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A small victory for China for now....


Jun 28, 2010
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A Sea Change in U.S.-China Naval Relations?
A Sea Change in U.S.-China Naval Relations? - China Real Time Report - WSJ

Analysts had speculated that this meant the U.S. planned to deploy the aircraft carrier USS George Washington to the Sea of Japan to avoid upsetting China, which has vehemently objected to the idea of the aircraft carrier operating in the Yellow Sea—even though the U.S. navy has long done operations there.

Many American Warmongers are angry at Uncle SAM's decision not to send air craft carriers to the Yellow Sea.
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I love this user comment from the article

"Jackson wrote:
China’s policies in illegally occupied Tibet are nothing short of racism. I travelled to Tibet four years ago and discrimination is rampant. All the best jobs are barred to Tibetans. China is trying to stop them from learning their language. Tibetan neighborhoods are constanlty patrolled.
It is the same as South African apartheid but worst. It is time for the Tibetans to rise up in rebellion, an “intifada” if you will. Free Tibet"

He forgot to add something about jews in auschwitz amongst his hyperboles but we'll forgive him. Maybe he was tired or sleepy.
This is actually a significant moment in history. A Former Pentagon policy official Jim Thomas recently gave a talk on America's role in the Western Pacific, said, "We may be entering what may be called the 'post-power projection' era." He noted that this means it likely is going to be harder to deploy and operate in traditional modes.

This may be the end of an era...
I love this user comment from the article

"Jackson wrote:
China’s policies in illegally occupied Tibet are nothing short of racism. I travelled to Tibet four years ago and discrimination is rampant. All the best jobs are barred to Tibetans. China is trying to stop them from learning their language. Tibetan neighborhoods are constanlty patrolled.
It is the same as South African apartheid but worst. It is time for the Tibetans to rise up in rebellion, an “intifada” if you will. Free Tibet"

He forgot to add something about jews in auschwitz amongst his hyperboles but we'll forgive him. Maybe he was tired or sleepy.

I think this one is not bad either, I know he is being sarcastic, but it is actually funny and it has truth to it too.

"Americans need to do more. Maybe the US troops can at the same time conduct joint military practice with Japan, South Korea,Mongolia,South Eastern Asian countries, Middle Asian countries and India. Then people in China will surely understand US is powerful and friendly.

Better yet, send the Navy to Taiwan and parachute in Tibet. Then, the Chinese people will definitely say 'thank you and welcome to my home',you know, we Chines are hospitable people."
最爱高古陶;1004508 said:
if i were chinese president, i would order army attack those america fleet which enter into yellow sea. that's core interests,can give up even a little space.

It is lucky for all the Chinese that you are not the Chinese president of China.
I guess the DoD is taking China's "Carrier Killer" seriously...

It's common practice to deter power projection into one's clout, and make a tradition out of it during peaceful days, than tensional times, to prevent a war from breaking out.
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I guess the DoD is taking China's "Carrier Killer" seriously...

It's common practice to deter power projection into one's clout, and make a tradition out of it during peaceful days, than tensional times, to prevent a war from breaking out.

China should share the "Carrier Killer" technology with Pakistan because India has an aircraft carrier that is a THREAT to Pakistan !!!
They probably realized that after entering yellow sea they will be on surveillance by "string of pearls". China's dubious naval policy of encircling its sphere of influence from forigen traitors by ships, naval bases and submarines.

"Americans need to do more. Maybe the US troops can at the same time conduct joint military practice with Japan, South Korea,Mongolia,South Eastern Asian countries, Middle Asian countries and India. Then people in China will surely understand US is powerful and friendly.

Better yet, send the Navy to Taiwan and parachute in Tibet. Then, the Chinese people will definitely say 'thank you and welcome to my home',you know, we Chines are hospitable people."

When american army dispersed so thinly there will be a lot more people giving them "hospitable" welcome. Dispersal is the biggest weaknest in millitary planning.

America has terribly failed in its post-cold war "power projection" politics inciting world wide anti-american sentiments. Hence they now talk about soft power by economic aid, media and people 2 people interaction. Someone will soon be an "ATM pawn" to buy all their junk at discounted price and try to project its own power :p:P
最爱高古陶;1006587 said:
you HK think of America as god, we mainland chinese don't. now ,america has almost spit on your face(the carrier into yellow sea).

No, I definitely don't think US as god. I detest US as much as anyone else. However your suggestion of aggression without provocation is extremely senseless, and disgusting in this matter. Having the ability of doing something does not mean that it is right to do it. Greater power comes with greater responsibility, this applied to any superpower or future superpower. Even if US's carrier enters yellow sea and conducts military exercise, it is still in the international water. So tell me which one has more legal ground, military exercise in the international water or a preemptive strike on someone else fleet in the international water even if it is right in front of your doorstep. US pulled its carrier out of this exercise is because of out of respect for China concerns, not because it is right or wrong morally or any other ways. This is just how the real world works. As a president of any country, one's priority should be the well being of his or her country and its people, by launching this kind of preemptive attack it will only bring catastrophe to the nation and its citizen. If in the future anyone that has the same mentality as you do become the president of China, the he would better be ready to have the whole world against him including his own citizens with the exception of few warmongers like yourself. That is why it is lucky for China and Chinese to have much more responsible people unlike you as their leaders. So that China actually can advance and become a responsible superpower that will be respected rather than feared by others.

