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Lalak Jan 'Dohat' (1967 - 1999)
32 yrs, Havaldar Major, 12 Northern Light Infantry (NLI)
Nishan-e-Haider (1999)

by Nasir M. Khan

Note: The following account is a well researched work by the author.
It is not endorsed by the Governments of either India or Pakistan

Pakistan government denies that it had any involvement in the Kargil Operation, whereas the Indian government denies that any heroic battle took place at Tiger Hill. The reader is to read this article as the work of an individual and not an official citation. The reader also has the right NOT to believe this article. However, the article has been put up primarily becuase in the political game between Pakistan and India, a man who was the epitome of bravery is not getting due respect. The locations in this article are those which are claimed as true by India only.


In 1984, India occupied the Pakistani posts at Siachen glacier. These posts had been vacated due to winters and snowing in the northern areas of Pakistan. India had in fact violated the Line of Control (LOC) in order to capture these posts. Pakistan's efforts to take these areas back from Indian possession turned out to be futile, and a war was fought in the worst possible circumstances for 15 years without any significant reward to either side.
The Indians posted an entire Division at Siachen Glacier. The ammunition and food was supplied to this division through the Srinagar-Leh Highway, the road joining the area of Leh (Siachen) with the capital of Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar. The area surrounding the road was mountainous, with Tiger Hill being the peak that offered the best view of the entire northern area, providing those who were on it with a terrific aerial advantage. The Indian had previously used this peak to attack some defensive positions of Pakistan from time to time. Tiger Hill, located in the associated sectors of Batalik, Kargil and Drass, provided and aerial view of the Srinagar-Leh Highway. In September 1998, the posts had been vacated by India as part of a routine winter exercise, they were to reoccupy them in the summers.
In May 1999, a small sized Indian force of 4 men going along the Srinagar-Leh Highway lost contact with the rest of the army. A section, comprising 12 men was sent on the same road to locate the MIAs (Missing In Action). These 12 men also became MIA.
A small force (1200 men) of the Pakistan Army had occupied the vacated Indian posts, and were planning to hold on for sometime so that the Division at Siachen would have no other option but to retreat, due to the lack of ammunition and food supplies.
The Indians launched a full fledged attack on the small band of Pakistan Army soldiers.

