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A suggestion for Ahmadis or Qadiyanis

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Sep 4, 2012
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Christians believe that Hazrat Eisa (or Jesus Christ) died on a cross, so Christians wear an image of the cross around their necks.

Since the prophet and promised messiah of Ahmadis, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, died while having a sh*t in the toilet. I suggest that Ahmadis should wear an image of the toilet seat around their necks. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hazrat Eisa (or Jesus Christ) died on a cross, so Christians wear an image of the cross around their necks.

Since the prophet and promised messiah of Ahmadis, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, died while having a sh*t in the toilet. I suggest that Ahmadis should wear an image of the toilet seat around their necks. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jesus never died on a cross.
Hazrat Eisa (or Jesus Christ) died on a cross, so Christians wear an image of the cross around their necks.

Since the prophet and promised messiah of Ahmadis, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, died while having a sh*t in the toilet. I suggest that Ahmadis should wear an image of the toilet seat around their necks. :lol: :lol: :lol:

According to Muslim belief Hazrat Easa AS was taken alive into sky by Allah swt, after the appearance of Dajjal in the time of Imam Mehdi, He will reappear and lead Muslims to victory.

Secondly, you have no right to ridicule any religion or minority. Qadianis are non-muslim as per the constitution of Pakistan, but the law give them the equal rights as per other citizens of Pakistan. No need to ridicule any religion.
According to Muslim belief Hazrat Easa AS was taken alive into sky by Allah swt, after the appearance of Dajjal in the time of Imam Mehdi, He will reappear and lead Muslims to victory.

I stand corrected. I have edited my previous post
ahmadis are muslims. so whatever ahmdis wear is applicablke to sunnis to. if ahmadis are not muslims neither are sunnis.
Had hai yaar. Itni nafrat...? Kis liye..?

Please close this thread.
stop acting like a 12 year old and attacking other people's religion.
They have as much right to practice what they want as you do!

Thread needs to be closed and dumb dumbs need to get infractions.
Please close the thread and retire the gentleman honorably from the forum at least for sometime.
post reported. If I insult your religion or prophet deliberately in similar way, I will get infraction.
he committed blasphemy , liable to be executed under paksitani law
We should invite qadianis, ismailis and shias to islam with love without insulting, hating and humiliating them..
What an idiot. Probably a salafi. It's not right to insult other people's beliefs. it shows that your parents just weren't good parents and didn't instill values.
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