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A whiter shade of pale

While I agree it's a kind of colonial hang-over, but it's now become a part of Indian psyche, in a way you can say it's now an indigenous belief system in South Asia. Like you said above, tanning represents status symbol in Western society, as that is not the case in India, we are not exactly sucking up to westerns rather subscribing to our own social life parameters. It's futile to discuss the source of the belief system, let bygones be bygones.

I am just unsure that it is irrelevant today. Economic development would be little if it were not accompanied by self-respect and our own values systems in China+India.
sorry no offense to the thread starter but i find this very ignorant racist and idiotic thread ..:hitwall:

I agree. Lets sweep this under the rug and pretend that it does not happen.

After all this widely popular product in india is just a figment of our imagination.

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The endless garbage threads by Socom, seriously this is worse than spamming.
why don't you go yell at al-jazeera and all the indians who participated in the video and who sell the skin whitening creams?

Or do you think I was the commentator in the video and i am the ceo of all the skin whitening creams sold in india?

If this was not a major problem in india

1.) no skin whitening creams would be on sale there

2.) numerous articles stating race issues among indians would not be published.

3.) the indians on this forum would not be getting angry and writing cunning posts in an attempt to conceal the realities on the ground of india and to further purport that india is the best perfect place in the whole world.

Take a case in point of the U.S.A. if there was an article that says white people in the U.S.A. are poor and are responsible for crimes and are generally hated upon by other races, no one would reply to that thread or just laugh because they know it is not true. But all the indians have to reply angrily because it is true.

So if I write all kinds of nonsense about, say Pakistani Punjabis or Pakistani armed forces, or some of your revered leaders, which is completely false and baseless, you think every Pakistani on the forum will just laugh and not reply to my post knowing that it is false? Of all the weird logics to prove your point, all you could do was come up with this..

I am not debating that most people in India want to look fairer than they are and for all you know it might be the remanent of colonial mindset, but I dont believe it to be a problem. As I said earlier, its very similar to people wanting to look tanned (despite Cardsharp's logic since while it may be the case a few decades back, that doesnt hold true today) or a baldy wearing a wig or a Pakistani feeling proud of a remote (at times unsubstantiated) linkage to Arab lineage..
The endless garbage threads by Socom, seriously this is worse than spamming.

But hey.. Its not too bad.. As an Indian I would any day prefer defending the problem of Indians wanted to appear whiter than some of the problems our friends across the border have to defend when they talk to their allies (who are actually whiter)

Lol, of all the weird logic to prove my point? You don't appear smart enough understand any point let alone mine. You contradict yourself in your posts.

Anyways what do you have to say about the countless Fair and Lovely Ads? The dozen's upon dozen's interviews...the many articles on this subject, the significant profit increase of skin bleaching creams in india?

You don't think its a problem? You are just minimizing the problem.

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Its not only in India. Fair skin is sought after in BD, east asia as well.
These Skin whitening products are known to contain Mercury based compunds,which can damage the brain,nervous system in the long run.

By the way !S_O_C_O_M,goodgoing ,i appreciate your effort for at least bringing up articles from credible sources.
Skin cream discussion in Military & World Affairs Watch > World Affairs forum.. Well, whatever..
No one should be surprised that baseball's Sammy Sosa has changed from black to white, albeit his claim to an accidental transformation caused by cream and lights.

I don't think they have a problem with the video, rather the fact that you posted it with malicious intent. A contact number isn't helpful.

Unsure why everybody attacking OP, story seems interesting enough. See no evidence of malicious intent to malign India.

Similar products very popular in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong and scandals regarding them occasionally surface also. I cannot ride the metro in Hong Kong without seeing it 'may bak', which I find amusing at first and by now extremely irritating.

As I believe same amongst African-Americans. See MJ.

Of course, he is totally insane.
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