Main Achievement

Tiger Hill had been occupied by 11 men of 12 NLI (Northern Light Infantry) unit of the Pakistan Army. One of these men was Subedar Sikander, the person who was responsible, with 10 other men, to hold back India's offensive long enough to force the Division at Siachen to retreat. His 2IC (Second in Command) was Havaldar Major Lalak "Blizzard" Jan (Blizzard = Dohat in local language).
Lalak Jan was one of the best in the NLI as far as mountain navigation was concerned, in addition to being one of the best, if not the best, rifleman.
The 10 men of 12 NLI were told by Subedar Sikander to change their positions while firing back at the attacking Indian forces. As the men followed the orders, the managed to bluff the Indians into believing that the size of the force was much more than 11.
On 1st of July, 1999, the 18 Grenadiers Battalion (India) launched a fierce attack on Tiger Hill by virtue of artillary shelling of the occupied bunkers. Subedar Sikandar placed his men in such positions that they managed to repulse the attack without any loss of life on their own part. It is not known how many men were lost by the 18 Grenadiers Battalion.
On the morning of 2nd July 1999, amidst the mist, the 18 Grenadiers launched another attack on Tiger Hills. Subedar Sikandar ordered his men to retreat to a secret bunker. Once the men were safe, he ordered Lalak Jan to descend Tiger Hill, and amidst the Indian Artillery shelling plant the landmines in the area in front of the Indians. The impossibility of the task was realized by all, but the Subedar insisted that the army has sent them down to fight, and that they would have to complete this task if they were to make a dent in the Indian offensive. Planting the landmines was the only way for them to damage the Indian armor and artillery, as none of the 11 men of 12 NLI had any heavy weaponry. The Subedar insisted that the mist would help Lalak Jan as well, and the Indians would not be expecting it either.
Accepting the daunting task, Lalak Jan descended Tiger Hills amidst the mist. The remaining men gave him as fierce a cover as possible to distract the Indians. Lalak Jan used his natural mountaineering ability to the fullest in the snow clad area and planted the landmines in such a manner that the Indians would encounter them in case they tried to move forward towards the hill.
Lalak Jan returned, having successfully planted the mines as ordered.
The trap was now set. All that the men required to do now was to lure the Indians into it. Subedar Sikandar told his men to gradually reduce the firing to a standstill.
About two hours after firing ceased from the Pakistan side, the Indians thought that they had managed to clear the area of the insurgents. Hence they began to move forward. The landmines reeked havoc with their initial forward movements. The Indians suffered heavy casualties, however, as they have not publicized this incident, the exact amount of damage is not known. The damage was in any case, severe enough that 18 Grenadiers did not attack Tiger Hills for at least 3 to 4 more days, until they were supported by another Indian Unit, 8 Sikh.
On 6th July, both 18 Grenadiers and 8 Sikh attacked Tiger Hills in the fiercest of Tiger Hill battles or the Kargil Operation. This time Chemical weapons were also used. Some of the Indian soldiers launched an attack from the steeper side of the hill. The NLI was not expecting an attack from this side. The NLI fought this battle at a heavy cost. 7 of the 11 men were killed, including Subedar Sikander. The Indians had managed to destroy a number of the Tiger Hill bunkers by either a hand to hand fight or by dropping a grenade into it.
Only Lalak Jan and 3 other men remained. The onslaught of the Indians was continuing and they were rapidly advancing towards capturing the hill. Lalak Jan, who was now the senior most person around, placed his men in strategic positions, at least two to three per person, and told them to fire without staying in one position. These four men, pitted against an enemy much superior in number and weaponry, managed to repulse the Indian onslaught by sheer courage and determination.
On 7th July 1999, 18 Grenadiers and 8 Sikh launched yet another offensive. This was a successful attack. 2 of Lalak Jan's men were killed. Lalak Jan and his only other remaining comrade in arms, Bakhmal Jan were both seriously injured. Not giving up, Lalak Jan got hold of an LMG and while Bakhmal Jan provided him with the ammunition, the two men kept trying to repulse the Indian attack. Lalak jan's left arm had been rendered useless as he had received a bullet in it. Bakhmal Jan, unable to sustain his injuries, died while supplying the ammunition to Lalak Jan.
From there on, in one of the most stunning demonstrations of determination, Lalak Jan held up the two units of the Indian Army for four complete hours. The Indian offensive finally slowed down and they descended Tiger Hills. The reason for this is not known, perhaps they thought that they could shell the bunker in which Lalak Jan was positioned.
After the Indian offensive had subsided, reinforcements (5 to 6 men) were sent to Tiger Hill under Captain Amer. When he saw the condition of Lalak Jan he told him to go back to the base camp as his arm was in no condition to be used. Lalak Jan told the captain that he did not want to die on a hospital bed, but would rather die in the battlefield. He told his Captain that he should not worry about the arm.
While this was going on at the hill, the Indians started shelling from a secret bunker in an adjacent hill. By that time the command of the handful of troops at Tiger Hill had been taken up by Captain Amer. He realized that the fire was coming from a secret bunker and also directed fire towards it, but the effort was in vain. The exact reason for the failure of this fire by the Pakistanis is not known. It could have been because of one of three reasons 1) The secret bunker was very well designed and protected by the Indians 2) the fire was not directed properly or 3) the bunker was not in the range of the light weaponry possessed by the Pakistanis atop Tiger Hill.
There was only one way left to counter the secret Indian bunker; it had to be blown up from a closer range.
When the injured Lalak Jan volunteered for the mission, his plea was immediately rejected by the captain, who was of the opinion that he would do it himself. However, Lalak Jan persuaded him, giving him his previous landmine installation experience coupled with his mountaineering skills as the explanation.

The Captain agreed.

Lalak Jan put a bag of explosives on his back, and while shouldering an AK-47 descended Tiger Hills for the second time amidst heavy Indian shelling. Managing to avoid being seen by the Indian forces, and utilising his knowledge of the hills to take cover, he located the secret bunker and threw the explosives inside the bunker.
The bunker, which was also an ammunition dump, blew up in what was probably the biggest blast of the entire Kargil Operation. Lalak Jan managed to take cover, but the Indian Army lost 19 to 20 men inside and nearby the bunker. The other Indian soldiers saw Lalk Jan and opened fire on him. Surrounded from all sides by Indian fire, Lalak Jan tried to resist and returned fire.
This effort was in vain, and Lalak Jan was killed when a number of bullets burst through his chest.
Contrary to what most writers have said on the topic in Pakistan, it is my own knowledge that the Indians did manage to capture Tiger Hills in the next attack. The loss of Tiger Hills was perhaps the biggest setback in the entire Kargil Operation, as after that other victories came for the Indians and they managed to get hold of perhaps the strategically most important peak from whether they could keep an eye on most of the offensives in the region.
On 15th of September 1999, the commanding officer of 12 NLI sent 2 commando forces to Tiger Hills to recover the body of Lalak Jan. The two forces were called 'Ababeel' and 'Uqaab'. Ababeel provided the fire cover while Uqaab went into the destroyed enemy bunker to retrieve the body of Lalak Jan.
When his body was found, Lalak Jan had his AK-47 clinched to his chest. The Government of Pakistan awarded him Nishan-e-Haider, the country's highest award for extraordinary gallantry.
Thanks for posting this article, once again we salute for the courage and galour shown by our shaheed br6ther.
Thanks for posting this article, once again we salute for the courage and galour shown by our shaheed br6ther.

