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A R Antulay, implied that Hindutva forces may have been involved in the Mumbai terror


Aug 15, 2009
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A R Antulay, implied that Hindutva forces may have been involved in the Mumbai terror attacks, according to a confidential memo by the then US ambassador to India, David Mulford, released by WikiLeaks.

Mulford said while the killing of three high-level law enforcement officers during the Mumbai attacks, including ATS chief Hemant Karkare, "is a remarkable coincidence, the Congress Party's initial reaction to Antulay's outrageous comments was correct."

The cable noted that Antulay "sparked a political controversy on December 17 with comments insinuating that the killing of Maharashtra Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare by the Mumbai terrorists was somehow linked to Karkare's investigation of (Malegaon) bombings in which radical Hindus are suspected."

And who was saying some of content in Pakistani media is fake ? When you own ppl start admiting Indians involvment in mumbai attacks.

As samjota express, Malagoen, Ajmer Sharif attacks looks like truth about Mumbai attacks is coming out

Congress played religious politics after Mumbai attacks: WikiLeaks - The Times of India
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A R Antulay, implied that Hindutva forces may have been involved in the Mumbai terror attacks, according to a confidential memo by the then US ambassador to India, David Mulford, released by WikiLeaks.

Mulford said while the killing of three high-level law enforcement officers during the Mumbai attacks, including ATS chief Hemant Karkare, "is a remarkable coincidence, the Congress Party's initial reaction to Antulay's outrageous comments was correct."

The cable noted that Antulay "sparked a political controversy on December 17 with comments insinuating that the killing of Maharashtra Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare by the Mumbai terrorists was somehow linked to Karkare's investigation of (Malegaon) bombings in which radical Hindus are suspected."

And who was saying some of content in Pakistani media is fake ? When you own ppl start admiting Indians involvment in mumbai attacks.

As samjota express, Malagoen, Ajmer Sharif attacks looks like truth about Mumbai attacks is coming out

Congress played religious politics after Mumbai attacks: WikiLeaks - The Times of India

A R Antulay made that statement loud and clear at that time.

Later he was even pressurised by many quarters in India
WikiLeaks: Congress can stoop to old caste politics, says ex-US Ambassador to India
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: December 11, 2010 11:55 IST

Read more at: WikiLeaks: Congress can stoop to old caste politics, says ex-US Ambassador to India

New Delhi: There are new revelations from the whistleblower website WikiLeaks. Cables of former US Ambassador David Mulford soon after 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks can send shock waves in the Congress party.

Referring to then Minority Affairs Minister AR Antulay's remarks that ATS chief Hemant Karkare's killing may be linked to his probe of Hindu extremists' hand in Malegaon blasts, and why Congress changed its stance on Antulay's remarks, Mulford said:

"Hoping to foster that support for upcoming national elections, the Congress Party cynically pulled back from its original dismissal and lent credence to the conspiracy. The entire episode demonstrates that the Congress Party will readily stoop to the old caste/religious-based politics if it feels it is in its interest."

