ye to bari teeeri kheer hay.
Anyway I failed to understand till date what exactly feminists want
and till date, I feel, feminism failed to come clear what exactly it is.
As far as this all women bazaar is concerned I think it has more to do with providing opportunity in the field of entrepreneurship to those women who otherwise would not have been able to put their skills into practice due to some social/cultural/religious constraints or customs.
I feel till our mentality changes which may take decades of centuries we should continue with providing spaces to women in the field of education, business or social circles or for that matter any circle.
It is not about equality but facilitating those who otherwise would not have been able to step forward.
If you remember many women/girls are not allowed due to cultural sensitives to continue their education after college because most of the universities are co-education where male and female study alongside. So if we simply protest and hold awareness workshops in this regard it would not be enough neither lead to any significant progress but if we look for ways and means to find some amicable solution that could be acceptable to the parents or guardians of these girls then that would be a better thing.
For example in Pakistan all women universities were established few years back which at least facilitated those girls who's parents or guardians were not at all willing to send their girls to universities.