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A tiny island in South India prepares for Modi's $1.4-billion JFK moment

lols okay cutie pie indian!! you people live in worderland of denail!

prove otherwise....

Anyway i don't want to get into trolling and be banned...

But let me put you a final point... If we stop advancing ourselves due to these issues the Whole Humanity is Doomed.
you're sending a human into space in 2 years while you've poor and troubled economy. Why ???

if this is the waste of money why is US, China, Russia and Japs are doing it ???? we're not just limited to Earth....
prove otherwise....

Anyway i don't want to get into trolling and be banned...

But let me put you a final point... If we stop advancing ourselves due to these issues the Whole Humanity is Doomed.
you're sending a human into space in 2 years while you've poor and troubled economy. Why ???

if this is the waste of money why is US, China, Russia and Japs are doing it ???? we're not just limited to Earth....
china russian usa japs are developed countries with good standard of living Pak india are well fked up with no health care or education we cant feed our people and in your case you cant provide toilet to your people we should concentrate on making lives better than look at skies!
china russian usa japs are developed countries with good standard of living Pak india are well fked up with no health care or education we cant feed our people and in your case you cant provide toilet to your people we should concentrate on making lives better than look at skies!

Wrong again..... there;re Programs for Developing individuals. you think handing over a billion dollar to Billion people would solve the poverty Issues !!!! It doesn't work that way...

People have to be educated, gov have to build jobs and infra.....
This is how China became the power as it is today both in GDP and GDP per capita.

And it takes decades, for that we can't put hold rest of the plans.... I had given you the perfect example as ISRO and China.... everybody pointed out and laughed at india and ISRO...
ISRO is creating more jobs every day.
Launching Foreign Sats and earn money for India.
Lifting Indian Image world wide,
giving free programs to foreign students regarding Space programs and Building Satellites.

If a Gov focuses on one area and leaves the rest untill the Focused program to succeed then the whole country would fall in matter of years

Aurangzeb and Muslims ruled over Hindus for 1000 years, so what does that say about your people?

your People.... ?? Has pakistanis lost their History ????? :lol:

Normally Hindus were never a invaders like Muslims and Christains or ROman... But do learn the history of Ancient INdia rather than few imaginary points.... king from my side conqured lands till south east asia.
Congrats India...

Nothing wrong even if this space mission has some preposterous audacity, some political posture and chest thumping, this is how you go about marketing countries and companies too where west is leading and every great invention/mission is associated with the west.

Quote by and Indian in YouTube vid. ...

You would found everything in extreme in india. Extreme richness, extreme poverty, extreme heat, extreme cold, extreme fat people and its recriprocal, Extreme corruption and extreme honesty, Extreme populated area and extreme lonely place, Extreme traditional and extremely bold. in conclusion India is extreme.
china russian usa japs are developed countries with good standard of living Pak india are well fked up with no health care or education we cant feed our people and in your case you cant provide toilet to your people we should concentrate on making lives better than look at skies!
Though off topic.
Space programmes have given humanity a lot
Research about them before writing something.

Moreover there is a new concept quickly coming called space tourism..

It can give lot of jobs


When China Started the space program they were poor than India with people dying of hunger due to Madness of Mao.

K.. they're developed....
Pakistan is not developed... It doesn't even have a Proper Space program neither a launcher Why Does Pakistan suddenly wants to send Human to space when poor to feed and educate... and pay one heck of a loan !!!???? Educate me please
To compete and be comparable with India on every front
pakistanis federal govt spent only 5.4 bn $ last fiscal on development and they lecture us

The last government compensated the shortfall in revenues and excess in current expenditures by massively scaling back development spending. Against the budgeted Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) of Rs1 trillion, the actual spending stood at only Rs 660 billion, including development grants to the provinces.
What's your point my friend?
Congrats India...

Nothing wrong even if this space mission has some preposterous audacity, some political posture and chest thumping, this is how you go about marketing countries and companies too where west is leading and every great invention/mission is associated with the west.

Quote by and Indian in YouTube vid. ...

You would found everything in extreme in india. Extreme richness, extreme poverty, extreme heat, extreme cold, extreme fat people and its recriprocal, Extreme corruption and extreme honesty, Extreme populated area and extreme lonely place, Extreme traditional and extremely bold. in conclusion India is extreme.

Yours is one of the few sensible posts on this thread.

My wish is that all South Asian countries can have a combined manned space program - an extension of SAARC.

Space travel is the destiny of human kind.
Yours is one of the few sensible posts on this thread.

My wish is that all South Asian countries can have a combined manned space program - an extension of SAARC.

Space travel is the destiny of human kind.

Yes I remember me watching just every TV program of Carl Sagan the erstwhile Cosmos explorer and read Stephen Hawkings book 'A brief history of time' as well.

Pakistan space program will expand in coming years I am sure.
Yours is one of the few sensible posts on this thread.

My wish is that all South Asian countries can have a combined manned space program - an extension of SAARC.

Space travel is the destiny of human kind.

Indian media has also reported about it, albeit with a twist for local readers.

Pakistan set to launch space programme to keep an eye on Indian side: Report

The total cost of PakSat-MM1 is Rs 27.57 billion and that of the space centres is Rs 26.91 billion, it added.

Advanced space programme is the need of time not only due to growing demand from the civil communications, including the GPS, mobile telephony and the internet but due to changing scenario in the region also, analysts have said.

Read more at:
First let them learn how to make satellite ...........rest is far cry

Pakistan has actually made locally, satellites including BADRI and BADRII, made locally and launched through China as Pakistan doesn't have the PSLV , launch vehicle infra...and GSLV too.

Badr-1 was the first artificial and the first digital communications satellite launched by Pakistan's national space authority—the SUPARCO—in 1990.Wikipedia

Inclination: 28.4°
Inclination: 28.4°
Launch date: July 16, 1990
5-6 numbers are called countless in Pakistan !!??:o:

They are certainly not high in numbers...but they are not micro satellites but quite big.

The 1,200 kg satellite PRSS-1 will operate at an altitude of 640 kilometres and will enable Pakistan to meet its imagery requirements in the areas of land mapping, agriculture classification and assessment, urban and rural planning, environmental monitoring, natural disaster management and water resource management for socio-economic development, the FO said.

Another flagship satellite, the Pakistan Technology Evaluation Satellite-1A (PakTES-1A), which was indigenously designed and developed by Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) engineers, has also been co-launched with PRSS-1 by the same launch vehicle.

PakTES-1A is a 285 kilogram satellite equipped with an optical payload commensurate with national needs. It has a design life of three years and will operate at an altitude of 610km.
Don't know why @newb3e is avoiding these questions , It has been ask several times but still no one is willing to answer....!!!!!!!!!!!


@newb3e Any explanation
imo stupid move id rather we invest in our people feed them educate them
The total cost of PakSat-MM1 is Rs 27.57 billion and that of the space centres is Rs 26.91 billion, it added.

Congrats to Pakistan.

However, the primary use of this satellite seems to be military.

I would really like to see a collaborative effort between ISRO and SUPARCO like what could have been possible with the South Asia Satellite project.
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