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A question to Terror Mata Sushma Swaraj

Na bhai... Windy bhai hain.... Woh aise hi batein karte hain aur samajhte hain...[emoji4] [emoji4]

wo hamara cheetah hai... usko allow hai apko nahi hahaha

relax man.
India was thinking, she was doing smart moves by calling name and all that crap.

They never thought that they will be trap in their own game.

LOL - nailed it. Still waiting for some proof on poor Jadhav.

She surely did rattle Pakistanis :rofl::rofl: The image is what she talked about, either say in UN that Hizbul, Jaish, Lashkar are not from Pakistan or what the lady said was true!


Its actually nice, the number of threads by Pakistanis on the speech of the India EAM show that she was so specific and effective.
She indeed is very effective lady rattled so many in Pakistan by her mere speech.
In Bhagwat Geeta at the time of Great War at Krukshektra, "Sanjay" had power to have a live telecast of battlefield and he narrated it to his King. Now before the televisions and mobile phones many a wannabe would have rebuked the fact that Sanjay could see the battle living in Palace. But their rebukes and making fun doesnt change anything. Now today you have live telecast of Sports events etc. and it shows its possible only the method changes.
Just because you cant understand something doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Put down the glass of defensiveness/offensiveness and have an open mind, something which may not make sense today may become in future.

the official reply is

Vimana Engineer. Wright brothers were just idiots who got enlightened on their hippie travels in India and built a plane.

Even Jesus is claimed to be a Bhuddist Monk apparently in India.


sure man.

the barrel of hypocrisy is a bottomless pit for you Indians.
RAW supports Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, acknowledges Indian analyst in top daily
SAM Report, September 25, 2017


PHOTO: Reuters/File

An Indian analyst, in a piece published in Hindustan Times, has acknowledged that the Indian spy agency the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has ties with the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

Bharat Karnad, professor for national security studies at the Centre for Policy Research and author of “Why India is Not a Great Power (Yet)”, writes, “Severing relations with TTP will mean India surrendering an active card in Pakistan and a role in Afghanistan as TTP additionally provides access to certain Afghan Taliban factions.”

This, he added, together with “the Abdul Ghani regime’s desire for India’s presence and the tested friendship with Abdul Rashid Dostum and his Tajik-dominated ‘Northern Alliance’, ensures that no solution for peace in Afghanistan can be cobbled together without India’s help”.

Discussing US secretary of defence, Lieutenant General (retd) James Mattis’ trip to India starting September 25, Karnad wrote, “As a former head of the US Central Command Mattis appreciates Pakistan’s indispensability as base for military operations to bring the Taliban in Afghanistan to their knees. But Islamabad has insisted that India’s role in Afghanistan be restricted and complained about the Indian support for the TTP accused by Islamabad of terrorism in Pakistan. The RAW-TTP link was publicly revealed in April this year by its former commander, Ehsanullah Ehsan.”

The analyst believes that Mattis would request India to moderate its support for the TTP as it is s useful as an Indian counterpart of the Hizbul Mujahideen, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and Jaish-e-Muhammad. However, he maintained that the US official returning home empty-handed would not hurt relations with the US at all because there’s China; and the US needs India to strategically hinder it.

In Bhagwat Geeta at the time of Great War at Krukshektra, "Sanjay" had power to have a live telecast of battlefield and he narrated it to his King. Now before the televisions and mobile phones many a wannabe would have rebuked the fact that Sanjay could see the battle living in Palace. But their rebukes and making fun doesnt change anything. Now today you have live telecast of Sports events etc. and it shows its possible only the method changes.
Just because you cant understand something doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Put down the glass of defensiveness/offensiveness and have an open mind, something which may not make sense today may become in future.

i am open to the idea my dear Indian.

but those people are not you guys.

just a forgotten erased history of humankind.
This snow ball game with shit instead of snow won't take us anywhere .. India throw their shit on us and we do the same . with this attitude how on earth both countries even think to start any dialog ???

@Joe Shearer there must be a better way moving forward than this ..
There is a verse in holy Quran where it says to jews and Christian to let's come together and talk on things that are common between you and us .. Can't we ( India&Pakistan )can together on common ground to initiate a process that could lead a better future for next generations .. Cause there is always room for more proxy and wars .
LOL - nailed it. Still waiting for some proof on poor Jadhav.

If Jadhav would have been a terrorist, India would never have defended him. If he is proved a terrorist, India will loose its face internationally. Look at Pakistan, did they defended Kashab?

She surely did rattle Pakistanis :rofl::rofl: The image is what she talked about, either say in UN that Hizbul, Jaish, Lashkar are not from Pakistan or what the lady said was true!


There are lot more...Pepsi CEO, Adobe CEO...are also Indians.
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