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A Sincere Advise to Our Pakistan Friends



New Recruit

Jan 19, 2010
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Hello all,
I am new to this forum. I saw lots of threads comparing several jets that are option for PAF, F-16,J-10,JF-17,Typhoon...etc.

My sincere advise to our pak friends is that JF-17(thunder)
has has has has has to be the dominant jet of PAF.
I am not a fan of Chinese weapon tech. personally I do not rank JF-17 very high. In my opinion the rank should be the following if not considering cost:
F22 > Typhoon > Su30ki > F16C/D > J-10 > F16A/B > JF-17 > LAC
(I am not professional, anyway this rough idea will not be too far from the truth)

Of course in terms of cost efficiency a F16(30~40million) still need some disscussion when comparing to a thrunder (8million ? no one here mentioned the price I learned from Chinese website production cost is 8 million)

However, that is still not the major reason. The FIRST thing we need to consider when choosing a weapon is that: Who is the producer (with core technology) There are many benefits that when you choose a weapon that you can manufacture:

1. Budget -
profit goes to your own country, no need to explain more

2. R&D -
helps your own jet industry with new jet R&D. while producing, you are TRAINING your own Engineers, Specialists, and Craftsman. plus the successful story will highly encourage your research team/scientists. Also your related industry will also benefit
(eg. electronics)

3. weakness of the jet -

this point is always not been paid enough attention: while purchasing a weapon from other country, THEY KNOW THE WEAKNESS OF THE JET. they know the core tech and know how to shoot it down better than you do. Who can gurantee they will keep the secret from your enemy?
It can be worse if some secret bug are inserted on purpose. it is possible, see what microsoft did in china last year. fortunately our military computers are using our own softwares MADE IN CHINA. only general consumers use microsoft. can not imagine what will happen if our computer for nuke launch use microsoft.

4. Political risk -
maybe I need thousands of words to expain to a chinese but to Pak friends the XXXX bill of F-16 deal saves my time for this topic.

5. combat maintenence-
this is another topic usually not been paid enough attention to. in peaceful years, bought weapon will not reveal this problem plus in the past the old jets are usually not integrated with so many high tech electronic parts as it is today. However, today, if you dont have the maintenance (you need to have the tech of the jet) it will highly reduce the combat efficiency of the jet. In the past, after one mission the plane just need to land , refill gas and ammo, then next mission. nowadays, lots of parts need to be examed before the next fly. remember, in war time:sniper:, the weapon depreciation is XXX times than usual.

To conclude, JF-17 should be the main part of PAF untill pakistan can manufacture a better one.
I heard that China will sell some J-10B to Pakistan(need confirmation) but I suggest that Pakistan should not buy too many unless china transfer the tech.
I also heard that some F-16 from old contract will arrive. I hope there's no more deal unless US wants to tranfer tech to their so called "Pakistan Ally"

Dont worry when you heard that Turk gets F-16 production lisence. Dont worry when you heard India invest in 5th gen R&D with Russia.

They are not comparable to the China-Pakistan JF-17 project. I heard from our Engineer involved in the Jf-17 project that Both Chi and Pak scientists are allowed to access all datas of JF-17 tests and they dont deny the other side to enter their labs. Both China and Pakistan has the core tech of JF-17 (a lisence of production is not comparable)
while India is still complaining they cannot touch the core tech or access russian lab for the project. why shouldn't we cheer for the JF-17 project:partay:. A weapon you can produce is the weapon fit you.

Support our own Jet !

Excellent Advice !
I can agree to every argument in this post.
I feel obliged and very thankful.
F22 > Typhoon > Su30ki > F16C/D > J-10 > F16A/B > JF-17 > LAC

I would modify this as

F22 > Typhoon > Su30ki > F16E/F > J10B > F16C/D > J-10A > JF17/LCA > F16A/B

I do this because
1. F16A/B lacked BVR, while JF17 and LCA are specifically built for that purpose.
2. While J10A is inferior to F16C/D, J10B with AESA will have longer tracking plus Low Probability Intercept plus superior jamming resistance.