WikiLeaks cable

EO 12958 DECL: 12/22/2018


Classified By: PolCouns Ted Osius for Reasons 1.4 (B, D)
1. (C) Summary: On the floor of parliament, Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram officially dismissed comments made by the Minority Affairs Minister A.R. Antulay that implied Hindutva elements may have been involved in the Mumbai attacks. Antulay sparked a political controversy on December 17 with comments insinuating that the killing of Maharashtra Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) Chief Hemant Karkare by the Mumbai terrorists was somehow linked to Karkare's investigation of bombings in which radical Hindus are suspected (reftel). The outlandish comments suggested that somehow Hindutva elements were in league with the Mumbai attackers, or used the attacks as cover to kill Karkare. The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) immediately called for Antulay's resignation and protested with boisterous walkouts in parliament over the course of five days. Compounding matters, the Congress Party, after first distancing itself from the comments, two days later issued a contradictory statement which implicitly endorsed the conspiracy. During this time, Antulay's completely unsubstantiated claims gained support in the conspiracy-minded Indian-Muslim community. Hoping to foster that support for upcoming national elections, the Congress Party cynically pulled back from its original dismissal and lent credence to the conspiracy. Regardless of Chidambaram's dismissal (and Antulay's party-ordered retraction), the Indian Muslim community will continue to believe they are unfairly targeted by law enforcement and that those who investigate the truth are silenced. The entire episode demonstrates that the Congress Party will readily stoop to the old caste/religious-based politics if it feels it is in its interest. End Summary.
Killed in Mumbai Attacks, Karkare Led Investigation into "Hindu Terror"
2. (U) Indian Minorities Affairs Minister A.R. Antulay's sparked controversy on December 17 with comments insinuating that the killing of Maharashtra Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) Chief Hemant Karkare by the Mumbai terrorists was somehow linked to Karkare's investigation of "Hindu terrorists." Two of the Mumbai terrorists gunned down Karkare, and his ATS colleagues Additional Commissioner of Police Ashok Kamte and Inspector Vijay Salaskar the first night of attacks, November 26. The three officers were killed as they reached a hospital the terrorists entered after attacking the Mumbai train station.
3. (U) As Maharashtra ATS Chief, Karkare led the investigation into the September 2008 Malegaon blasts which claimed the lives of six people. Initially the police suspected Muslim terrorists. However, authorities recently arrested eleven Hindus, including an Indian Army Lieutenant Colonel. Police identified five of those arrested as having ties to the BJP's youth wing in their earlier years. Two others had ties to a recent addition to the Sangh Parivar family of Hindu nationalist organizations.
Antulay's Comments
4. (U) On December 17, even as a solemn debate on the Mumbai attacks and counterterrorism was taking place in parliament, Antulay made a series of public comments drawing attention to a possible link between Karkare's killing and his investigation. He offered no evidence to back-up his claims.
-- "Superficially speaking they had no reason to kill Karkare. Whether he was a victim of terrorism or terrorism plus something, I do not know."
-- "Karkare found that there are non Muslims involved in the
NEW DELHI 00003228 002 OF 002
acts of terrorism during his investigations in some cases. Any person going to the roots of terrorism has always been the target."
-- "Unfortunately his end came. It may be a separate inquiry how his end came."
-- "There is more than what meets the eyes."
Congress Party Dismisses...
5. (U) Most Congress Party leaders quickly disassociated the Party from Atulay's comments. Congress Party spokesman Abishek Singhvi told the press, "We do not accept the innuendo and the aspersions cast. This should be the end of the matter. The Congress does not agree with Antulay's statement." Another Congress Party spokesman, Manish Tiwari, followed the next day with, "The Congress in any manner does not endorse Antulay's views." Just as quickly BJP leaders called for Antulay to resign or be sacked.
...Then Equivocates...
6. (U) However, on December 21 senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh told the media, "I don't think Antulay made a mistake. What he asked for is a probe. What is objectionable in his statement?" Two days earlier the Congress-led government of Maharashtra rejected a demand for an inquiry into Karkare's death. The opposition BJP took exception to both the substance of Antulay's comments and the Congress Party's inconsistent response. Shouting slogans, the BJP staged a walkout in the parliament three days in a row and demanded a formal clarification from the government. Emboldened by the equivocation, Antulay refused to apologize or retract his statements and said they reflected the views of a large segment of the Muslim population.
...And Finally Dismisses
7. (U) After taking flack for nearly a week, the Congress Party finally gave its official view when Home Minister Chidambaram stated in parliament, "There is no truth whatsoever in the suspicion that there was conspiracy." Chidambaram called Antulay's comments "regrettable." Shortly thereafter Antulay backed down and told the press, "For me the matter is settled." He ruled out his resignation.
Congress Party Plays Cynical Politics
8. (C) Comment: While the killing of three high level law enforcement officers during the Mumbai attacks is a remarkable coincidence, the Congress Party's initial reaction to Antulay's outrageous comments was correct. But as support seemed to swell among Muslims for Antulay's unsubstantiated claims, crass political opportunism swayed the thinking of some Congress Party leaders. What's more, the party made the cynical political calculation to lend credence to the conspiracy even after its recent emboldening state elections victories. The party chose to pander to Muslims' fears, providing impetus for those in the Muslim community who will continue to play up the conspiracy theory. While cooler heads eventually prevailed within the Congress leadership, the idea that the party would entertain such outlandish claims proved once again that many party leaders are still wedded to the old identity politics. The seventy-nine year old Antulay was probably bewildered to find that his remarks, similar in vein to what he would have routinely made in the past to attack the BJP, created such a furor this time. End Comment. MULFORD

Read more at: WikiLeaks: Congress party stung playing religious politics

Read more at: WikiLeaks: Congress can stoop to old caste politics, says ex-US Ambassador to India
Digvijaya's statement will benefit Pakistan: Kavita Karkare

Mumbai: After Congress leader Digvijay Singh claimed that Maharashtra Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare chief, who was killed on 26/11, had told him about threats to his life from anonymous callers because he had held Hindu right-wing activists like Pragya Singh Thakur for the Malegaon blast, Hemant Karkare's wife, Kavita Karkare, has reacted very strongly.

The slain top cop's wife has said the death of Hemant Karkare should not be connected to the threats he received from Hindu organisations.

She also says this statement will mislead people and will benefit Pakistan.

"I want the world to know that Pakistan is behind the attack and not anyone else," she said.

Kavita also added that Digvijaya is saying this with some political motivation and it is for the vote bank politics.

