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A tribal message to Pak army

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these bombs are being dropped in tribal areas and are collected by locals as scrap metal and sold...same with artillery shells....Its a booming trade in the area...
Bringing an empty bomb shell in a village and then posing that PAF dropped it on them is pure propoganda....shame on those tribals...

its nt just prayers...these people have many years of experience in scrap metal trade from Afghanistan in which they buy unexploded munition..nutralize them..extract explosives and metals and sell both..
How do you thing terrorists get military grade explosives in sduch large quantities??
You should be spokesperson for army, you are good at it.
These are resilient folk and are silently tolerating American drones, PAF bombardments , army shellings and TTP's blasts.....my salute to them
The best person to comment on this video would be a tribal himself, we have @Hyperion, he can decide whether such bombardments really occur or its just TTP propaganda.

@Sher Malang
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sir america have killed innocent people in aerial bombings despite the fact they have the best technology so what are you expecting from Pakistan AAirforce

The americans can also use some nukes, they dont care afterall the peolple who die (innocent ones) are not their citizens, but a nation using leathal bombing with high collateral damage against its own people is simply unacceptable for any rational minded. You people should deal with ttp as we are dealing with the moists. High compensation to surrenderd millitants along with starting development projects in the FATA region will be the best strategy IMO.
The americans can also use some nukes, they dont care afterall the peolple who die (innocent ones) are not their citizens, but a nation using leathal bombing with high collateral damage against its own people is simply unacceptable for any rational minded. You people should deal with ttp as we are dealing with the moists. High compensation to surrenderd millitants along with starting development projects in the FATA region will be the best strategy IMO.
Sir Pakistan has tried Sir failed miserably because their ideology is far more stronger and they are committed to it with fare more passion than any other group in the whole world
good bomb them more and more till last taliban die even we lost every tribal man in exchange . keep bombing they are the cancer of pakistan
@Armstrong, I am a slight bit confused from the video, is there a controversy over this or just on this forum. I do hope that pakistan people will not forgive these barbaric insurgents that have committed so many terror acts on innocent civilians and I even think pakistanaise citizens too. Is the government still going to fight them in your opinion or do you think it is better to negotiate with these terrorists.
@Zarvan, sorry brother but are you a terroriste symphatizer as the views you expressed in your post appear to very right wing and I apologize if I misjudge your opinions! :)
@Imran Khan, We have a saying for it here, 'The only good Taliban is a dead one' !
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Wasn't Tirah valley cleared of militants previously which was the first area in FATA where Pakistani army entered?
Well when Pakistan is concerned, everything becomes a propaganda and conspiracy.

BTW isn't it common occurrence that air strikes are not 100% accurate.

Collateral damage always occurs. Denying it will make things worse. Rather compensation and rehabilitation for short time period may do the work.

Otherwise they will turn against Pakistan.
good bomb them more and more till last taliban die even we lost every tribal man in exchange . keep bombing they are the cancer of pakistan

Did you watch the video? Those ppl were civilians.
@Armstrong, I am a slight bit confused from the video, is there a controversy over this or just on this forum. I do hope that pakistan people will not forgive these barbaric insurgents that have committed so many terror acts on innocent civilians and I even think pakistanaise citizens too. Is the government still going to fight them in your opinion or do you think it is better to negotiate with these terrorists.
@Zarvan, sorry brother but are you a terroriste symphatizer as the views you expressed in your post appear to very right wing and I apologize if I misjudge your opinions! :)
@Imran Khan, We have a saying for it here, 'The only good Taliban is a dead one' !

I follow and preach Islam Sir and Sir it was your Army who attacked tribal first killed them for 4 years and in 2007 they formed TTP to take revenge and after than their is chaos in whole of Pakistan Sir we need to talk to our own people and get rid of this bloody war other wise we are doomed and Sir Army and Air Forces bombings have resulted in death of thousand of women and children and innocent men who had nothing to do with any of the party weather they were Taliban or Army
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