreparable damage Zia-ul-Jihadi did to Pakistan?
I am disgusted at what Zia did to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog
Why Ziaul Haq should not be forgotten – The Express Tribune
The most destructive of Pakistan’s leaders
Noam Chomsky: General Zia ul Haq and Saudi Arabia destroyed Pakistan’s public education – by Dr. Abbas Zaidi

Its not a secret anymore how Zia's Islamization and Saudification of Pakistan destroyed it completely!
No, they were just following mutual interests as Soviet Union's collapse was their prime motive and Zia was their lowlife pawn in this Grand Game.

It baffled me, How come Zia was an influentioal Advisor of the Americans and a low life pawn at the same time:rofl:
It baffled me, How come Zia was an influentioal Advisor of the Americans and a low life pawn at the same time:rofl:
Are you stupid or something? Americans ALREADY wanted Soviet Unions downfall. When Zia came to power, he wanted the same, not by regular armies but by Islamic Jihad that later evolved into global terrorist movement. Two nations interests were mutual, hence the alliance between Pakistan and America during Cold War.
Are you stupid or something? Americans ALREADY wanted Soviet Unions downfall. When Zia came to power, he wanted the same, not by regular armies but by Islamic Jihad that later evolved into global terrorist movement. Two nations interests were mutual, hence the alliance between Pakistan and America during Cold War.

Then how come Pakistan would be cursed for Jihadist Idealogy Alone excluding USA?? Which @Jit just did in his post and you thanked:p:
Its @Jit who did it in his post you thanked unknowingly.

Epic fail hahaha

Who said USA got excluded from Jihadist ideology that they together with Pakistan inbred themselves during Cold War? They tasted their own medicine on 9/11 2001! :D

All thanks to an asshole named Zia (zia supporters don't kill me for sayin this)... But Fk that who cares.
India has been good friends with Soviets in the past and they are now good friends with the US. Mutual interests is the key, something Pakistani foreign policy makers clearly lack.

Russia is still our good friend and a very important partner. :)
Then how come Pakistan would be cursed for Jihadist Idealogy Alone excluding USA?? Which @Jit just did in his post and you thanked:p:
lolzz your one funny guy bro ....

any way thing is USA did what a rich man always does = call his haari hir brother take him to his house and have a dinner with him (actualli boosting and inflating ego or the poor guy) and after dinner give him money and a wepon to kill his buisness rival

the poor guy who now thinks he is the big leauge and finding his new found clout statrs stalking his new friends rival and evahtualli attacks and disabels the target who after the attack back tracks and leaves the place for once and for all

now when therich guys works is done he abondens the poor guy but the poor guy keeps on boasting about his proximty & influence with the rich guy and boasts of his heroik deeds soon deu to internal issues has to harbour some criminals who intend to hurt hir former rich master and they do that aswell but this angers the rich guy and he decides and dictates the poor guy to kill those who attacked him but this time the poor guy tries to act smart & makes a deal with another of the rich guys new rival and on his backing palys a double game with the rich guy and suceeds to some extend but when rich guy finds about ithe palys a double game andbrings the warto the poor mans home and make him suffer a long and painful punishment and now makes a pact with two more powerful naighbours of the poor guy and his new backer (covertli)

now u decide what will the old haari do in such a postion whose kids are now not able to make there own goals and a better future as they were too mcuh accostmmed to hand owts by the rich guy even though they had prime land to tilt but have forgotten how to tilt it properlii

baki aap khud samjhdaar ho ;)
On a side note, the government of India is getting too US centric. PM Modi's policy should include some form of raproachment with China and Pakistan. China is an influential power in Asia and can impede India's growth. Engagement with China on a more re-assuring note is simply a must for India to grow economically. Closing the doors to Pakistan and wishing that it will roll over and die is an extremely misguided policy, which in my view is the current policy of the BJP government. India will always face threats whilst Pakistan remains unstable or economically disadvantaged. There is a good chance that this government will be given a second term and much of what happens in the next 10 years will decide India's future for the next 100 years. India must contribute towards Pakistan's stabilization in order for India to succeed. Therefore bilateral talks must resume despite the recklessness which Pakistan so often displays when it comes to India. Finally, ensuring the economic progress of Bangladesh is simply a must. If India continues to rise economically as is expected and Bangladesh continues to face the current challenges which it does, the refugee crisis will continue being a burden to India. In a nutshell, stop focusing on the world's giants Mr Modi. They recognize you as a positive force for India. Start reassuring your neighbors of India's intent
Oh C'mon, we are talking about the article here:hitwall: and besides when Zia was a Jihadi Supporter, US Presidents hosts Jihadis in the white House.......kiddo grow up:coffee:


Yep, and their descendants tried to send a jumbo jet to the white house 2 decades later. The IRONY of History.
Can you or anyone of near dozen people who thanked you for this post enlighten me, Where is the author in the article endorses the Islamic Jihadist Idealogy or twisting it to be precise?

@Not Sure

@Tameem - it is not 'where' in the article; it is the whole premise of the article. At first blush even many Pakistanis get surprised and a bit miffed when I tell them that what Pakistan is fighting is the true cultural war - the two sides being people who have not moved from 7th century Islamic thinking and the post-industrial revolution people. A very simple symptomatic evidence of this is something you can do today and online. Just take a popular urdu daily and an english daily for a week and see the difference in discourse. While I cannot do this myself since I do not know urdu, I have had researchers who know it tell me that.

Until all of you stop taking umbrage whenever someone mentions Islam and start seeing how Islam,and your cultivated outrage are being used by these terrorists, you will not solve this menace inside Pakistan
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