Digvijay had said Karkare also told him that some BJP leaders like Rajnath Singh were questioning his integrity and commitment.

"People were commenting on Hemant Karkare's integrity and commitment. BJP leaders including Rajnath Singh and other big names raised questions on his honesty, integrity and commitment. He was depressed due to this. He had told me this when I had called him at that point. He also said that he was receiving threatening phone calls but did not know who were making those calls," said Digvijaya.

The BJP has also strongly condemned this statement from Digvijaya. BJP Spokesperson Ravi Shankar Prasad said, "Digvijay Singh has hinted that Hemant Karkare was under threat from Hindu elements and RSS. We condemn this statement. There are better ways to remain in headlines."

Read more at: Digvijaya's statement will benefit Pakistan: Kavita Karkare
RESPECT to this woman.

PS: This is the same woman who refused taking monetary benefit from Narendra Modi after his husband's death. :tup:

PPS: Diggy Raja should get a life and Congress should seriously introspect her policy. If victory of Nitish doesn't tell you that vote-bank politics no more has any buyers in todays India, then your doomed and doomed for greater's good.
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Digvijaya's statement will benefit Pakistan: Kavita Karkare

Mumbai: After Congress leader Digvijay Singh claimed that Maharashtra Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare chief, who was killed on 26/11, had told him about threats to his life from anonymous callers because he had held Hindu right-wing activists like Pragya Singh Thakur for the Malegaon blast, Hemant Karkare's wife, Kavita Karkare, has reacted very strongly.

The slain top cop's wife has said the death of Hemant Karkare should not be connected to the threats he received from Hindu organisations. Read more at: Digvijaya's statement will benefit Pakistan: Kavita Karkare

This statement also shows that Karkare was threatened by Hindu fanatic organisations for exposing their role in terrorism within India.

Just a small question if avoiding questioning threats to his life by Hindu organisations, could the fact be denied ??

A big NO
This statement also shows that Karkare was threatened by Hindu fanatic organisations for exposing their role in terrorism within India.

Just a small question if avoiding questioning threats to his life by Hindu organisations, could the fact be denied ??

A big NO

That is exactly the point she is making, he might have received threats from Hindu extremist organisations, but was in fact killed by Pakistani terrorists, and both these incidents are not at all related.
This statement also shows that Karkare was threatened by Hindu fanatic organisations for exposing their role in terrorism within India.

Just a small question if avoiding questioning threats to his life by Hindu organisations, could the fact be denied ??

A big NO

Your post is classic example of logical fallacy.

Karkare threatened by Hinduvas doesn't prove what Mr Antulay trying to imply. Here both you and Mr Antulay incorrectly assuming one thing is the cause of another.
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Post 26/11, Congress played religious politics: WikiLeaks

Post 26/11, a section of the Congress leadership was seen playing religious politics after one of its leaders, A R Antulay, implied that Hindutva forces may have been involved in the Mumbai terror attacks, according to a confidential memo by the then US ambassador to India, David Mulford, released by WikiLeaks.

"The Congress Party, after first distancing itself from the comments (of Antulay, the then minority affairs minister), two days later issued a contradictory statement which implicitly endorsed the conspiracy. During this time, Antulay's completely unsubstantiated claims gained support in Indian-Muslim community," Mulford wrote in his secret cable to the State Department on December 23, 2008.

"Hoping to foster that support for upcoming national elections, the Congress Party cynically pulled back from its original dismissal and lent credence to the conspiracy," Mulford wrote.

Regardless of Home Minister P Chidambaram's dismissal of Antulay's comments, the Indian-Muslim community "will continue to believe they are unfairly targeted by law enforcement and that those who investigate the truth are silenced," he said in the cable.

"The entire episode demonstrates that the Congress Party will readily stoop to the old caste/religious-based politics if it feels it is in its interest," Mulford alleged, according to the cable posted by WikiLeaks on its website on Friday.

The United States has neither confirmed or denied the authenticity of these cables, but said that some 250,000 papers have been stolen from its system and demanded that WikiLeaks - the whistle blower website - return them back to the State Department.

According to WikiLeaks, there are some 1,300 cables from the US embassy in New Delhi. However, only half a dozen of them have been posted by it on its website.

Mulford said while the killing of three high-level law enforcement officers during the Mumbai attacks, including ATS chief Hemant Karkare, "is a remarkable coincidence, the Congress Party's initial reaction to Antulay's outrageous comments was correct."

"But as support seemed to swell among Muslims for Antulay's unsubstantiated claims, crass political opportunism swayed the thinking of some Congress Party leaders," he wrote.

"What's more, the (Congress) party made the cynical political calculation to lend credence to the conspiracy even after its recent emboldening state elections victories. The party chose to pander to Muslims' fears, providing impetus for those in the Muslim community who will continue to play up the conspiracy theory," Mulford wrote in his cable.