What a great soldier.

Leaders of this nation have no right to cower when this land has given birth to such lions amongst men!

Lalak Jan and all his brothers in arms in the Kargil operation were the flower of our Army and nobody can deny their valor despite being thrown into the thick of battle without support.
i was with him there in the drakness, i havnt seen a soldier of his class, in my whole militry life. he was a real black panther, jumping one block to another, with out fear.
It's a story you like and is endorsed neither by GOI nor GOP and I wonder why was it not endorsed by GOP.A mere patriotic and BS nationalist story.

It,s not story but a reality. Our brave solider scrificed for d country. We r proud of our brave soliders. :pakistan::pakistan:
its not a story dear friends, & my dear enemy!
it s a history , which can be found witin INDIAN ARMY , plz try to find te ashes of 199, indian army soldiers ,who were shot in thier eyes.:D:pakistan:;)

a single assin ,who was out numbered by, enemy troops!:agree::)
who fought alone inthe darkness, to please his enemy!;):pakistan:;)
He showed the whole Indian Army that How a Single Pakistani Can prove to be More Lethal than a Whole Brigade.

We are proud of our heroes and Lalik Jan is one of them. A true Warrior and a True Defender of Pakistan.
Picture of Pakistan's Finest Hero

why was this story not endorsed by the govt of pakistan while giving him the highest military award?

I mean the use of chemical weapons part by india, why did they not want to use it against india?
Lalak Jan, Nishan E Haider

Making History: Hav.Lalak Jan was born in Hundur,a beautiful village of YasinValley in Gilgit Baltistan of Pakistan.He belonged to the Ismaili Communiy as most of the people there come of that interpretation of Islam. History has witnessed a great number of people of Yasin sacrificing their lives for the sake of the country they belong. Although the services of this great nation of region are matchless, yet Lalak Jan is a shining star.

Hav.Lalak Jan was a brave soldier of Northern Light Infantry (NLI) who inflicted heavy casualties to the enemy during the Kargil Conflict and repulsed many Indian attacks on his post.

On May 1999, when it was informed that the enemy is preparing for a decisive attack on the soil of his country, Hav.Lalak Jan was performing his duties at the Company Head Quarters expressed his zeal to perform on the forward positions of the battle field to fight with the enemy.He was sent to the post which has a prime importance to both the arch rivals India and Pakistan.

One night on the last week of June 1999 Indian Army attacked Hav.Lalak Jan's post with a force of one Battalion. Lalak Jan stood like shield in the line of fire. He, with his team retaliated and attacked the enemy from different positions. He crawled to every bunker of the post and boosted the morale of his Jawans. The fight continued for the whole night. Lalak Jan and his fellow personnel crushed every effort of the enemy. By the morning the Indian Army was retreated and forced them to pay off the casualities they never thought of. The next night after receiving a fresh reinforcement, the enemy again attacked the post from different sides but could hardly hurt the patriatic zeal of the son of the soil. They again had to suffer heavy casualities.

On July 7th,1999, Indian Army attacked Lalak Jan's post with Artillery fire .Shells exploded all the day long and the whole night. During this very attack lalak jan was hit by a machine gun fire on his chest with unbearable injuries.

This man while soaked in blood was not ready to leave the post for the boots he always hated. He defended his post for another three hours despite his commander urging him to leave the post. By then, all of his companions were dead. He was the last person to embraced Shahadat.

Hav.Lalak Jan repulsed seventeen Indian attacks on his post in three days. The post on which Lalak Jan embraced Shahadat is still a part of Pakistan. Lalak Jan was married; he had two daughters and a son. Lalak Jan was born in Hundoor during one of the worst blizzards of the village's history. He was hence nicknamed 'Dohat' (i.e. 'The Blizzard') Lalak Jan was the founding member of the Al Madad Welfare society in Hundoor.

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Lalak Jan 'Dohat' (1967 - 1999) by Nasir Khan Click here to read...
Lalak Jan, Wikipedia free encyclopedia, Click here to read....

We are looking forward to collect stories about lalak Jan. We also would like to publish memories of Lalak Jan from his close friends and relatives. If you are interest, please contact us or send us your contributions

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