Rest is ofcourse inferior to F16C/D, but LPI and Jamming-Resistance is enough to give it an edge in air-superiority role. BUT F16C/D still carries a superior "Multirole" puch.

Rest of your post is Absolutely Spot On and anyone arguing to your reasoning would be a fool. I congratulate you on your excellent post and on your brilliant choice of parameters to judge aircraft selection.

F22 > Typhoon > Su30ki > F16E/F > J10B > F16C/D > J-10A > JF17/LCA > F16A/B

for me to same
why are we missing F-15s,F-18s, Girppen etc

They are missing because we are talking about Indo-Pak scenario, F22 and Typhoon and F16E/F are only included to give a reference benchmark effect.

The ranking that you guys have done...its like a big budget movie prediction in the Box office. A system needs 5 years after coming into production line to be ranked.
Here is my Take

#1 Suk-hoi 35 Beast of a plane

400 KM+ detection range for radar can track "50" targets

Example: 12 Suk-hoi squadon goes to a engage airforce of 90, USAF F15 , and they detect it frist , and launch , 12 x 5 = 60 missiles , 60 of the USAF planes would be engaged , and down by the time the second russian squadron , goes for finishing off the remaining 8-9 Striker eagle planes.

#2 F22
Radar range is like 200km or so
Mini Awac capability
Not best 1 vs 1 combat, never actually fought against advance militaries alot of hype

#3 J10B
18 years od developent, primed, AESA radar, 10 targets 2 engaged at time, Electroinic Jamming suit. Advance Laser based targeting
Evolving with new block releases. Better Avionics

#4 Rapheal (French Main plane till 2042)
(AESA) Primed plane/11G emergency turns, they might have some secrets they are not sharing

#5 Typhoon expensive plane with out French involemet its a experimental plane
Better then Striker eagle but probbly not rich and sophisticated as french

#7 JF17 Thunder / F16 Block C/D / F16E/F/F15E Strike Eagle

#8 F16A/B/Mirage/Mig - 29/Gfippen single engine late 80's plane

If JF17 thunder attains, AESA radar - and enhanced BVR missiles I could put JF17 thunder in same class as Rapheal - every thing on plane is already advance electronics and flight control etc
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Here is my Take

#1 Suk-hoi 35 Beast of a plane

400 KM+ detection range for radar can track "50" targets

#2 F22
Radar range is like 200km or so
Mini Awac capability
Not best 1 vs 1 combat

#3 J10B
18 years od developent, primed, AESA radar, 10 targets 2 engaged at time, Electroinic Jamming suit. Advance Laser based targeting
Evolving with new block releases. Better Avionics

#4 Rapheal (French Main plane till 2042)
(AESA) Primed plane/11G emergency turns, they might have some secrets they are not sharing

#5 Typhoon

#7 JF17 Thunder / F16 Block C/D / F16E/F/F15E Strike Eagle

#8 F16A/B/Mirage/Mig - 29

The title of your post was so misleading---but very interesting input.

I think the issue about the core technology access is of ultimate importance---it is just like a chinese restaurant owner giving you the recipe of his famed KUNG PAO CHICKEN--- or a famous Nihari restaurant owner in karachi gives you the recipe of his nihari---THAT IS INDEED TRUE LOVE for your compadre---.

The most important part of your article is

" 5. combat maintenence-
this is another topic usually not been paid enough attention to. in peaceful years, bought weapon will not reveal this problem plus in the past the old jets are usually not integrated with so many high tech electronic parts as it is today. However, today, if you dont have the maintenance (you need to have the tech of the jet) it will highly reduce the combat efficiency of the jet. In the past, after one mission the plane just need to land , refill gas and ammo, then next mission. nowadays, lots of parts need to be examed before the next fly. remember, in war time, the weapon depreciation is XXX times than usual. "quote zz55168

Thanks for your time and input. Highly appreciated.
Misleading Title.

I was expecting a gandhian appeal to pakistani members not to engage in trolling.

Theres similar thread around meant for Indian members.


oh good point. I will be careful about the title next time. I am new here, have no sense about the trolling posts. anyway, I don't like trolling but my post is totally irrelavent to trolling but just wish our friends pay attention to some other factors than techs of a jet.
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