:rofl: :rofl:

While "cooler heads" eventually prevailed within the Congress leadership, the idea that the party would entertain "such outlandish claims proved once again that many party leaders are still wedded to the old identity politics," he said.

The 79-year-old Antulay "was probably bewildered to find that his remarks, similar in vein to what he would have routinely made in the past to attack the BJP, created such a furor this time," Mulford said.

The cable noted that Antulay "sparked a political controversy on December 17 with comments insinuating that the killing of Maharashtra Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) Chief Hemant Karkare by the Mumbai terrorists was somehow linked to Karkare's investigation of (Malegaon) bombings in which radical Hindus are suspected."
Oh and for Jana and her ilk, I present the original cables

US embassy cables: Mumbai conspiracy allegations 'outrageous' ? US ambassador | World news | guardian.co.uk


Tuesday, 23 December 2008, 13:26
EO 12958 DECL: 12/22/2018

Classified By: PolCouns Ted Osius for Reasons 1.4 (B, D)

Antulay sparked a political controversy on December 17 with comments insinuating that the killing of Maharashtra Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) Chief Hemant Karkare by the Mumbai terrorists was somehow linked to Karkare's investigation of bombings in which radical Hindus are suspected (reftel). The outlandish comments suggested that somehow Hindutva elements were in league with the Mumbai attackers, or used the attacks as cover to kill Karkare.

Antulay made a series of public comments drawing attention to a possible link between Karkare's killing and his investigation. He offered no evidence to back-up his claims.

Most Congress Party leaders quickly disassociated the Party from Atulay's comments. Congress Party spokesman Abishek Singhvi told the press, "We do not accept the innuendo and the aspersions cast. This should be the end of the matter. The Congress does not agree with Antulay's statement." Another Congress Party spokesman, Manish Tiwari, followed the next day with, "The Congress in any manner does not endorse Antulay's views."

However, on December 21 senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh told the media, "I don't think Antulay made a mistake. What he asked for is a probe. What is objectionable in his statement?"

While the killing of three high level law enforcement officers during the Mumbai attacks is a remarkable coincidence, the Congress Party's initial reaction to Antulay's outrageous comments was correct. But as support seemed to swell among Muslims for Antulay's unsubstantiated claims, crass political opportunism swayed the thinking of some Congress Party leaders. What's more, the party made the cynical political calculation to lend credence to the conspiracy even after its recent emboldening state elections victories. The party chose to pander to Muslims' fears, providing impetus for those in the Muslim community who will continue to play up the conspiracy theory. While cooler heads eventually prevailed within the Congress leadership, the idea that the party would entertain such outlandish claims proved once again that many party leaders are still wedded to the old identity politics. The seventy-nine year old Antulay was probably bewildered to find that his remarks, similar in vein to what he would have routinely made in the past to attack the BJP, created such a furor this time.
Another angle to look at Karkare's death is like---he might have eliminated by the congress for political gain.Hindu parties were becoming unpopular among the masses due to the the expose of their hand in bomb blast on ajmer,mecca masjid and arrest of indian army's Lt. colonel and sadahvi pragya just 2-3 weeks before 26/11.Thats the known fact that karkare did recieve threatening phone calls for which his security was strengthened.Congress might've killed two birds with one stone by eliminatng karkare.
1. immediate suspicion went on hindu parties.
2.With propaganda voice of antulay statement and digvijay singh's periodic periodic vitriol it flared up confusion among masses and it took attention away from congress for not doing anything in stopping the 26/11 when it has full intelligence report of it months in advance.

congress is master player of of such political maneuvers sikhs already saw it in 1984.and muslims have been seeing it since partitions and many other riots took place under congress since independence.
^^ More conspiracy theories.:disagree: :hitwall::disagree:
not a conspiracy theory .just observe incidents 1 moth before the 26/11 an and one month immediately after 26/11.Observe how A.R.Antulay and digvijay singh went on making misleading statements on 26/11 and batala house encounter.And then this wealikeak.

Post 26/11, a section of the Congress leadership was seen playing religious politics after one of its leaders, A R Antulay, implied that Hindutva forces may have been involved in the Mumbai terror attacks, according to a confidential memo by the then US ambassador to India, David Mulford, released by WikiLeaks.

There have been trend among congress leaders making statements and then party distancing itself from those statements saying those are particular individual's personal views.

Btw Digvijay is Rahul Gandhi's political manager. So this must be a new strategy to muddy the waters from Gandhi family in wake of various scams came to light in last 2-3 months hence again divert public attention from then in wrong direction again.
^My reference was towards your assumption that "he (Karkare) might have eliminated by the congress for political gain."
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