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A tribal message to Pak army

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I follow and preach Islam Sir and Sir it was your Army who attacked tribal first killed them for 4 years and in 2007 they formed TTP to take revenge and after than their is chaos in whole of Pakistan Sir we need to talk to our own people and get rid of this bloody war other wise we are doomed and Sir Army and Air Forces bombings have resulted in death of thousand of women and children and innocent men who had nothing to do with any of the party weather they were Taliban or Army
I am not sure if you have served, but the talibans and I repeat have nothing to do with the religion of Islam. So lets first accept that parameter before we continue our conversation, strapping dirty bombs to children and guiding them towards a coalition forces bases is a murder and not a struggle. This is also not to say that I support collateral damage resulting from Ariel strikes however the intent is what matters and talbans beheading farmers for helping coalition forces and indulging in terror are not representing islam but rather this regressive ideology bend on focusing it's tribal mentality. Most of these suicide bombing result in more civilians dieing than any thing else and given what people in coastal city of karachi have experienced from past incidient, i think you should be a bit sensitive to the animosity that pakistanaise people in this forum about them and this is not to say that your any less pakistani but just it is very politically incorrect.
I don't agree with your ideology but you have been saying about PAF bombing civilians for quite sometime... Unfortunate if the whole thing is true ......

when enemy is sitting among civilians then such casualties are quite much expected ......
this irony of war on terror , civilians suffer in both cases whether talibans are army operation
good bomb them more and more till last taliban die even we lost every tribal man in exchange . keep bombing they are the cancer of pakistan

so ? there is no any difference now they host they give them shelters and the terrorists are their guests . let them die

sometimes theres comments on this forum that leave me bewildered. you advocate bombing innocent tribals more, even though they didn't ask for all the s**t that's happening to them? the soviet jihad, training of proxy groups beyond what was required, 'war on terror', they remained loyal to Pakistan through thick and thin. this is how you want to repay them?

then you wonder why they feel betrayed and provide shelter to other pashtun groups? the more you fall for this american trap, the more alienated they get and your problems only compound in the end. disengage, walk away from the stranglehold, become a self respecting dignified nation, then these things won't happen.

am guessing you're pashtun so you don't need to be reminded of the value of a guest in pashtunwali, that they're protected with the hosts' lives once given hospitality. so when america was actively encouraging it, that was fine and respectable. but now, our army is doing their bidding by encroaching on that same aspect of the culture which was earlier exploited? how is that right in any way?

there may be a cancer in that region in the form of cia proxies, be they uzbek, pashtun, arab, chechen whatever. but please don't equate that with tribals and call for their being bombed into annihilation. they are peaceful, simple folk that only seek what they have always wanted, to live in peace and quiet free from interference. there are more intelligent ways of going about solving this.
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I am not sure if you have served, but the talibans and I repeat have nothing to do with the religion of Islam. So lets first accept that parameter before we continue our conversation, strapping dirty bombs to children and guiding them towards a coalition forces bases is a murder and not a struggle. This is also not to say that I support collateral damage resulting from Ariel strikes however the intent is what matters and talbans beheading farmers for helping coalition forces and indulging in terror are not representing islam but rather this regressive ideology bend on focusing it's tribal mentality. Most of these suicide bombing result in more civilians dieing than any thing else and given what people in coastal city of karachi have experienced from past incidient, i think you should be a bit sensitive to the animosity that pakistanaise people in this forum about them and this is not to say that your any less pakistani but just it is very politically incorrect.
Sir there were no Taliban before 2007 in Pakistan your mass murder of people in Tribal areas on order from kafirs led to their creation and now they got support of most of the tribals in Tribal Areas Sir if they are not representing Islam than sorry but your Army is doing the same they have also killed our own Muslim and betrayed Muslims in Afghanistan on American orders
It's sad the the PAF destroyed the house of a retired Pakistani soldier who fought for his country in the 1971 war. Will he be compensated? Will the Pak authorities rebuild his house?

But then as they say, collateral damage is part of the game!
propoganda video...
how can an unexploded bomb cause so much damage?
C'mon Safriz, you can do better than that! The unexploded bomb or a dud that you saw in the vid obviously was just one of the bombs released by PAF aircraft - not the only one. The others could have landed on his house, destroying it.

Elementary, Dr Watson! :P
It's sad the the PAF destroyed the house of a retired Pakistani soldier who fought for his country in the 1971 war. Will he be compensated? Will the Pak authorities rebuild his house?

But then as they say, collateral damage is part of the game!

It become all the more important when an Air force is operating
It become all the more important when an Air force is operating
There's a hue and cry in Pakistan when a US drone strikes, killing some civilians (though mostly terrorists). And that's one of the reasons why Pakistanis hate the Yanks no end. But when it comes to their own air force killing civilians, there's a studied silence. No one utters a word. It seems that killing civilians by one's own air force is acceptable! :fie:
@Monkey D Luffy aka Afghan, do u support wat these pashtuns r saying?? do u even support pakistani army? i always see pashtun this pashtun that from u and how pashtuns are better :blah:
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Lets look things in perspective.

For years foreigners came to Tribal areas unabated. 2002, Pakistan was under immense pressure to tackle them. Tribals did not agree completely.

Drone strikes, peace agreements, drone strikes again and 2004/05 army enters the Tribal areas in numbers.

The problem could have been handled by negotiations and money.

Money could have been used to develop Tribal areas in return for their help in capturing extremists. Things just spiraled out of control.

The message should be that the Pakistan security forces should not perceived as a US ally; otherwise, the fight will continue.
Tribals are awakening from a deep coma, few months ago,

“They were taken out of their houses and were shot dead by the forces, it’s a routine now they don’t care who is being killed when they open fire, we have been tolerating it for almost four years,” he said.

The tribesmen protested that undirected mortar bombs and artillery shelling have killed a number of innocent people in their area.

I was a government servant but I don’t know why this injustice done to me,” former FC official, Shabbir, who was also among the protestors outside the Governor House, told Dawn.com.
Khyber tribesmen to continue protest against Bara killings



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