I might be a little bit harsh on you about this, but if one day China is to become a superpower. I wish its people will behave responsibly with their words and actions unlike many of Americans including some of American leaders. In other words, show the good quality of Chinese culture of being humble and merciful.

Memorable quotes of President Bartlet and Chief of Staff Leo for "The West Wing" A Proportional Response
"Bartlet: Did you know that two thousand years ago a Roman citizen could walk across the face of the known world free of the fear of molestation? He could walk across the Earth unharmed, cloaked only in the protection of the words civis Romanus -- I am a Roman citizen. So great was the retribution of Rome, universally certain, should any harm befall even one of its citizens. Where was Morris's protection, or anybody else on that airplane? Where was the retribution for the families, and where is the warning to the rest of the world that Americans shall walk this Earth unharmed, lest the clenched fist of the most mighty military force in the history of mankind comes crashing down on your house?! In other words, Leo, what the hell are we doing here?!
Leo: We are behaving the way a superpower ought to behave.
Bartlet: Well our behavior has produced some crappy results, in fact I'm not a hundred per cent sure it hasn't induced it.
Leo: What are you talking about?
Bartlet: I'm talking about two hundred and eighty-six American marines in Beirut, I'm talking about Somalia, I'm talking about Nairobi-
Leo: And you think ratcheting up the body count's gonna act as a deterrent?
Bartlet: You're damn right I-
Leo: Oh, then you are just as stupid as these guys who think capital punishment is going to be a deterrent for drug kingpins. As if drug kingpins didn't live their day to day lives under the possibility of execution, and their executions are a lot less dainty than ours and tend to take place without the bother and expense of due process. So, my friend, if you want to start using American military strength as the arm of the Lord, you can do that. We're the only superpower left. You can conquer the world, like Charlemagne! But you better be prepared to kill everyone. And you better start with me, because I will raise up an army against you and I will beat you!
Bartlet: He had a ten day old baby at home.
Leo: I know.
Bartlet: We are doing nothing.
Leo: We are not doing nothing.
Bartlet: We're destroying-
Leo: Four high-rated military targets!
Bartlet: And this is good?
Leo: Of course it's not good. There is no good. It's what there is! It's how you behave if you're the most powerful nation in the world. It's proportional, it's reasonable, it's responsible, it's merciful! It's not nothing. Four high-rated military targets.
Bartlet: Which they'll rebuild again in six months.
Leo: Then we'll blow 'em up again in six months! We're getting really good at it... It's what our fathers taught us."
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<In other words, show the good quality of Chinese culture of being humble and merciful.>

Being humble to the people who are arrogant DOES NOT work and being merciful to the people who are merciless DOES NOT work; unless you are prepared to be buried or trampled.

So, China needs to show its power to humble those who are arrogant and show its capability to be merciless to those who are merciless.

NOTE: The devastating results of Opium War 1 and Opium War 2 to China and its people shall not be repeated again in China's modern history. And I hope the Chinese people, leaders, and government would inscribed these two tragedies on their mind.

There are many countries in this world would like to see China back in the 1800 where foreign powers rule certain area of China and the Chinese people smoke opium.
China should share the "Carrier Killer" technology with Pakistan because India has an aircraft carrier that is a THREAT to Pakistan !!!

China's carrier killer is designed to destroy a 100,000 tons super carrier with possibly one single strike. This is definitely overkill for an Indian AC. Yet, I still think China should share this technology with Pakistan in the near future.
<In other words, show the good quality of Chinese culture of being humble and merciful.>

Being humble to the people who are arrogant DOES NOT work and being merciful to the people who are merciless DOES NOT work; unless you are prepared to be buried or trampled.

So, China needs to show its power to humble those who are arrogant and show its capability to be merciless to those who are merciless.

NOTE: The devastating results of Opium War 1 and Opium War 2 to China and its people shall not be repeated again in China's modern history. And I hope the Chinese people, leaders, and government would inscribed these two tragedies on their mind.

There are many countries in this world would like to see China back in the 1800 where foreign powers rule certain area of China and the Chinese people smoke opium.

Gradually with China increasing in power, she will become more and more aggressive against the foreigh aggressors. See this is no more 1990s when US carrier can stroll anywhere in China's backyard.

There is a famour quote from the one of the greatest Chinese Emperor Han Wudi: "&#29359;&#25105;&#24378;&#27721;&#32773; &#34429;&#36828;&#24517;&#35803;" To those who dare to offend our Great Han Empire,we will kill them no matter how far they run away.

In the next 10-20 years, US will soon understand this famour Chinese quote. :china:
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