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A video of Bangladeshi origin muslim on Paris attack going viral

Its old by the way as he talking about Charlie Hebdo shooting took place 7th jan 2015

we have plenty of bangla words for that particular word, when we get angry we use them :P
He is preaching about real Islam and Islam ask you to express yourself in civilised manners even when you are angry irrespective of any language :P
video from january going viral in november :coffee::coffee::coffee:kewl!!

btw this man is a a-hole seen his videos before he is a jmati!!:buba_phone:
He is preaching about real Islam and Islam ask you to express yourself in civilised manners even when you are angry irrespective of any language :P
ah as if those guys are sane people, anyway tradition might kicked in him :whistle:
btw this man is a a-hole seen his videos before he is a jmati!!:buba_phone:
i know why you said that :D
quite a few pdf members ( migrants ) going red in the face. :D

now, he need not have used the f-words but given that he is from present britain and the seriousness of the paris shooting, it is understandable.

mullah supporters of terrorists are not the ambassadors of islam... these are not muslim in the first place... they are munafiq... but it is these fakers who deliberately in western-establishment media because western governments want to malign islam... it is these fakers who gets arms and money support to terrorize muslim-majority societies like libya and syria.

having said that, groups like qaeda, taliban and isil get their propaganda and fighter support from those who sadly call themselves muslim... there is no good taliban and bad taliban... there is no "moderate syrian rebel" and qaeda... they are all one and the same and must get total condemnation from muslims.

someone like mr. anjem choudary in britain and ms. asiya andrabi in indian-adminstered kashmir should be expelled from islam - excommunicated... how can these two dogs generate goodwill for islam... google their pictures... seeing them, the non-muslims would only be disgusted with them and indirectly with islam... the non-muslims won't know the simplicity and sophistication of real islam because you the muslims have tolerated these dogs... whenever socialist muslim societies have killed these dogs, the "moderate muslims" have protested this killing by calling the socialists from nasser to gaddafi to bashar as dictators, the same word that western governments have convinced you to say, convinced you to stop thinking... think for yourself... expunge the munafiqs.

having said all this, i am tired of all religions.
I really despise all kinds of fanaticism and should be deplored and condemned but isn't it height of hypocrisy and self-contradicory that the person who is teaching logic to others is using f-words and all kinds of abusive language...or he just does not believe in what he is talking about. Did he ever heard charity begins at home....I would say rather it was an opportunistic approach to get a moment of fame than a real desire to convey a positive message. You can't expect clean water from a filthy drainage....do you?

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